They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. The French Normans who invaded England around that time traced their ancestry back to Arthur and used that as an excuse for their reign in England. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Following a hunting dog through the forest, Launcelot comes to a dead knight and his grieving lady. Always on horseback, Arthur laid waste to his enemies with his mighty sword. As the damsel parts from him, she advises him to marry, but Launcelot explains that neither marriage nor love of a mistress is fitting for a knight, for one ties him down and the other can involve him in wrong causes. "Sir Thomas Malory", This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 15:47. Launcelot also returns to the court and continues his love for Guinevere. Arthurs army now numbered over ten thousand. Launcelot returns Guinevere to Arthur, but Launcelot is banished, along with his followers. The British Library summarizes the importance of Malory's work thus: "It was probably always a popular work: it was first printed by William Caxton () and has been read by generations of readers ever since. Arthur, who is son of King Uther Pendragon but was raised by another family, takes his rightful place as king when, as a boy, he is able to pull the sword called Excalibur from the stone. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, Compare and contrast themes from other texts to this theme, The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Honor and Chivalry appears in each book of. After telling of Tristan's birth and childhood, its primary focus is on the doomed adulterous relationship between Tristan and the Belle Isolde, wife of his villainous uncle King Mark. In short, what appears on the surface to be an illustration of model knighthood is in fact, as Professor R. M. Lumiansky says, "a prelude to adultery," a central cause of the Round Table's fall. Soon afterward, William Upcott's edition directly based on the rediscovered Morgan copy of the first print version was published in 1817 along with Robert Southeys introduction and notes including summaries of the original French material from the Vulgate tradition. Many authors since the 19th-century revival of the legend have used Malory as their principal source. Indeed, Malorys view of the knights and of Arthurian society in general often verges on the cynical, as he shows how various knights succumb to the temptations of lust or of the selfish search for glory. When Lionel tries to help them he too is bound and carried back to the castle of the wicked Tarquin, where all four captives are stripped naked, beaten with thorns, and thrown into a dungeon. During the Quest, Launcelot, Percival, and Bors experience deep religious conversion, while Ector and Gawain are told by a hermit that they are not pure enough to achieve the Grail Quest. 887896; Lumiansky favours the view that Malory himself revised the text. As noted by Ian Scott-Kilvert, characters "consist almost entirely of fighting men, their wives or mistresses, with an occasional clerk or an enchanter, a fairy or a fiend, a giant or a dwarf," and "time does not work on the heroes of Malory. But even within this story, or "episode," we have still smaller episodes, like each of Gareth's different battles with the colored knights, or the tale of how his and Lyonet's attempts to sleep together before marriage are thwarted by her sister. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# I took none heed to your words, for the more ye said the more ye angered me, and my wrath I wrecked upon them that I had do withal. And there are a ton of these kinds of transitions to deal with, because Le Morte D'Arthur is episodic. Going back to a time before Book II, Malory establishes Sir Lancelot, a young French orphan prince, as King Arthur's most revered knight through numerous episodic adventures, some of which he presented in comedic manner. He rides out with his nephew Sir Lionel and in the heat of noon goes to sleep under an apple tree. Le Morte d'Arthur e-text contains the full text of Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Malory. (1994/1999). And thou were the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrad horse. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tulane Football Location, bookmarked pages associated with this title. They fight, and Launcelot wounds the knight. Tristam is exiled by Mark, which means he can no longer use his true identity; thus, he fights as The Knight with the Black Shield. Unspeakable Roblox Skyblock, However, the world Lancelot lives in is too complicated for simple mandates and, although Lancelot aspires to live by an ethical code, the actions of others make it difficult. Arthur prevails due to his military prowess and the prophetic and magical counsel of Merlin (later replaced by the sorceress Nimue), further helped by the sword Excalibur that Arthur received from a Lady of the Lake. Arthur chose the sword, and Merlin chided him, for the scabbard was worth ten of the sword. After they leave to pursue Lancelot in France, where Gawain is mortally injured in a duel with Lancelot (and later finally reconciles with him on his death bed), Mordred seizes the throne and takes control of Arthur's kingdom. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Undercover Martyn, The next morning he goes to the abbey where he is to meet Sir Bagdemagus. After a series of trials, Guinevere is convinced of Launcelot's love for her. Join the dicussion. Every English child grows up with strong images of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, and are familiar with the characters and Arthurs famous sword, Excalibur. [42] Lancelot always adheres to the Pentecostal Oath, assisting ladies in distress and giving mercy for honorable enemies he has defeated in combat. During the festivities, Sir Ulfius accused Igraine of treason, saying her secrecy was the reason Arthur now suffered the great damage of having committed incest. He kills a dragon, sees the Grail, and is tricked into lying with Pellas' daughter Elayne, with whom he has a son, Galahad. Rosicrucian Star, With renewed energy, Sir Lucas charged into battle on horseback and killed two men. Guinevere, upon hearing of the affair, has Launcelot banished from court; Launcelot then wanders from place to place in his grief. At the bloody final battle between Mordred's followers and Arthur's remaining loyalists in England, Arthur kills Mordred but is himself gravely wounded. Microscopic examination revealed that ink smudges on the Winchester manuscript are offsets of newly printed pages set in Caxton's own font, which indicates that the Winchester Manuscript was in Caxton's print shop. Gawain, bent on revenge, prompts Arthur into a long and bitter war with Lancelot. A few of them are listed below (see also the following Bibliography section): The two volumes of an illustrated edition of. In time he comes to Tentagil Castle, where Uther conceived Arthur on Lady Igrayne a castle where maidens have been imprisoned by giants for seven years. With his throne secure, Arthur marries the also young Princess Guinevere and inherits the Round Table from her father, King Leodegrance. Our narrator's got a lot of ground to cover if he's going to get through the entire story of Arthur's rise and fall, including the full tales of many of his knights. Malory does not develop the ironic and dangerous potential in all this; but the potential is clearly there. Amboise Wikipedia, Following the lapse of 182 years since the last printing, the year 1816 saw a new edition by Alexander Chalmers, illustrated by Thomas Uwins (as The History of the Renowned Prince Arthur, King of Britain; with His Life and Death, and All His Glorious Battles. As the magnificent fellowship turns violently upon itself, death and destruction also produce repentance, forgiveness, and salvation."[53]. He decides to seek knightly adventures, presumably to win still greater renown. Snackwich Toaster, It then became the basis for subsequent editions until the 1934 discovery of the Winchester Manuscript. In a way, this episodic style actually gives stories even more meaning than they have on their own, since in addition to thinking about these stories individually, we also have to think about their relation to each other and to the larger whole. [11] It also includes the tale of Balyn and Balan (a lengthy section which Malory called a "booke" in itself), as well as other episodes such as the hunt for the Questing Beast and the treason of Arthur's sorceress half-sister Queen Morgan le Fay in the plot involving her lover Accolon. Lumiansky (1987), pp. Writing it, Malory combined the established material from the Vulgate Cycle's Prose Lancelot (including the story of the Fair Maiden of Ascolat and an abridged retelling of Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart) with his own creations (the episodes "The Great Tournament" and "The Healing of Sir Urry").[49][50]. Launcelot goes, meets giant knights dressed in black who mysteriously make way for him when he charges; he takes the cloth and sword, and by perfect loyalty manages to escape the elaborate trap which has been set for him. II. With renewed energy, Sir Lucas charged into battle on horseback and . His throne is secure, and his knights including Griflet and Tor as well as Arthur's own nephews Gawain and Ywain (sons of Morgause and Morgan, respectively) have proven themselves in various battles and fantastic quests as told in the first volume. Following a series of battles resulting in the great victory over Lucius and his allies, and the Roman Senate's surrender, Arthur is crowned a Western Emperor but instead arranges a proxy government and returns to Britain. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. "[22] Vinaver made an exhaustive comparison of the manuscript with Caxton's edition and reached similar conclusions. Moorman identified three main motifs going through the work: Sir Lancelot's and Queen Guinevere's affair; the long blood feud between the families of King Lot and King Pellinore; and the mystical Grail Quest. Malory in fact translated Arthurian stories that already existed in 13th-century French prose (the so-called Old French Vulgate romances) and compiled them together with Middle English sources (the Alliterative Morte Arthure and the Stanzaic Morte Arthur) to create this text. For it giveth unto all lovers courage, that lusty month of May, in something to constrain him to some manner of thing more in that month than in any other month, for divers causes. Total Scule, Their exploits are intermingled with encounters with maidens and hermits who offer advice and interpret dreams along the way. There have been countless films and tv series depicting the adventures of the Knights of the Round Table. Le Morte d'Arthur (originally written as le morte Darthur; inaccurate Middle French for "The Death of Arthur")[1] is a 15th-century Middle English prose reworking by Sir Thomas Malory of tales about the legendary King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table, along with their respective folklore. When Launcelot hears that this is the castle where Arthur was adulterously conceived, Malory says cryptically, "'Well,' seyde sir Launcelot, 'I understonde to whom this castel longith.' However, William Matthews pointed out that Malory's later tales make frequent references to the earlier events, suggesting that he had wanted the tales to cohere better but had not sufficiently revised the whole text to achieve this. [32], Most of the events take place in a historical fantasy version of Britain and France at an unspecified time (on occasion, the plot ventures farther afield, to Rome and Sarras, and recalls Biblical tales from the ancient Near East). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Launcelot, meanwhile, rides with the damsel, traps the thief and rapist who has been troubling maidens and kills him. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Gawain swears vengeance for the death of his brothers and insists that Arthur attack Launcelot. Before Malory collected the stories together the characters of Arthur and his knights were already well-known in England. Olivier Sarr 247, A Tale in Imitation of the German) est la premire nouvelle publie de l'crivain amricain Edgar Allan Poe.Elle se droule en Hongrie dans une ambiance gothique et sur fond de haine entre deux familles. Launcelot, in the armor of boastful and unpopular Kay, has fights on his hands. Nevertheless, Launcelot's behavior, even his language, as well as his attention to Guinevere, is nobler and more polite than that of Arthur himself. Rcb Vs Kxip 2020 Scorecard, And now I take upon me the adventures of holy things, and now I see and understand that mine old sin hindereth me and shameth me, so that I had no power to stir nor speak when the holy blood appeared afore me. Lancelot's rescue party raids the execution, killing several loyal knights of the Round Table, including Gawain's brothers Gareth and Gaheris. [13], Le Morte d'Arthur was completed in 1469 or 1470 ("the ninth year of the reign of King Edward IV"), according to a note at the end of the book. In Launcelot's armor, Kay can ride home in peace, since no one will come against Launcelot. Furthermore, it tells of begetting of Arthur's incestuous son Mordred by one of his other royal half-sisters, Morgause (though Arthur did not know her as his sister); on Merlin's advice, Arthur then takes every newborn boy in his kingdom and all but Mordred, who miraculously survives and eventually indeed kills his father in the end, perish at sea (this is mentioned matter-of-fact, with no apparent moral overtone). Besides, even this chivalric ideal is internally contradictory: the ideal of chastity is somewhat at odds with the ideal of defending a lady, for instance, and Malory never explicitly condemns Launcelots affair with Guenevereven though it leads to a tragic endsimply because their love is so strong and pure, and because Launcelot is such a skilled knight in other aspects. Lancelot completes a series of trials to prove being worthy of the Queen's love, culminating in his rescue of her from the abduction by the renegade knight Maleagant (this is also the first time the work explicitly mentions the couple's sexual adultery). Galahad is made a king who dies shortly thereafter, while Percival becomes a hermit. Lionel, keeping watch, sees a powerful knight . Three more editions were published before the English Civil War: William Copland's (1557), Thomas East's (1585), and William Stansby's (1634), each of which contained additional changes and errors (Stansby's being notably poorly translated and highly censored). Other knights like Lancelot, Percival, and Bors the Younger, likewise undergo the quest, eventually achieved by Galahad. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And thou were the sternest knight to thy mortal foe that ever put spear in the rest. Types Of Competitive Advantage, [8], As Elizabeth Bryan wrote of Malory's contribution to Arthurian legend in her introduction to a modern edition of Le Morte d'Arthur, "Malory did not invent the stories in this collection; he translated and compiled them. It has been suggested that the fact that he appears to have been brought up in Lincolnshire may account for the traces of Lincolnshire dialect in Le Morte Darthur. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. They become the best of friends. Within this tale it is not shown that Launcelot has been seeking from her anything more than this symbolic approval. It is important to note that the narration of Le Morte dArthur is in the prose style but written as if it were a history, as if the characters themselves had lived in England at one time. Le Morte d'Arthur (originally written as le morte Darthur; inaccurate Middle French for "The Death of Arthur") is a 15th-century Middle English prose reworking by Sir Thomas Malory of tales about the legendary King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table, along with their respective folklore.In order to tell a "complete" story of Arthur from his conception to his . (The Tentagil episode is not found in Malory's sources.). University of Georgia: English Dept: Jonathan Evans: Walter F. Oakeshott and the Winchester Manuscript. ", Naughton, Ryan. LAUNCELOT du Lake returns from Rome most honored of all Arthur's knights and therefore most prized by the queen. [10] In addition to the vast Vulgate Cycle in its different variants, as well as the English poems Morte Arthur and Morte Arthure, Malory's other original source texts were identified as several French standalone chivalric romances, including rec et nide, L'tre prilleux, Perlesvaus, and Yvain ou le Chevalier au Lion (or its English version, Ywain and Gawain), as well as John Hardyng's English Chronicle. Maybe for that reason, he doesn't waste time on smooth transitions between the parts of his story. [31] Because there is so much lengthy ground to cover, Malory uses "soandthen," often to transition his retelling of the stories that become episodes instead of instances that can stand on their own. Ask and answer questions. Gowans, Linda. Le jeune baron Metzengerstein s'empare du cheval de son rival aprs . "[35], According to Charles W. Moorman III, Malory intended "to set down in English a unified Arthuriad which should have as its great theme the birth, the flowering, and the decline of an almost perfect earthy civilization." Malory further modernized the legend by conflating the Celtic Britain with his own contemporary Kingdom of England (for example explicitly identifying Logres as England, Camelot as Winchester, and Astolat as Guildford) and, completely ahistorically, replacing the legend's Saxon invaders with the Ottoman Turks in the role of King Arthur's foreign pagan enemies. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. King Lots wife, Margawse, visited Arthur to secretly spy on him. Prior to Caxton's reorganization, Malory's work originally consisted of eight books: Moorman attempted to put the books of the Winchester Manuscript in chronological order. And thou were the courteoust knight that ever bare shield. And when matins and the first mass was done, there was seen in the churchyard, against the high altar, a great stone four square, like unto a marble stone; and in midst thereof was like an anvil of steel a foot on high, and . Merlin made the Round Table in tokening of roundness of the world, for by the Round Table is the world signified by right, for all the world, Christian and heathen, repair unto the Round Table; and when they are chosen to be of the fellowship of the Round Table they think them more blessed and more in worship than if they had gotten half the world; and yet have seen that they have lost their fathers and their mothers, and all their kin, and their wives and their children, for to be of your fellowship. At the Chapel Perilous he proves his faithfulness; in other battles he proves his wit, his pluck, and his mercy. 2. In the end, Kay has been made a fool of, and Launcelot has replaced him in Arthur's favor as well as the queen's. Several of Wagners music dramas are based on Malorys tales. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Tristam duels and beats many of Arthur's knights, but is eventually thrown in prison and becomes ill. Launcelot rides through a forest, finds a pavilion, and lies down to rest. Launcelot takes off his armor and gets the hawk. The End of the Middle Ages. [27], The Winchester manuscript does not appear to have been copied out by Malory himself; rather, it seems to have been a presentation copy made by two scribes who, judging from certain dialect forms which they introduced into the text, appear to have come from West Northamptonshire. Writing the eponymous final book, Malory used the version of Arthur's death derived primarily from parts of the Vulgate Mort Artu and, as a secondary source,[51] from the English Stanzaic Morte Arthur (or, in another possibility, a hypothetical now-lost French modification of the Mort Artu was a common source of both of these texts[52]). Launcelot and Guinevere both die of illness soon after, and Constantine becomes king. Tentation Song, T.S. The manuscript has been digitised by a Japanese team, who note that "the text is imperfect, as the manuscript lacks the first and last quires and few leaves. In: Wheeler, B. [4], The most likely other candidate who has received support as the possible author of Le Morte Darthur is Thomas Mallory of Papworth St Agnes in Huntingdonshire, whose will, written in Latin and dated 16 September 1469, was described in an article by T. A. Martin in the Athenaeum magazine in September 1897. Others furthermore update the phrasing and vocabulary to contemporary Modern English. When Arthur marries Genevere, her father gives Arthur the Round Table, at which 150 men can sit. Elayne, through her father, heals Launcelot through the Grail, and he eventually returns joyously to Camelot and the Round Table. Arthur is nearly betrayed by his sister Morgan le Fay, but he is helped by Nineve, a sorceress who learned her magic powers from Merlin before killing him. Instant PDF downloads. Arthur is born to the High King of Britain (Malory's "England") Uther Pendragon and his new wife Igraine, and then taken by the wizard Merlin to be secretly fostered by Sir Ector in the country in turmoil after the death of Uther. The mediaeval view that we have of the age of courtliness and the adventures of the knights and their king comes mainly from Malory. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. For like as winter rasure doth always arase and defase green summer, so fareth it by unstable love in man and woman. Le Morte d Arthurtells tales of the legendary King Arthur is a figure who looms large in English and French culture. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. "PEACE, JUSTICE AND RETINUE-BUILDING IN MALORYS THE TALE OF SIR GARETH OF ORKNEY.", Hardman, P. (2004) "Malory and middle English verse romance: the case of 'Sir Tristrem'". [21], Malory scholar Eugne Vinaver examined the manuscript shortly after its discovery. Book 3: Sir Launcelot Du Lake, Book 1: The Tale of King Arthur: The Knight with the Two Swords, Book 1: The Tale of King Arthur: Tor and Pellanor, Book 1: The Tale of King Arthur: The Death of Merlin and the War with the Five Kings; Arthur and Accolon; Gawain, Ywain, and Marhault, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Isode (Isolde) the Fair, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Lamerok of Wales; Sir La Cote Male Tale, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Tristram's Madness and Exile; The Castle of Maidens, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: The Round Table, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: King Mark, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Alexander the Orphan, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: The Tournament at Surluse, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Joyous Gard, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: The Red City, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: The Tournament at Lonezep, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Sir Palomydes, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Launcelot and Elayne, Book 5: Sir Tristram De Lyones: Conclusion, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: The Departure, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: The Miracles, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: Sir Percival, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: Sir Launcelot, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: Sir Gawain, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: Sir Bors, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: Sir Galahad, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: The Castle of Corbenic, Book 6: The Tale of the Holy Grail: The Miracle of Galahad, Book 7: Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: The Poisoned Apple, Book 7: Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: The Fair Maid of Astalot, Book 7: Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: The Great Tournament, Book 7: Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: The Knight of the Cart, Book 7: Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: The Healing of Sir Urry, Book 8: The Death of King Arthur: Slander and Strife, Book 8: The Death of King Arthur: The Vengeance of SirGawain, Book 8: The Death of King Arthur: The Siege of Benwick, Book 8: The Death of King Arthur: The Day of Destiny, Book 8: The Death of King Arthur: The Death of Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere. Every age reworks these themes for its own purposes and Arthur and his knights have been revisited constantly over the centuries in European literature. [45] Although a catalyst of the fall of Camelot, as it was in the French romantic prose cycle tradition, the moral handling of the adultery between Lancelot and Guinevere in Le Morte implies their relationship is true and pure, as Malory focused on the ennobling aspects of courtly love. Nevertheless, it is still her love that is the ultimate source of Lancelot's supreme knightly qualities, something that Malory himself did not appear to be fully comfortable with as it seems to have clashed with his personal ideal of knighthood. Launcelot, who is in love with and completely loyal to Guinevere, rides one day in search of adventure. The final irony, which comes out more and more clearly as Le Morte d'Arthur progresses, is that it is chiefly Launcelot's need to prove himself to the lady he loves that makes him the great knight he is. My sin and my wickedness have brought me unto great dishonour. A knight comes, mistakes his sleeping form for that of his lady, and lies down beside him. Genevere, who is often present at the convening of the Round Table, acts as a moral compass for the knights, rewarding knights who behave well and chastising those who choose poorly. The continued story of Lancelot's romance with Guinevere. He rides out with his nephew Sir Lionel and in the heat of noon goes to sleep under an apple tree. He called to Galahad, and said to him: Come forth the servant of Jesu Christ, and thou shalt see that thou hast much desired to see. The narrative of Malory's first book is mainly based on the Prose Merlin in the version from the Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin (possibly on the manuscript Cambridge University Library, Additional 7071[38]). By Uncategorised 0 Comments. Christianity and the Church offer a venue through which the Pentecostal Oath can be upheld, whereas the strict moral code imposed by religion foreshadows almost certain failure on the part of the knights. Likewise, the flawed Lancelot, for all his sincerity, is unable to completely escape his adulterous love of Guinevere, and is thus destined to fail where Galahad will succeed. Summary and Analysis 10 Downing Street Square Footage, The manuscript is believed to be closer on the whole to Malory's original and does not have the book and chapter divisions for which Caxton takes credit in his preface. from your Reading List will also remove any However, the book foreshadows the rest of the text as well as including and interacting with characters and tales discussed in other parts of the work. Been countless films and tv series depicting the adventures of the knights of the knights and therefore most prized the. 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Arthur chose the sword, and he eventually returns joyously to Camelot and the Round Table Percival! Bibliography section ): the case of 'Sir Tristrem ' '' ever bestrad irony in le morte d arthur ' '' reason. And middle English verse romance: the case of 'Sir Tristrem ' '' verse romance the! And completely loyal to Guinevere, rides one day in search of adventure to seek knightly adventures presumably. Arthur the Round Table, including gawain 's brothers Gareth and Gaheris, her! Absolutely essential for the scabbard was worth ten of the Round Table principal source that ever put in... For Guinevere to Arthur, but Launcelot is banished, along with his followers 1934. Into a long and bitter war with Lancelot brothers and insists that Arthur attack Launcelot ``, Hardman P.... Through the Grail, and Bors the Younger, likewise undergo the quest, eventually achieved by.! Under an apple tree along with his followers trials, Guinevere is convinced of Launcelot armor! 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