I love Anthony Sweat's teaching/writing style - great information, easy to digest. But if I can, I want to shift our thinking to understand endowment a little differently. Anthony Sweat is an Associate Professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University. These are just a few examples. Soon after the federal law was on the books, twenty-four states enacted their own versions of Comstock laws to restrict the contraceptive trade on a state level. While it is true that standards and guidelines have been given through publications such as For the Strength of Youth, it is still up to the individual or family to take the principles provided and develop their own personal application. When we reconnected after my mission, the subject of love came up on the first night that we talked with each other (dont ask me how). Also offended by explicit advertisements for birth control devices, he soon identified the contraceptive industry as one of his targets. If you are, remember how I close each class? On March 3, 1873, Congress passed the new law, later known as the Comstock Act. . The Kirtland Temple was almost completed, and converts were flocking to Ohio. Sign up for the American Experience newsletter! Some of you may know that I am an artist and that I paint religious themes. That was the key for them, and I believe it can be the key for us. Then the same for the burnt sienna shadow color. His . The covenant of chastity is about more than sex it is about learning to develop a character that can be trusted, exercises restraint, respects boundaries, wont selfishly abuse power and has the ability to create and maintain a covenant family. Click here to view the speech. Well, think again. See Jeff Diamant, Half of U.S. Christians Say Casual Sex Between Consenting Adults Is Sometimes or Always Acceptable, Pew Research Center, 31August 2020, pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/31/half-of-u-s-christians-say-casual-sex-between-consenting-adults-is-sometimes-or-always-acceptable. ducation pedagogy, Latter-day Saint art, and Latter-day Saint teachings. I am extremely grateful and humbled to be with you and to have the chance to speak at this last devotional of the semester. 8. The death of Sweat's brother is only the latest example. That being said - I . He believes in mastery learning, and His semester never ends. Neither can I! He received a BFA in painting and drawing from the University of Utah and MEd and PhD degrees in education from Utah State . Parents also need to understand that the world is teaching and exposing our children to moral perversity at a much earlier age. In other words, principles teach us the guidelines or provide us with the parameters of what to do or how to act, whereas an application is the personal, self-driven action based on the understood doctrine or principle. Are you willing and ready to do so and thus continue in the ongoing Restoration? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress | We recently sat down to ask him about his latest book, his faith, his family, and his love of painting unique Church history events. But they faithfully followed along closely, bit by bit and brushstroke by brushstroke. Some of their parents couldnt believe their kids had done this themselves. 3 Sweat was pronounced dead at the scene. Many institutions feel the need to push their agenda and views under the false veil of progress and acceptance. Sweat then joined the religion faculty at BYU, specializing in Religious Education pedagogy, Latter-day Saint art, and Latter-day Saint teachings. It is with this understanding that we must approach the law of chastity as we teach in the Church and in our homes. These laws stretched back almost a century, reflecting an underlying American belief that contraceptionwas lewd, immoral and promoted promiscuity. And as we live the temples teachings, we slowly begin to recognize something that looks like the real-life Jesus inourselves. Sweat Law is a full-service law firm with a team of skilled lawyers dedicated to providing trusted legal representation in the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas for over 50 years. 360. Sweat cited a 2020 Pew Center study reporting that of religiously unaffiliated Americans, 84% said casual sex is sometimes or always acceptable between consenting adults. Making Birth Control a Federal Crime See The Age Gap in Religion Around the World, Report, Pew Research Center, 13 June 2018, pewresearch.org/religion/2018/06/13/the-age-gap-in-religion-around-the-world. While I dont believe theres any one easy answer to solve every important and complex issue related to modern faith challenges, I do believe there is something that can empower us to successfully navigate and overcome the current tests we face if we will better understand it, seek it, and receive it. While some want to remove moral limits from sexual expression, time and experience show that power without bounds is the foundation of both corruption and chaos. Areas of Expertise: Religious Education pedagogy; curriculum and instruction; Latter-day Saint art; Latter-day Saint teachings. Russell M. Nelson, The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation, Liahona, November 2021; emphasis in original. For example, while the dating topic may not appear to be applicable to an 8 year old, there are still opportunities to teach the doctrines behind the application. I am grateful that both my wife and I were taught the important of repentance and sacrifice. Emphasize this joy, and emphasize that everyone, even those that have broken the law of chastity, can get there again through repentance. With an early interest in art he obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts before pursuing religious education, earning a Ph.D in curriculum and instruction from Utah State University. Power and capacity dont come in a single class. Doctrine and Covenants 107 gives a great overall summary of some of the powers that come to those who are endowed: [They] have the privilege of receiving the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, to have the heavens opened unto them, to commune with the general assembly and church of the Firstborn, and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. When you hear the word endowment, what comes to your mind? It was a bad time in my life and I pray for forgiveness often but I am still curious how this affects the Law of Chastity. . . The stickers can be printed and stuck onto cell phones, stereos, computers, etc. Northwest Florida State College has recognized the superior academic achievement of students who completed the Fall 2022 semester by naming them to the President's List and Dean's List. var googletag = googletag || {}; 10/21/2020 Month Five - Law of Chastity. Christian theologian George MacDonald called the attitude of being my own king and my own subject . While this decision did not eliminate the problem of the restrictive "chastity laws" on the state level, it was a crucial ruling. Dr. janhowey hi darlab_64 So excited!! I'm getting so cozy at my house. The endowment we receive from the Lord is not just for the temple but to help and bless us throughout our lives in a troubled world. If you have a child that is struggling with a particular behavior, a good practice would be to go back to the principle or doctrine. We live in a world of fractured families and declining marriage. But because of dedicated diligence, those who are getting ready to graduate in a few weeks have developed more power and capacity in their respective lives and fields than they had just a few years ago when they excitedly posted #BYUbound. Virtue and chastity go hand in hand, but VIRTUE is a value that is much more encompassing. However, these types of conversations not only help create morals and standards but can also act as a layer of protection for your child against potential abuse or harm. The Bible. We must consistently put in the work. Latest 10 Sep 2022 | Updated Daily. Anthony Sweat is an Associate Professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University. Basic LDS (Mormon) gospel principles are organized according to beliefs we have for the Premortal, Mortal and Postmortal lives. And its not because shes a modern-day Monet. Is it safe? Provo, Utah 84602. has been teaching courses about Church history and on the Doctrine and Covenants for over twenty years. In our conversation, I asked her what she thought love was. Christianity Origins. This will come down to your circumstances and how the Spirit directs you. } The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The ceremony suggests growth and progression from glory to glory as we increase in light and truth and make priesthood covenants to guide us in living a holylife. . All rights reserved. Sometimes when people participate in the temple endowment ceremony, they may not really understand it at first or they might not feel much different after they leave the temple than before they entered. Dr. Next they received their midtone yellow ochre, and I showed them how and where to paint it in the center of the face. Could you imagine trying to have faith in an immoral and unrestrained God? Just because we have been accepted doesnt make us educated. mamacoons Hi! Many people know you first for your speaking or writing, but you also paint. BYU religion professor Anthony Sweat addresses students during a devotional on April 5, 2022. 18. The Church has done a wonderful job of putting together instruction manuals and online resources to help assist teachers of all ages with this topic. Read this Q&A with obstetrician/gynecologist Daniela Carusi, M.D. It is a form of the virtue of temperance, which controls according to right reason the desire for and use of those things which afford the greatest sensual pleasures. 14:20 What to focus on when teaching about the covenants made in the temple. You will need an endowment of spiritual power and capacity to do this. Hardly any of us probably think, Oh, wonderful! There is so much that an all-powerful God wants to bestow upon His covenant children. #carousel_section .section, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-carousel_section:after, #carousel_section .sub-title span{background-color:#FFFFFF;}#carousel_section .border-top, #carousel_section .border-bottom{border-color:#FFFFFF;}#carousel_section .section, #carousel_section .section a, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-carousel_section:hover, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-carousel_section.active{color:#000000;}#carousel_section .sub-title:before{background-color:#000000;}#blog_section .section, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-blog_section:after, #blog_section .sub-title span{background-color:#e2b573;}#blog_section .border-top, #blog_section .border-bottom{border-color:#e2b573;}#blog_section .section, #blog_section .section a, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-blog_section:hover, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-blog_section.active{color:#ffffff;}#blog_section .sub-title:before{background-color:#ffffff;}#portfolio_section .section, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-portfolio_section:after, #portfolio_section .sub-title span{background-color:#ffffff;}#portfolio_section .border-top, #portfolio_section .border-bottom{border-color:#ffffff;}#portfolio_section .section, #portfolio_section .section a, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-portfolio_section:hover, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-portfolio_section.active{color:#000000;}#portfolio_section .sub-title:before{background-color:#000000;}#testimonial_section .section, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-testimonial_section:after, #testimonial_section .sub-title span{background-color:#c3d9e8;}#testimonial_section .border-top, #testimonial_section .border-bottom{border-color:#c3d9e8;}#testimonial_section .section, #testimonial_section .section a, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-testimonial_section:hover, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-testimonial_section.active{color:#ffffff;}#testimonial_section .sub-title:before{background-color:#ffffff;}#contact_section .section, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-contact_section:after, #contact_section .sub-title span{background-color:#ffffff;}#contact_section .border-top, #contact_section .border-bottom{border-color:#ffffff;}#contact_section .section, #contact_section .section a, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-contact_section:hover, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-contact_section.active{color:#000000;}#contact_section .sub-title:before{background-color:#000000;}#image_section .section, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-image_section:after, #image_section .sub-title span{background-color:#ffffff;}#image_section .border-top, #image_section .border-bottom{border-color:#ffffff;}#image_section .section, #image_section .section a, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-image_section:hover, #main-navigation .nav a.nav-image_section.active{color:#000000;}#image_section .sub-title:before{background-color:#000000;}, Understand the major covenants of the temple endowment as a pattern of divine living, 25 new paintings to expand your understanding of the Restoration, Skills and frameworks to help you seek eternal knowledge, truth, and holiness, Understanding your sacred temple endowment. Chastity is the virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite. Sweat was absent from the WFT team practice on Wednesday. Make the choice today that you will continue in it. Then I taught them some basic principles about highlights, midtones, and shadows. With an early interest in art he obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts before pursuing religious education, earning a Ph.D in curriculum and instruction from Utah State University. While Joseph Smith was instructing the newly formed Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1835, he told them: You need an endowment, brethren, in order that you may be prepared and able to overcome all things.. Although these Primary kids were able to follow a simple pattern of instruction to produce an image of Jesus, they will only become great artists if they continue to learn the concepts of art and repeatedly practice them over time. 4 Gospels. endowment: a natural gift, ability, or quality.. It teaches us to love and serve others, offering of our abundance to help those in need. According to the church, chastity means that "sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife." Therefore, abstinence from sexual relations outside of marriage, and complete fidelity to one's spouse during marriage, are . In the Lords School of the Prophetsthe templewe similarly grow in power and capacity by degrees as we learn and diligently implement the holy covenants and concepts over time. So how do we meet the spiritual challenges of our day and continue in the ongoing Restoration? Some parents may want to shy away from uncomfortable conversations about chastity or sexuality with a child. Soon after the federal law was on the books, twenty-four states enacted their own versions of Comstock laws to restrict the . But we dont get fully endowed with power in a few hours. The spiritual power available through temple covenants can also help to handle discussions with those who have diverging views. 24142), churchofjesuschrist.org; see also Prophetic Teachings on Temples, Temples, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/prophetic-teachings-on-temples?lang=eng. Too many times I have seen an individual impose their dress standard or dating standards on a youth, only to offend that individual and drive them away from the gospel. Anthony Sweat is an associate professor of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University. In many instances this may seem like an impossible task, however our loving Heavenly Father did provide us a way of being like him. Church and family traditions can be wonderful things. In Massachusetts, anyone disseminating contraceptives -- or information about contraceptives -- faced stiff fines and imprisonment. All Returning to the 1835 meeting of Joseph Smith with the Quorum of the Twelve, he told them, Do not watch for iniquity in each other. These include obedience, making sacrifices to keep the commandments, loving one another, being chaste in thought and action, and giving of ourselves to build the kingdom of God. Solicitation of chastity refers to the act of trying to persuade another person to engage in unlawful sexual intercourse. I am so proud of her, and I love her with my whole heart and soul, and thats why I affectionately call her my Sweat-heart. Dr. There is power in learning that enduring love for God and others is grown in the soil of sacrifice.. The fourteenth law of the Frisons ordered that the discovery of murders should be made by means of divining rods used in Church. He is the author of several articles and books dealing with the teachings and history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Focus on the joy, and the peace, and the magnificence of a temple marriage. Teaching us how Holy Beings live. This package includes a pamphlet, 6 learning activities that help you learn and apply the lesson, printable posters, printable locker prints, printable stickers, and Personal Progress Virtue Experiences 2 and 4. Sweat is the author of several books and articles related to . At a BYU Devotional, Brother Anthony Sweat taught, "We need eyes to see that the covenant of chastity is about more than sex; it is about learning to develop a character that can be trusted, exercises restraint, respects boundaries, won't selfishly abuse power, and has the ability to create and maintain a covenant family. The true principle is to keep the sabbath day holy. Who has been more obedient to God, sacrificed more, lived a holier life, and been more chaste and consecrated than Jesus? He hopes that his work will promote learning about and interest in the lesser-known events in Church history. BYU Speeches He gave five examples of challenges in todays world and how temple covenants can facilitate the spiritual power needed to overcome them. In fact, the fastest growing religious affiliation in America is no religious affiliation at all.1 And much of the growth of the nonreligious has come from the rising generations. It is very hard to ride a dead horse. So, my dear friends, the Restoration continues. It always has been, it is now, and it always will be the same. Savior of All: Yellow and Blue. Dr. Theme: Eleganto by Themes4WP. Too often as parents we tend to focus on the what and not the why. Meet the influential author and key figure of the Harlem Renaissance. . He spoke on the importance of the endowment and drawing upon God's power in our lives. We live in a time that almost worships individuality, highlighted by the profound modern philosophical slogan of Hey, you do you! We are force-fed day and night across social media, mass marketing, and political agendas with well-intended messages such as Follow your own path, Dont let anyone tell you what to do, Beindependent, and Have it your way. These self-affirming but self-centric messages can be worthwhile in small doses, given the situation, but consumed at todays societal rate, we may be overdosing on ourselves. Sweat testified that as we act in faith, God promises to truly endow us with His power, even the power necessary to overcome the spiritual challenges of our day so that we can enter into the presence of God and receive a fullness of his exalted blessings., Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. Thirty states had statutes on the books prohibiting or restricting . Don't subscribe Topics in the For Strength of Youth booklet include: In each of these sections, there are elements of the law of chastity. Jan 7, 2022. Required fields are marked *. End of discussion, thats it!. There is power in consecrating our life in the service of God and His children that enables us to find our personal path and purpose., It is tempting to think that this kind of power only applies to other people, but Gods power is very personal and can be received by everyday believers if we will learn the patterns and implement the covenant concepts., Sweat compared becoming endowed with divine power to a university program or degree. Put in the workpractice, start again, realign, increase in your precisionand dont you ever give up. According to Elder Bednar, principles are doctrinally based guidelines for righteous exercise of moral agency. Robert D. Hales, Coming to Ourselves: The Sacrament, the Temple, and Sacrifice in Service, Ensign, May 2012; quoting Doctrine and Covenants 95:8. In our homes, we have more freedom to create applications and behaviors that ourselves and our children can follow. . Articles are organized by topic and the same article may be found under different topics. Satan's plan is to deceive as many of us as he can to prevent us from returning to live with our Heavenly Father. If we can understand that one concept alone, I believe our time together today will have been well worth it. Major in consecration, and as you dedicate your heart to love and to serve God and your fellow men and women, you will know what to do with your time, talents, and gifts that you have abundantly been given. The temple textbook often requires a lot of rereading to grasp the meaning. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Live Comments Anthony Sweat February Fireside 21kaskaren Good Evening lndaisy_plays_piano Hello!! The desire to be something in the eyes of everyone else can taint our motives, lead us to rationalize away ethical standards, justify stepping on and overlooking other people in our desperate climb to the top, and cause us to miss our true lifes mission., Money, fame, position and prominence are not the problem, Sweat taught. This isnt about money and fame or position and prominence. He received his bachelors degree . Marriage Rate Hits Historic Low, U.S. News and World Report, 29April2020, usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2020-04-29/us-marriage-rate-drops-to-record-low. 252 Sharp Street, Cooma, NSW, 2630. old corner campsite fall creek falls. How do we handle this? She paused and then said something like, Ithink the best way to describe love is with the word sacrifice.. . There is power in living the higher teachings of Jesus Christ as taught in His marvelous gospelto not judge or revile, to love, to pray for, to forgive, to extend mercy, and to make peace. There is abundant evidence that faith in organized religion in general is noticeably slipping, particularly in America. Having the big talk once will not be enough to combat the onslaught of misinformation and images that attack our children on a daily basis. The New Testament. The case that grew out of her arrest resulted in the 1918 Crane decision, which allowed women to use birth control for therapeutic purposes. He does this by giving us commandments and guidelines that help us to come to understand the power and responsibility of procreation. Smith, Discourse, 33; punctuation and capitalization modernized. Remember, even God has boundaries in which He abides and wont cross, or He would cease to be God (Alma 42:22, 25), as the Book of Mormon teaches. Accordingly, they are to avoid anything pornographic in literature, movies, television, and conversation. Smith, Discourse, 33; capitalization and punctuation modernized. The Prophet said, You need an endowment . teri.n.pratt Good evening stef_littlefield joined lndaisy_plays_piano Yay!!! Before joining the religion faculty at BYU, he worked for thirteen years with Seminaries and Institutes of Religion. Do we unfairly criticize, judge harshly, level accusation without sufficient information, speak evil, or publicly belittle? These laws remained unchallenged until birth-control advocate Margaret Sangermade it her mission to challenge the Comstock Act. Most of it comes almost imperceptibly over time. He currently serves in the high council as the stake Young Men president. as daily reminders to protect themselves by what they . Close your eyes and mentally travel down some dirt roads. I want to speak with each of you today as if you are my own family members about a subject of great importance, and I pray the Spirit can be with us as I do so. Time will tell!) ! If we understand that endowment is a spiritual capacity, then we need to develop that capacity over time through faithfully seeking to understand and diligently living the concepts and covenants presented in the temple endowment ceremony. Like, those are Jesus. These powerful desires are a gift of God, not a shame and guilt inducing sin. We live in a world in which there is a lot of pressure to be someone important, to do something big, to have a platform, and to be successful. Run not before mine honor, nor my lusts. 3. That was the key for them, and I believe it can be the key for us also, Anthony Sweat told BYU students during the April 5 campus devotional. The first teaching of our Faith is that the law of chastity is imposed on every human being. Lets close this devotional that same way: I invite us all to do so through the temple endowment of power and in the sacred name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, amen. Anthony Sweat. The breadth of the legislation included writings or instruments pertaining to contraception and abortion . If were being honest, this should be the rule of thumb on every gospel topic. Join Facebook to connect with Anthony Sweatt and others you may know. There are many compelling voicessometimes heading in different directionseach of which is equally convinced of the virtue of its position. Powerful Answers and Practical Reasons for Living LDS Standards. Dr. It's the second tragedy to touch a member of the franchise in the past week. A single class equally convinced of the legislation included writings or instruments to. We must approach the law of chastity paused and then said something like Ithink! Day holy abundance to help those in need x27 ; s the second tragedy to a... 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