They kick down the doors to your life and disrupt the status quo. Perhaps you join a gym, go on runs, or learn how to build things with your own hands. When the divine masculine awakens, you will feel more confident in your own abilities and your capabilities. BE PATIENT Physical activity is linked . But its not. The more symptoms you have experienced, the closer you are to its full awakening. You see how unproductive it is and how it gives you nothing in return except for a few minutes of pleasure. You feel the urge to get active. The Divine Masculine leads with confidence and skill. Divine masculine awakening symptoms. This is because masculine energy is all about rational thinking and analyzing. Symbols of masculinity can be inspired by the fire and air signs of the zodiac: the Ram (Aries), the Lion (Leo), the Archer (Sagittarius), the Scales (Libra), the Water-Bearer (Aquarius), and the Twins (Gemini). You are dead set on learning how to harness your divine masculine in a healthy way. While the divine masculine flame is most often biologically male, that's not always the case. This awakening makes itself known through a multitude of signs and symptoms. Its not that [divine masculine energy] is different, explains Villanova, but complementary.. It is fairly common for people to have more masculine than feminine energy, and vice versa, no matter their gender. Just think about ancient times, and how much men had to move to hunt, fight or travel. The Truth About Masculine And Feminine Energy Explained, How To AWAKEN Your Divine Feminine Energy [11 Different Ways], 13 Spiritual Awakening Signs (Which Ones Have You Experienced? You are also courageous enough to share every part of yourself with the world. This is a sign that you probably embraced your masculine energy in a previous lifetime, and now you are manifesting it easily. This is because this is the side of the connection that is stuck in the 3D matrix where everything needs to make logical sense, says Sarah Leist, awakened runner twin flame for Quora. You Feel More Creative. To honor the yin energy within you, connect with your body. Answer (1 of 3): A male twin flame (in the physical body) and divine masculine are two different things. Its about developing a healthy and nurturing relationship with you! She is the one who gives birth to all existence, tends it, and nurtures it: all very raw and instinctual processes. But now that you are aware, you recognize both within yourself and seek to balance them. Another clear sign that your masculine energy is awakening is a renewed sense of purpose. Symptom #2: You're goal-oriented. A man whose Divine Masculine has awakened no longer feels the desire to do this. She knew something was going on, but she could align herself with her twin flames energy, so she looked for answers elsewhere. Sure, they know their name and what they work, but when it comes to the deeper stuff? And it will continue to grow stronger and stronger each day as you keep doing what you want. We might see feminine symbols in the water and earth signs of the zodiac: the Crab (Cancer), the Scorpion (Scorpio), the Fish (Pisces), the Goat (Capricorn), the Bull (Taurus), and the Maiden (Virgo). Some believe that masculine energy is attached to aggression. The point here is that youve taken steps on a path that doesnt really take you closer to your spirituality, but rather closer to logical, analytical, and objective views. You will feel more alive, and all of a sudden you will feel as though there is nothing that can separate you from her (and each other). 2. When this energy awakens inside you, youll gain a sense of power and freedom thats hard to explain. It can be challenging at first because it means you have to take care of yourself in order to be able to provide for others. It does not tolerate passiveness. 8. 2. The result of awakening and energizing our sacred feminine energy is apparently a heightened feeling of presence and of being empathically connected to others, regardless of our gender. Subconscious Servant is here to guide you as explore spirituality, personal development, mindfulness, manifestation, and more. Connect more deeply with your body. Connect with your energy and feel it flow through your body. Your divine masculine energy has awakened and youre now feeling like a whole new person. Do things you enjoy, whether its wearing that sexy silk lingerie, or buying a new toy. Twin flame divine masculine awakening isnt easy, but its worth it. He is not afraid of failure because he knows that failure is just a part of life and that he will eventually succeed if he keeps trying. A mentor can offer support, advice, and perspective that can be valuable in overcoming challenges and achieving personal growth. That we are divine & connected with all that is. Let us know in the comments below how many symptoms you have experienced, and how the process of awakening your Divine Masculine is going for you! One of the biggest side effects of divine masculine awakening is impatience. The Divine Feminine in his relationship is the ocean underneath his ship upon which he sails. The good news is, that if your Divine Masculine has awakened, at some point you will find the Divine Feminine that is fit for you, and together you will embody the Yin-Yang duality. } If youve already experienced all of them, you have fully developed your Divine Masculine and you are the perfect expression of healthy masculinity. Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening 1 | Be aware. Dont ignore it or feel bad about it, but embrace and accept all the changes that come with your divine masculine awakening. Feelings such as jealousy, insecurity, and attachment might go out the window after some time. So a Divine Masculine can have a female human body, and . And yes, I said "every human being" and not "every man . Feeling The Need For Physical Movement This will make you more driven to accomplish your goals because you will know that what you are doing is right. This is a result of the changes taking place inside you when divine masculine energy awakens. You have found your lifes work. This is being deeply in love with your own self, having your own back. If you begin to clear your minds and lives of the things that are obscuring that essence . Thus, you enjoy setting goals and achieving them because it gives you a sense of fulfillment and it makes you feel in charge of your life. The Divine Masculine is usually the one who is less spiritually aware or lost in their faith.. So, try to embrace this new opportunity to do better and discover how your feelings will evolve over time. In other words, a sign your divine masculine awakens is when you feel an unstoppable urge to protect your twin flame. This secret weapon is your ability to trust yourself! You can feel this energy coming in, so you might want to take some space from your counterpart and give yourself some time to process it. Your masculine starts at birth but is sometimes repressed in order to make others comfortable. When Im not writing, I challenge my friends with meaningful questions about life. You want to change your life, be more spontaneous and do things you never thought you would do before. The power that will awaken within you due to the Divine Masculine awakening, will be endless and will give you a big confidence boost. By NyRee Ausler Written on Jan 05, 2023. You are here for a reason. The Divine Masculine is a very powerful and adventurous energy. RELATED: How To Tap Into The Two-Sided Psychic Energy You Already Have Inside You. A true expression of masculinity is being focused on your goal. It encourages people to move and work for things that will benefit them. Our entire lives were based on movement to hunt, to travel, to survive. in summary, the Divine Feminine Awakening experience is not for the . As your Divine Masculine awakens, it will balance your feminine energies until they reach the right level, and your intuition will awaken. One important quality of the Divine Masculine is that he enjoys taking risks. But both divine masculine and feminine energies are needed in order for all of us to exist. When the divine masculine awakens, you might think that your twin flame is no longer as important, or that your relationship wont survive. [CDATA[ When the divine masculine and divine feminine come into union, they will take on these natural roles of giving (the masculine) and receiving (the feminine). 5. Another sign that you are experiencing the divine masculine awakening in your twin flame journey is that you are spiritually less aware. It is you. It is hard to miss the symptoms because they dont sneak in quietly. So, if youve been feeling like you want to make a change or do something different, this could be your opportunity. She signed up for a professional twin flame reading. A man who has embodied his Divine Masculine will manage to make logical decisions, that both his brain and his heart support. Your word will be set in stone, and this will bring a lot of power and positive transformation into your life. In fact, many of us are actually self-sabotaging our love lives without realizing it! And when you listen, your life will become easier and more fulfilling. Especially in the case of twin flames, the energy of the two sides should be perfectly balanced, or therell be a chance that twin flames wont have their complete connection. You will consider intimacy a sacred act, that you only perform with the person you love and respect, and in a way that honors both your body and her body. No matter how hard the target, you are confident in yourself and your abilities. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. The ultimate goal of the divine masculine embarking on his journey is to connect and balance the divine masculine energy with that of the divine feminine energy and increase the vibration of his inner soul. So of course, the more you drop into your divine masculinity, the more you will be able to make good decisions. In it, youll discover priceless tools that will help you collect all of the fragmented parts of your emotional and physical body, and put them back together. The Divine Masculine is usually referred to as the Matrix Twin or Runner Twin. Any negativity, judgment, or expectations may accidentally trigger the Divine Masculine back into major self-doubt, despair, and periods of Dark Night of the Soul (DNoTS) again, dropping their vibration and conscious level. The divine masculine will be an individual who embraces his masculinity and follows his instincts. Pradnya Pandit's answer to Some say souls don't have gender, so why do some say twin souls are one-half masculine and one-half feminine? You may have been unsure if you were ready to love before, but now you are prepared to meet your twin flame and live out the rest of your life with him or her. This may be a time where youre reading books about masculinity or watching a slew of YouTube videos to learn more. Being aware of the signs that your divine masculine energy is awakening can empower you and give you a beautiful experience. Symptom #5: You no longer need meaningless flings. The Divine Masculine energy gives you a sense of confidence and fearlessness that youve never had before. You will feel good in your skin, so you will not want to be with someone just to alleviate your loneliness. var isYTTikTok = 1; So, what changes should you expect when this awakening happens? These days, when masculinity is mentioned, itis usually in the context of toxic masculinity, the patriarchy, or associated with narcissism. Sex is sacred, and if you know that, its a signal that the divine masculine in you is starting to awaken. But he will not be a follower of the crowd, and he will not try to be what other people want him to be. But these types of behaviors only serve to feed the ego and not the soul so they arent really satisfying, which is why they will end up seeking more. So, if youre starting to realize that your relationship is confusing and intimidating, theres a reason for it. How does this victimhood transpire in the Unhealthy un-awakened Divine Feminine energy within both women and men? And when it comes to self-esteem or confidence, the divine masculine is at the top of that list. The second thing youll notice is that youve reached a point of self-sufficiency. The divine masculine and divine feminine within already hold all the elements and wisdom within. Remember: You dont have to feel bad about the changes youre going through. Dealing with the energies of divine masculine and feminine for twin flames can be troublesome. When the Divine Masculine in you awakens, you will be surprised at how determined you can be. One of the symptoms of the divine masculine awakening in your life is increased self-confidence and self-esteem. It will take a few more weeks for the rest of earth's portals and the entire energy grid to be ignited and at least 3 more months for the energies to be fully consolidated into our planet. If you start feeling like some of the signs above are true for you (or a few of them), this might be a signal that your divine masculine is waking up. I know I already talked about confidence in your abilities, but this one is a little different. The divine masculine has a counterpart: the divine feminine. In fact, in order to find spiritual balance, well want to learn how to do this. In Hinduism this is an important concept in Shaiva Tantra. So, if you find yourself going through the process of awakening your divine masculine energy, youll start to take control of your life. While watching, I felt like someone understood my struggles to find love for the first time and finally offered an actual, practical solution to unite with my queen. You will not even be afraid of making mistakes, because you will know you can learn valuable lessons from mistakes. Moving, doing, being in the moment. RELATED: How To Channel Your Feminine Energy (To Make Him Lust For You Like Crazy). You set challenging goals and go after them. Awakening Divine Masculine Runners are particularly sensitive and vulnerable at this time. He explains that most people misunderstand how to find their purpose, using visualization and other self-help techniques. 1. Lets see what experts and twin flames have to say about this! On the contrary, though masculinity protects, it is not the aggressor. You see life through an entirely different lens than before, and it is fantastic because all of the beauty that was hidden before has now been revealed. I believe that we live in an amazing era, as we have a lot of freedom regarding our spiritual choices and access to a lot of powerful spiritual information. It is an awakening that may feel like a sense of restlessness but it is a good thing. If so, make sure that you dont rush things and give this energy time to do its work. This has resulted in many Masculine experiencing a deeper awakening and has allowed many Divine Feminine to step into their power like never before. Its hard to know whether the divine masculine wakes up first or the divine feminine, but youll have to do your best to find out which one is manifesting inside of you. You have to identify those things, and then take action on them. You want to make them happy and give them everything they need. You see, when we find our perfect counterpart, everything starts falling into place and we are invited to drop even more into our core energy. Thank you for posting this. The answer is contained in the relationship you have with yourself. You will understand that it is sacred and not something that should be wasted on a bunch of women. And that is the divine masculine awakening! You see, divine masculine energy is all about rational thinking, goal-setting, and being analytical. But trust us its not true. You will know who you are, what you want, and what you need to do in order to be successful in your life. He doesn't need to rush. Im Daniela, a passionate writer with an academic background in journalism. Instead, it is based in open, loving, and faith-based action. You will have taken your life into your own hands, realizing you are the creator of your own reality.. In nature, we might see divine masculine symbols via thunder, mountains, and tornados. Shiva is the Divine Masculine and the formless aspect of Divine Consciousness. However, these two energies are not fighting against one another. 5. Either way, you'll feel like you're heading in the right direction. Both masculine and feminine energies have an unhealthy, wounded aspect and a healthy, divine aspect. You will give your loved ones wings to fly wherever they want, at the same time letting them know that you are there for them at any time. Learn its language. isYTTikTok = 0; You are here for a reason and that reason is to find your purpose and live it out! You may not have even known these opposing energies existed before. This is because your priorities have shifted from seeing yourself as being important to see other people as being important. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. Take a look at this incredibly invigorating breathwork video, created by the shaman Rud Iand. He Mirrors Peace And Presence Back To You. If youre done with unsatisfying dating, empty hookups, frustrating relationships, and having your hopes dashed over and over, then this is a message you need to hear. More specifically this energy rests where the three nadis, ida, pingala and sushmna meet. On the evening of 19/2, the 3 major earth portals that hold the divine masculine, feminine and love energies were ignited by Source. See additional information. Divine Masculine Awakening Symptoms | Seeing butterflies, SNAKE Animal signs By Ankit Astro telegram for zoom classWelcome To "The Lif. Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. 12 Divine Masculine Awakening Signs & Indicators. The divine masculine has a material mind, but it also has a logical mind. jsTikTok.type = 'text/javascript'; The divine masculine has a material mind, but it also has a logical mind. This type of protection will be very different from the suffocating protection some men offer to their loved ones. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. So, when it awakens, it may have already been there but now that it has awakened, it wants the opportunity to prove itself. When the divine masculine awakens inside of you, youll feel like you need to control everything thats happening in your life. This is scarily accurate, I couldn't thank you more for posting this! The hard part is to find balance between both sides. You dont want to wake up with a hangover and feel like a fool. One of the symptoms of the divine masculine awakening in your life is increased self-confidence and self-esteem. It creates. Today I will show you the divine masculine awakening symptoms so that you know when that change is happening in your life: The divine masculine is all about movement and activity. Few would argue that Niagara Falls isn't powerful! It is a kind of self-control that doesn't let you wander around from your goal. Youre used to being alone and supporting yourself, so subconsciously you keep away from others for their own good. They avoid going into that space rather. Divine Feminine energy is life-giving. The divine masculine is his own man and he knows who he is and where hes going. Throughout the ascension process, and especially during times of accelerated change, with surges of high vibrational light frequency, you may experience certain ascension symptoms. Lets move on to the next thing youll notice: Youll start feeling more visible and more in control. So, grounding exercises like yoga, meditation, or sitting in nature, might be helpful to find that inner peace. The toxic masculine wants to feel strong and powerful, so it can lead someone to act out by having meaningless flings or one-night stands without any type of emotional attachment. But most likely, this will be one of the more subtle signs to tell you that the divine masculine is awakening. An active energy like the Divine Masculine doesn't creep up quietly. You will manifest the healthiest qualities of a leader - protection, assertiveness, determination, and so on. We are born with both masculine and feminine energy within us. You see, when your divine masculine awakens, you will realize that you dont need a different woman each weekend. When your Divine Masculine is awakening, you become more interested in anything that can aid your spiritual growth. Whatever it is, being active and moving your body will just feel right and you will be restless when you can only sit around and do nothing! Whats more, youll have no doubts about what youre capable of. You see, as the divine masculine starts to awaken, you become a lot more aware of your actions, thoughts, and feelings. Far too often we fall into codependent roles of savior and victim to try to fix our partner, only to end up in a miserable, bitter routine. And you will never forget how empty the experience felt, no matter how good it felt in the moment. But while youre at it, you might have a tendency to become stubborn when it comes to your twin flame and your relationship. Also, seeking the guidance of a spiritual teacher or energy healer is always a good idea. The Kundalini Energy Pathways. The truth is, however, that youre not controlling anything your life takes care of itself and youre just riding the wave with it. Whether you have awakened the Divine Masculine in you on purpose or not, the 15 following symptoms show that your Divine Masculine is awakening. Former is a gender, later is an energy. When your Divine Masculine is awakening, you will discover a whole new level of mental clarity, understanding, and logical thinking. However, you might think they need protection from yourself. Copyright 2023 Subconscious Servant. It simply means you are becoming more adventurous and coloring outside the lines of your normal life. and people who open a spiritual "door" for you (like a twin flame or soul mate). Although you might feel powerful, in control, and confident due to the divine masculine awakening inside you, you might also feel that youre not good enough for your twin flame. When your Divine Masculine is awakening, you will relate to women with a lot of love, care, and respect. According to Xavier Villanova, spiritualist and tarot reader for Tarot By Maisy, the divine masculine is the part of you that represents "the earthly side connected to labor, money, strategy, and self-restraint.". 9. When your divine masculine awakens, you will notice that your urge to have meaningless flings and one-night stands diminishes. Such symbols as the Sun (energy), light (wisdom), the Great Father (order), the sky, the Son, and structure, are somehow dominant in the mind of myopic individuals, not seeing that the balance of power lies in both . As I have become far more in touch with my divine feminine energies + purpose, as a result I have become interested in the practices which may help my boyfriend 'wake up' as it were. It is masculine energy that unites the . He has a plan and he's clear about which direction to go. Maybe youve noticed how your body gets flooded with endorphins whenever you are active thats because you are literally meant to move. You start questioning yourself instead of just reacting. The wounded part comes from ego, a place of fear and darkness and always leads to pain. Look out for all the signs of twin flame divine masculine awakening and try to embrace the process. Snake venom can be deadly as well as a life-saving . My goal is to decipher the most confusing concepts so that anyone who is interested in living a better and fulfilled life can apply them. The Divine Masculine loves action. To support this process and facilitate the Kundalini energy awakening, it's important to stick to your regular spiritual practices. And once you realize this, you can start feeling more spiritually connected with your woman. May 14, 2022, 4:10 pm. With such an ancient and powerful connection as is the case between two individuals in a twin flame relationship, things like gender, age, and distance are far less important than the connection itself. 6 Undeniable Signs Of Divine Masculine Awakening.Join this channel to get access to perks: If . It may sound conceited or narcissistic to focus on loving yourself first. Youll be glad you did. You feel mentally and physically strong, but you also feel relaxed and calm. Also, you will have the deep belief that the purpose of a true man is to love and protect. But is it possible for it to awaken first? Here you'll find all collections you've created before. 1. In your life, take charge and prevent other people from making the decisions for you. You will find it easier to develop any sort of strategy and to achieve your goals. When we shine light on these aspects of ourselves, when we become aware of what is unhealthy/wounded, we can heal and transform this into healthy and divine . This could be due to your divine masculine awakening, but it could also be due to a very real protection mechanism. Take the initiative to go out of your way to set goals, make plans, and work towards what you dream about. If all people would choose to do this, the world we live in would definitely become a better place. Check out my blog to find out more! This is vital for your mental health and well-being. At times, your divine masculine element is awakened naturally and spontaneously, while at other times, it needs to be patiently nourished and developed. Water has LONG been associated with women and the divine feminine. For most of us, the spiritual journey of self-discovery and connecting to our Divine feminine energy may have been a long and arduous one, filled with doubts, frustration and much pain. Or narcissistic to focus on loving yourself first fight or travel, wounded aspect and a healthy and nurturing with. Nature, might be helpful to find balance between both sides know that, its a signal the. Target, you might think they need you, connect with your own self, having your own self having! Accurate, I could n't thank you more for posting this changes that come your... Longer feels the desire to do this, you can be valuable in overcoming and! This energy awakens inside you, youll gain a sense of power and freedom hard... And this will bring a lot of power and positive transformation into your divine in. By the shaman Rud Iand power and positive transformation into your divine masculine energy in a healthy divine... 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