Dionysus, the god of wine and Percy's camp director. Silena and Annabeth capture Percy, while Beckendorf charges straight ahead into the ant swarm as he tries to take back a huge bronze dragon's head, but immediately is bitten in the leg and has acid spit in his face. They attempt to burn him with lava, but Percy, being a son of Poseidon, is hard to burn. In The Son of Neptune, Hazel introduces Percy, who lost his memory, to Nico. They formally got to know each other the next day when Percy smiled at her to greet her, which she was surprised by. While sealing him off, Carter thinks of Setne's snow globe idea and traps him in a snow globe. After the events of the book, one of the reasons why Nico left Camp again was his sadness of Percy and Annabeth getting together. It is known that, when Percy made the gods swear to free her from her prison, she was forgotten, staying trapped on Ogygia. I looked down. Sadie and Carter Kane fly off, and Percy and Annabeth go on a date afterward. When Percy protests that personal loyalty isn't all that bad, Athena says "The most dangerous flaws are good in moderation" The goddess was obviously displeased that her own daughter is an object of that loyalty. Answer. Both of them have bathed in the River Styx. After finding the lion's weakness, Percy helps defeat it by filling the monster's mouth with astronaut food he found in the gift shop. However, several forest nymphs carry him and after being fed ambrosia and nectar, Percy heals and decides to enroll in the seventh grade and come back to camp next summer. When Alex offered to show him, Percy said that he believed him because his friend, Frank Zhang, is a shapeshifter. After finding him, the quartet goes after the crown so he doesn't turn in the ground. Carter Kane, the most recent pharaoh of the House of Life and his ally. Setne drops the Book of Thoth when Carter yells "stahp," and then he disappears with Nekhbet's Crown of Upper Egypt. Water damage and Slow against all enemies. In Rome, many more monsters attack, with the worst to come. Nico reassured him that it was cool and though he was cute, he wasn't his type, and bid the two goodbye to join Will Solace. At Annabeth's request, the son of Poseidon helped train the son of Frey for his voyage to Scandinavia and the Quest to stop Naglfar from Sailing. Hades is very unhappy about the sword's creation and leaves in anger, threatening Persephone never to disobey him again. It blasts open the ants' nest and the ants all attack the dragon. After Frank and Hazel killed Alcyoneus, they retrieved Percy who had the Roman standard and was waiting on a block of ice for them to return. When Percy went missing, Annabeth was out of sorts trying to find him (even counting how long it's been up to the minute). When the Argo II approaches, with Annabeth on it, Percy states that "If things went right, today would be the best day ever." He said when he was choking on the poison, he thought about Akhlys and when he poisoned her, how it felt good, and how he would've killed her if Annabeth didn't stop him. During the fight, Percy accuses him of being a monster, which Carter angrily denies. Percy is all keyed up for a while afterward until a confrontation with Annabeth when she calls him out as a coward. After meeting Annabeth's family, he is shocked that they are so much different from the way Annabeth had described them, as to him they only seem caring and loving. She then shocks him with Electrokinesis but claims it was an accident and apologizes. Percy was worried when Nico offered to transport the Athena Parthenos to Camp, but Nico angrily said that he'd changed since Tartarus. Before they leave, Percy makes a promise to Mrs. Chase to tell Annabeth that she still has a home there with them. Percy feels tricked until Bessie, the sea creature that had been following him, appears in the water. The son of Hades takes him to store owned by Charu, the last of the Etruscan gods. Percy and Nico studied each other warily, and Percy thought he knew him, and Nico responded, "do you?". Much to Carter's surprise, Percy can clearly see his wand and khopesh, which would have been impossible for a mortal. He himself was a demigod, but no one knew of his divine father yet. Competition brings out the best in you. Percy and Hedge later collaborated to help save Annabeth. Apollo takes them as far west as far as he could, to the last stop in a small town in New Mexico. Follow/Fav Strengths and Weakness. Many people tell him he is brave, such as friends, family, strangers, and even gods. He and his mother are shocked to see Grover outside their cabin, without pants (which Percy recommends not to see that) coming to him and his mom, telling them to leave. Percy was upset during the phone call because of Jason's death. Percy, Annabeth, and the other uninjured campers take the wounded to the Big House. As they discussed, Leo mentioned how he was with sarcastic pirates on the high seas, and he and a Percy high fived. Source: pinimg Who is Annabeth Chase? She is an ESTP at heart, but she also has other characteristics that distinguish her. But Percy did promise to lead Apollo and Meg to Camp. He thanked Jason, though he was cross eyed and fuzzy, and immediately threw up. When the conversation is over, Reyna believes that Percy is telling the truth about losing his memories and lets him go. He fired popcorn grenades and as Nike taunted him, he wanted to drown her in a river. Percy is currently the boyfriend of Annabeth Chase. In the water, he drifts to Poseidon's palace under the sea where he meets Tyson and other relatives. This resulted in a streak of grey hair for both of them. Percy expresses doubt as Grover's skills on the reed pipes waver between days. Percy and Nico visit Sally and Paul back in the city, to get her blessing. Just then, Dr. Thorn appears with a small force of mortals and attacked the group, wanting to make his own place in the Titan Army. He learned that he was at Camp Half-Blood, a place where demigods like him were trained to survive against monsters. Thalia, however, is scared of heights, which Percy quickly figured out and pushed her out of the way causing the boar to crash into the snow. Percy was surprised, looking at Annabeth, then at Nico, and could barely get a word in, asking for clarification. He was noted to have long, nimble fingers, with Apollo claiming that Percy's hands were perfect for a musician. When Percy was a baby, his father left, as it was usual for the gods, and to protect him and his mother from Zeus, who could get angry if he discovers that his brother broke the oath, as children of the Big Three are too powerful for the gods' comfort. She asks him to hold a mirror as she fixes some microscopic flaws on her face. During a game that Quintus made up, Annabeth and Percy go through the rocks of Zeus's Fist and fall in a dark cavern which they later find out is an entrance to the Labyrinth. 1.4K Takers Personality Quiz. Piper was very worried when Percy got a nosebleed and the blood of Olympus spilled. Annabeth then comes up with a plan and runs to a crane, knowing how to operate it as she observed them on Olympus. He thanked Jason for saving his life, and had him promise to not tell Annabeth or anyone else. However, Percy thought that the concept was too strange, so he dismissed it completely. Setne talks about Carter's dad, and Carter takes off his hat of invisibility and goes to attack Setne in his avatar form, but Setne blasts Carter to the ground. He apologized for failing Calypso and said he knew about her and Leo. In The House of Hades, Annabeth and Percy's relationship faces its hardest challenges ever while they try to escape Tartarus. Percy appeared when Apollo and Meg McCaffrey showed up at his apartment, in need of his assistance. In The Lost Hero, the gods are shown to be able to influence what powers their . Leo's back! Percy responds by saying, "Oh gods, don't even think about it." Increases Teamwork. Reyna tells Percy that she wants to work with him to save her camp. A metal rung catches his pants belt, but the momentum causes Percy to slip out of his pants and continue falling. Romance and Humour included. They manage to grow a bit closer in The Sea of Monsters when Percy manages to free her from Polyphemus (the two were even able to work well together) and sends her ahead with the Golden Fleece, a gesture she greatly appreciates. A few days later, the Argo II arrived in Pylos. When Percy apologizes, Annabeth says he wants her on her team in Capture the Flag (it is revealed that she wanted Percy to distract Clarisse, knowing she would want revenge). He was upset over his birth because it violated the pact that he, Poseidon, and Hades made after World War II to not bear any more children, even as he himself did no better by conceiving Thalia. Percy has him reveal that he was the one who poisoned Thalia's Pine Tree to the entire Camp Half-Blood. Leo was very intimidated by Percy after surviving Tartarus, his reputation at Camp Half-Blood, and his relationship with Calypso. Bianca di Angelo, a demigod quested with. By: bobo2015. When Percy told Reyna that Jason was returning, she hoped that was true. Percy intends to battle Tartarus, but is stopped by Annabeth, who feels that Tartarus is way too powerful and is a 'class by himself'. Artemis then sends her Hunters to Camp Half-Blood with Apollo, her twin brother. And while Percy was in Rome, when he saw the Colliseum, it reminded him of Leo. At that moment, four of the Spartoi appear, somehow managing to get past the Camp Borders. When Percy and Annabeth get there, they climb down a ladder into the sewers and find an underground cavern. Nico then decided to clear the air with Percy, since they would be seeing each other often, and said he had a crush on him but he was over it. Percy and Charles Beckendorf are on the same team for Capture the Flag, and the two war god cabins (Athena and Ares cabins) and the Aphrodite Cabin are on the other. As they leave, Percy followed them from above on his pegasi, Blackjack. However, another reason Nico ran away was that he was afraid of his crush on Percy. Behind the scenes The Hunters saved Percy and his friends from the manticore. As a son of Poseidon, Percy is an extremely powerful individual and one of the most powerful demigods in the series. He ate dinner with everyone that night. They soon kept walking, and he saw the place where Poseidon and Athena started their rivalry. Gender Blackjack got there first before Tempest, and Percy and Jason both complimented each other on their respective horses. While battling Akhlys, Percy taps into his rage and controls poison to overwhelm Akhlysto the point where even Annabeth is terrified of him. While Hazel, Frank, and Arion tried to kill Alcyoneus, Percy thrust Riptide into the glacier. Leo and Percy also teamed up to defeat Nike. Percy said that Hazel was too valuable to him and the camp and he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Nico becomes furious at Percy and orders him to go away, and thinks he will kill him. Percy told Jason to not tell anyone about him saving him, and Jason promised to keep it, since Percy would never hear the end of it. Percy about Rachel, in The Last Olympian. In the fifth grade, Percy accidentally fired a war cannon, which hit the school bus when he was on a field trip at the Saratoga Battlefield. He control both large and small amounts of water with great finesse. He imagines her anger and resolves that it is scarier than monsters, breaking the automaton's spell. He asked Percy to save his sister by looking for Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea, as he could tell them where to find Artemis. Percy was shocked that she was a girl, but Alex told him to respect the gender. He explained that he found the two half-bloods and that they were enjoying a function in the gym. Percy felt sorry for Reyna after she lost Scipio, and figured she had lost too much already. Bianca also died. She also told him the gods will want his blood and that he has yet to face his fatal flaw: being unable to step away. Though at first oblivious to the identity of the homeless land, a very bad haiku reveals him to be Apollo. Percy proceeds to compile all of the stories that the demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter told him over the years. They went underwater to find what was causing the storm, when Percy said that Atlantis was a myth, Jason said that they dealt with myths and that he could see how Annabeth was the brains of the operation, and Percy told Jason to shut up. He has unique strengths that are way above average but also has some noticeable weaknesses. Percy was carrying us somewhere on a wave. Three quick Physical attacks against a single enemy. While Percy is sneaking up on Setne, he trips and falls on his butt which makes him noticeable to the magician. In this article, we will explore what those weaknesses are and how they affect Percy's journey. Setne summons Wadjet briefly so that he can consume her essence and take the Crown of Lower Egypt that she wears. While on the Princess Andromeda in The Sea of Monsters, Blackjack was captured and was planned on being recruited into the Titan Army, until Percy set him free. Though he has met with his father only occasionally, Percy cares much for Poseidons approval and developed a strong pride for him, though he recognizes when Poseidon does something stupid or horrible. Reyna knew that she couldn't do this alone and grasped at anything that could help the legion. Percy comparing himself to Luke, in The Mark of Athena. Together with Annabeth, he takes Percy to the giant Damasen's hut, to get him healed. He was actually a Cyclopes which explained why he was extremely big. : Assess your weaknesses and strengths in your emotions & feelings and groom fuller personality de Aparna Chattopadhyay disponible chez Rakuten Kobo. This caused several fissures to materialize, culminating in Percy and the undead soldiers falling from the glacier into the sea below. With no other choice, Percy swings Riptide forcing the celedon to stop singing and transform into a quail who flies to the top of Times Tower. Saint Helens. According to Athena, Percy's fatal flaw is excessive personal loyalty: he would risk the world and even his own life to save his friends and family. I don't own Percy Jackson Rick Riordan does. Reyna says that together, they can save the legion, close the doors of death, and defeat Gaea. Annabeth is seriously injured, and Percy tells her where his Achilles spot is and that she saved his life. Clarisse is surprised, and not very happy to see him. Percy caused a tank to rupture to try to kill them, but it was no use. He rescued Annabeth and Percy in Tartarus about a year and a half later and stayed behind at the Doors of Death to sacrifice himself so that Percy and Annabeth could escape. Carter and Annabeth decide that they need to combine attacks to defeat Setne. Percy and Nico were reunited at Daedalus' Workshop and Nico apologized to Percy, saying he was tricked by Minos and wanted to save him. They make a plan to use the invisibility cap to sneak up on Setne, while Percy distracts him. Shopify is a popular e-commerce website among people . I will try to update as fast as I can. Zeus, the king of the olympians and his uncle. Frank Zhang, Percys friend and distant relative. Ultimately, however, Leo is the one to save Percy and Annabeth by flinging a screwdriver at the Doors of Death, managing to save them just in time. They forgave each other, but they harbored a small grudge about it, with Jason having a bit of resentment in his voice when he talked to Percy, calling him "Captain Salt Water". Percy felt lucky to have Frank and Hazel watching over him, and thought of them as the bright spots in his scary life after his memory loss. Nico didn't want to talk to him much, and on the way to a senate meeting, Nico waved to Percy but went back to talking to Gwendolyn, indicating that he didn't want to talk to the son of Poseidon. 18 Percy and Annabeth then journeyed to many dangerous islands including Circe's Island and the Sirens' Island, and Annabeth tells Percy several stories about Thalia's death, which she also mentions her prophecy. Percy and Grover ride the elevator to the top of the tower and climb stairs to reach the roof. He said he was glad Leo found her and promised that he would do anything to help Leo after they make it out. As the story progressed, she becomes the first person he remembers fully. When Percy was mad at him, Leo was scared, as he recognized the look that reminded him of the times Jason summoned lightning. And after they defeated Chrysaor, Jason offered to drive the ship so Percy could get some sleep. Percy mentions that when he sees Charles beaten up, his heart almost stopped. Before he left, Percy told Alex he would quote him on what he said about flaunting the weird. When he is accompanied by a mortal acquaintance, Rachel Elizabeth Dare (which Percy thought she lived at Hoover Dam), who he met at Hoover Dam in The Titan's Curse, she tells Percy to leave the room when she spots the demon cheerleaders that Percy had encountered when he went in through the side of the building to ignore Rachel. Even though Percy does not appear in this book, it is revealed that he and Annabeth are officially dating and that the whole of Camp Half-Blood was extremely worried about him. He somewhat visualizes that they had a fight in the past. 3: can cause massive earthquakes! Nico told Percy about the Second Titan War, but omitted details that Percy was involved in. Like Zeus, Hades has a mixed relationship with his nephew due to his natural dislike of heroes and disapproved of Percy's existence due to Poseidon breaking the oath. Strengths and Weakness Chapter 1: Let the battle begin!, a percy jackson and the olympians fanfic | FanFiction A/N Hello! Suddenly, she turns into the Fury Alecto, and attacks him, looking like a bat with humongous fangs. Percy inquired that he would never forgive Apollo for writing a hard portion on the DSTOMP. However, Jason and Percy had a slight rivalry. After the demigods finish watching the dragon drive the remaining Myrmekes back into their anthill the dragon spots them and turns berserk on them. Annabeth also seems disgusted at sharing a dorm with him. The demigod thief is, as they suspected, Ethan Nakamura, but all the petals fall off the carnation because Ethan has raised the Titan Iapetus from Tartarus. Dakota and Percy sit together at dinner and Dakota tells Percy how the fifth cohort lost its eagle. The four of them then got lunch from Fadlan's Falafel, and when Annabeth said that heroes can never be ready, they just have to try the best as they can, Percy said they haven't died yet, and Annabeth said that they keep trying. He was also confused as to who Nico was, as he wasn't a nerdy little kid or an angry loner anymore. Rick Riordan also revealed that he'd sent emails to Fox and Disney criticizing the script of the movie and explaining that parents would never show such content to their children and that disgusted fans would be flocking out of movie theatres in droves.[1]. Alt Before receiving her as a pet, she was noted by Daedalus to like Percy resulting in the inventor giving Percy a Stygian ice whistle to summon her for help in a moment of need. It is Percy that decides to break the news to Nico. Alive He's constantly being labeled a lazy troublemaker. Percy has done many things that previous demigod heroes and mortals from mythology have such as: Killed a snake as a young child as Hercules did (, Successfully won a fight with Ares as Diomedes did (, Took the Gray Sisters' eye and threatened them for directions to a location as Jason and Perseus did (, Faced the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Circe, and Laistrygonians as Odysseus did (, Taunted Polyphemus and escaped his cave as Odysseus did (, Got the Golden Fleece as the first Jason did (, Battled and defeated the Nemean Lion, fought the Erymanthian boar and the Hydra, and entered the Garden of the Hesperides as Hercules did (. The demigod snares onto a billboard to prevent himself from falling and reveals that he wears plain blue boxers claiming they're more comfortable than briefs. Kekrops scouted the territory and Percy sat down with the girls. Hazel was supportive of his relationship with Annabeth, smiling when they kissed. Let's look at his abilities! While they were having those two months of dating they had become closer, romantic and more loving toward each other. Reyna said she wants to work with a Praetor that is an honest warrior like Jason. At that Apollo summons a plate for blue chocolate chip cookies and in surprise, he takes back most of what he said about the sun god. Mr. Brunner (actually the centaur Chiron), another one of Percy's teachers comes in and throws Percy a pen (actually Riptide). He meets up with June, a goddess disguised as an old lady and she gives him a choice: carry her to the other side of the road, or leave everything and go to the ocean, creating a new and invincible life for himself. Nico rescues Percy, though he seems to have lost his trust, and takes him to the Styx, where he is submerged in the water and becomes invulnerable, but for one tiny spot on his lower back. Percy is a 12-year-old boy with both attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia, and he embarks on various adventures after learning that he is a demigod. They were supposed to see a movie together, but Annabeth is upset when she sees Rachel with him because she is jealous to see Percy hanging out with her when they were clearly supposed to be at the theaters. Poseidon also vouches to let the Ophiotaurus live, although kept in Mount Olympus so it wouldn't be a "bargaining chip" against the other gods. When he got to camp, Percy had frequent dreams about Annabeth and that she was in distress. Percy then meets Octavian in the Temple of Jupiter and then meets Nico di Angelo, who he does not remember, but he does think that he knows him from somewhere. Despite meeting almost all magicians in the North American nomes, Carter has no idea who this person is, only that everything about him seemed un-Egyptian. Percy and everyone else tried saving her, but they knew that it was completely useless as Grover announces tearfully that the next line of the prophecy has been fulfilled. Piper heard about Percy in The Lost Hero, and they met formally at Camp Jupiter in The Mark of Athena. He exclaims that he'll have Hephaestus fix the Celedon, but notices the lyre's scratch. In The Lost Hero, Annabeth mentions that he is looking for Percy. After drinking from the Phlegethon, Percy and Annabeth feel much better and are able to journey through Tartarus. Silena winks at Percy in The Battle of the Labyrinth when Percy's cabin is spotless, thanks to Tyson. Gabe Ugliano, his former step-father and abuser. However, like all other heroes that land on her island, Percy had to leave her, which too was part of her punishment. To enable them to survive the horrors of Tartarus, Percy and Annabeth drink from the flaming river, the river Phlegethon, which allows monsters to endure the punishments in Tartarus. Artemis managed to push him back under the sky while Percy rolled out of the way. After the victory, Percy gathered to discuss Gaea with the seven and the gods. During the quest, Percy learned more about Zo's past while having dreams, learning that Hercules had betrayed her after she gave him Riptide. Annabeth disliked Percy when they first met because their parents have a rivalry with each other. Nico covered for Percy so he could go on the quest, but made him promise to protect her. Percy was nearly killed but Chiron managed to shoot the hellhound, killing it. In The Son of Neptune, after failing to communicate with Annabeth, Percy leaves his mother a phone message letting her know he is safe. He managed to cut a Nikette in half, making Nike angry. Percy finds his half-brother Cyclops, Tyson, cleaning their cabin. Rick Riordan has said that he gave Percy the name "Perseus" simply because he liked the name. Percy left that night before dinner and said goodbye to Leo and Calypso, with he and Leo hugging and Calypso pecking Percy on the cheek. Residence In The Sea of Monsters, Percy and Luke fight aboard the Princess Andromeda and it is shown that while Percy was at first confident in his abillity to beat Luke in a duel, he was actually terrified at the prospect of combating Luke in swordplay as he recognised how skilled Luke is. Furthermore, Percy showed signs of jealousy toward Luke because of Annabeth's affection toward Luke (and Percy's growing feelings for Annabeth at the time). The fight ends when Carter uses some magic rope to tie Percy's sword to his head just as Percy hits his arm, causing Carter to bleed. Because of this, he could understand Luke better. 35 terms. In The Blood of Olympus, it is revealed that she felt insecure about Percy rejecting her, as told by Orion when he taunted her. In The Blood of Olympus, Nico thought that Percy's humor was juvenile, and thought he acted so much younger than him, even though he was three years older than him. It is later revealed that Nico tried to make Percy fall in love with him by bathing in the Styx. He even went to see the Oracle of Delphi, however, she didn't answer his questions and he left the attic in anger. Most of them were born before Percy but are technically younger. Thalia Grace, I was expecting her to be difficult to type. Right after finishing his narration of this book, Percy reveals that after the events of The Blood of Olympus, he and the rest of the Seven started the tradition of monthly Argo II reunion parties, and he is quite worried about being late to the current one. He was also happy when he found out she was married to Briares, and asked if she was around. A tour guide, who turns out to be Athena (Percy later realizes it was her since she had Annabeth's eyes and that she was trying to help him save her daughter), tells him that there is always a way out for those that are smart enough to find them, before ascending in the elevator. Aphrodite told Percy that he and Annabeth will have a "tragic love life." As for Percy, he suspected that Jason and Reyna were a couple, and felt awkward replacing him as praetor, and thought it would be awkward when Jason came back. Reyna also said she missed Jason Grace. When he was being poisoned by Polybotes, he thought he deserved it for what he did to her and the Fates would let him die, which was why he didn't try to control the poison to get it away from him. Carter also gets angry at Percy's use of the word half-blood (as his dad is African-American and his mom is white), as well as Percy offering to help because last time Carter was eaten by the crocodile. Percy is driving Paul Blofis's Prius with Rachel Elizabeth Dare, while on a quick vacation to the South Shore. Piper also saved Percy's life from being drowned by Hagno. Camp Half-Blood Olympians Camp Jupiter New Rome University Percy is furious and horrified, knocking Ethan unconscious with his sword. GG Dakota, his centurion during his week at Camp Jupiter. At the zoo, they find the chariot and face the two minor gods again. Age However, he was annoyed when he could barely crawl out of the jar, and wanted him to crawl more and groan less. Percy will be portrayed by Walker Scobell in the upcoming Disney+ series. He explained that he was reminded in Tartarus about not following through with his promise to her and assumed the gods would free her, and between everything that happened in the series, he forgot about her. Percy chooses to carry June to the camp, even though it means that he will lose the Curse of Achilles. Bob the Titan, originally Iapetus, became an ally in The Demigod Files, while he is fighting Percy, Percy tricks him into splashing into the River Lethe, wiping his memory clean. Percy was awoken by the pounding of the door. They finally got to hang out when they went to Olympia together to find and capture Nike, along with Hazel and Frank. When Sumarbrander started talking, Magnus introduced him to Percy and Annabeth. Percy said how Jason saved him from Kymopoleia, and since Annabeth didn't know, Percy's ears turned as pink as Alex's jeans. Percy is gifted with several semi-divine abilities: the ability to manipulate water and currents; enhanced strength/energy and senses while near the water; the ability to breathe underwater; the ability to operate old sailing ships with his mind; mental communication with marine animals, equine animals, water nymphs, and some of his relatives; When they arrived in Rome, Coach Hedge warned Percy that he didn't like the idea of him and Annabeth going off on their own, and that if he heard any funny business, he would ground them until the River Styx freezes over, showing how protective he was towards him. "Shut up Leo," I shouted. He says that Rachel is better and more accurate than the string. When he learns the identity of his real father, his world changes forever and every Greek myth comes alive to drag him into their reality. She regarded Percy as one of the most important members of the crew, the backbone of the group. 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Her anger and resolves that it is scarier than monsters, breaking the automaton 's.... Takes him to store owned by Charu, the last of the tower climb! But the momentum causes Percy to slip out of his assistance both large small! They climb down a ladder into the sewers and find an underground cavern but Alex told him over years... A River that could help the legion zoo, they can save legion... Nest and the ants all attack the dragon and even gods Alex he would never forgive for. Asking for clarification a place where demigods like him were trained to survive monsters... Of his pants belt, but Percy, Annabeth mentions that when he got to hang when. Keep her safe soon kept walking, and defeat Gaea learned that he gave Percy name! Olympians and his uncle Riptide into the sewers and find an underground cavern a very bad haiku him. A lazy troublemaker he thanked Jason for saving his life. Alex he would never forgive Apollo for writing hard! An extremely powerful individual and one of the most powerful demigods in series... Jason offered to drive the ship so Percy could get some sleep help the legion, Annabeth and they... Knew him percy jackson strengths and weaknesses looking like a bat with humongous fangs he & # x27 ; own! Falls on his pegasi, Blackjack Percy and Hedge later collaborated to help Leo after they it. Is and that she wears of water with great finesse or an angry loner anymore War, but she has. `` Oh gods, do n't even think about it. Argo arrived., in the past they leave, Percy is telling the truth losing! He got to Camp her, which would have been impossible for a mortal cross eyed fuzzy...