Pres. Your loving Father in Heaven knows your heart. So the purpose of For the Strength of Youth is to point you to Him. He would want you to see yourself the way He sees you. Dieter F. Uchtdorf Of the First Presidency January 13, 2013 If you follow the Spirit, your personal search for the truth inevitably leads you to the Lord and Savior, even Jesus Christ, for He is "the way, the truth, and the life." This may not be the most convenient way, but it will be His waythe Savior's redeeming way. You can build a joyful, happy life because Jesus Christ is your strength. Published Feb 27, 2023 5:30 p.m. EST Start today to prepare for April 2023 general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 1 and 2 by reviewing the talks from October 2022 general conference. In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem unacceptable to us? He realized that each religion had much that seemed desirable and worthy. Before I reached my 12th birthday, our family had been forced twice to flee our home and start over amid the chaos, fear, and uncertainties caused by war and political division. I am sure they had flaws, but not to me. But whenever I watch someone learning to ride a bike for the first time, Im reminded that its not easy balancing yourself on those two narrow wheels. "Our Heavenly Father asks that we represent Him in the noble work of reaching out and blessing the lives of His children. May we live in thanksgiving daily18especially during the seemingly unexplainable endings that are part of mortality. Actually, it is not that simple. It is a starting question for us as we contemplate becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. In his message directed to those of the rising generation, he reminded youth that Jesus Christ is their strength. Many that were rich cast in much, but then, along came a poor widow, and she threw in two mites. It was such a small amount, it would hardly be worth recording. See Marcus Tullius Cicero, Oratio Pro Cno Plancio, XXXIII, section 80; quoted in JosephB. Wirthlin, Live in Thanksgiving Daily, Ensign, Sept. 2001, 8. He is not a rest stop in our journey. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks in the Saturday Afternoon Session of the October 2020 General Conference. It takes patience. In fact, there is not just one reason that applies to the variety of situations. Its also important to know what For the Strength of Youth does not do. It teaches you how to make righteous choices based on those eternal truths.13. The latter, while it may have accomplished more monetarily, was not a sacrifice, and it left the giver unchanged. We seek to love God and serve our neighbors. 9. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. When you have important choices to make, Jesus Christ and His restored gospel are the best choice. This is the bull's-eye of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How long are they?, Oh, my, the man said. Dieter F. Uchtdorf teaches that we can choose to be grateful in any circumstances, including in the midst of tribulation. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Saturday morning session of the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Oct. 1, 2022. I am also speaking to those who used to be young, even to those who cant really remember it anymore. We see baptism as the starting point in our journey of discipleship. From that day forward, the heavens opened, and heavenly messengers descended from halls of immortal glory. This is the way it has always been and will be until the perfect day when Christ Himself reigns personally upon the earth. The airplane gains no altitude sitting on the runway. It can happen to anyone. Living Life. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. gave his talk in English. On the fourth day, the waiter was really determined to make the man happy. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God which healeth the wounded soul,9 and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. Some might ask, But what about my doubts?, Its natural to have questionsthe acorn of honest inquiry has often sprouted and matured into a great oak of understanding. The Savior would declare, in no uncertain terms, that you are a daughter or son of the Almighty God. To make this possible, He sent Jesus Christ to be your Savior. What the Pharisees got wrong was that they thought their rules would save them. Balance and lift come as we press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.5. Small, seemingly insignificant factors can make a major difference physically and spiritually. Followers 0. My wife, Harriet, and I love to go bicycle riding together. The fear must have been oppressive, consuming their hours and dampening their hope. We love you, President Nelson, and I encourage everyone everywhere to study and heed your words. But would that really be helpful in a global church? I often have wondered, What would Jesus teach and do if He were among us today? There are few members of the Church who, at one time or another, have not wrestled with serious or sensitive questions. Romans 8:17; see also Doctrine and Covenants 84:38. Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, BishopsShepherds over the Lords Flock, What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget, Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution. It is loving and serving Gods children.13. Staying balanced is all about moving forward. Often their grief is caused by what seems to them as an ending. When we consecrate something, we dont leave it to be consumed upon the altar. If we repent, mistakes do not disqualify us. Join with us! Of this I testify and bear witness in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen. You know what to watch and read, where to spend your time, and with whom to associate. I suppose the guide could give you long lists of clothes you shouldnt wear, words you shouldnt say, and movies you shouldnt watch. By David W. Smith. But our common, overall objective is to follow the Way of our Master, Jesus Christ, and return to the presence of our beloved Father in Heaven. No, He would ask you to repentto leave your sins behind, to change, so He can forgive you. For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet (2021 Revision), Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith. Sacrifice and consecration are two heavenly laws that we covenant to obey in the holy temple. Also President Uchtdorf doesn't speak in his native German (although he jokingly began to for a second while conducting). "Lord, I Believe" - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. To the Lord, the value of the donation was measured not by the effect it had on the treasury but by the effect it had on the heart of the donor. Outward appearances would lose their importance. That He actually appeared in our time to restore truth and lightHis gospel and His Church. It is astonishing what we can learn when we look a little closer at our Heavenly Fathers plan of salvation and exaltation, the plan of happiness, for His children. Elder Uchtdorf teaches that Jesus Christ is the best guide for making choices. Dieter F. Uchtdorf 2022 October 2022 Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth April 2022 Our Heartfelt All 2021 October 2021 Daily Restoration April 2021 God among Us 2020 October 2020 God Will Do Something Unimaginable April 2020 Come and Belong 2019 October 2019 Your Great Adventure April 2019 Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart 2018 Clearly, the Lord is building our spiritual capacity. His father was conscripted into the German Army, and his mother relocated the family to Zwickau, Germany. For here you will find what is precious beyond price. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Mosiah 4:29. To those who have separated themselves from the Church, I say, my dear friends, there is yet a place for you here. Most of all, those who succeed in balancing on a bicycle learn these important tips: Keep your eyes on the road in front of you. Many years ago, President BoydK. Packer spoke these powerful words: True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. This objective must remain constant and consistent, whoever we are and whatever else is happening in our lives.3. We can choose to be like the Prophet Joseph Smith, who, while a prisoner in miserable conditions in Liberty Jail, penned these inspired words: Dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.7. Or will we, like Peter, hold fast to the words of eternal life? The following is a summary of what he said. Those burdened with sin find forgiveness, liberty, and rest. How can we balance the many demands of life with our desires to offer our whole souls to the Lord? Together with God the Father, He appeared to a 14-year-old Joseph Smith and ushered in the Restoration of the gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. This time of bleakness after World War II left its mark upon the world. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday morning session of October 2022 general conference. Of this I bear my solemn witness as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and leave you my heartfelt blessing in deep gratitude and love for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. When he was at the height of his professional career as a heart surgeon, he was called as stake president. Eternal life or spiritual death?8. You need to put your trust in Jesus Christ. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), 284. I realize that He has not doomed His children to stumble through mortality without hope for a bright and eternal future. Recommended Posts. He will lead you the right way. It focuses on values, principles, and doctrine instead of every specific behavior. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. And that is very different from the way the world sees you. We are all infants compared to the beings of glory and grandeur we are designed to become. They apply to people of every age and in any circumstance. He married Sister Harriet Reich in 1962 and they are the parents of two children. Inspiration Life Help. If you are tempted to give up: Stay yet a little longer. However, there are some who leave the Church they once loved. I plead with all who hear or read these words: Come, join with us. Your Heavenly Father is the most glorious being in the universe, full of love, joy, purity, holiness, light, grace, and truth. We would be forever changed. If these are your desires, then regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. I extend to you my love and blessing at this joyful Easter season. While were riding, and Im not huffing and puffing too much, we enjoy the beautiful world around us and even engage in a pleasant conversation. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Therefore, my dear brothers and sistersmy dear friendsplease, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.8 We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Savior always teaches timeless truths. She surely knew that her offering would not change the fortunes of Israel, but it could change and bless herbecause, though small, it was her all. (See John 6:28 .) Without landmarks, it is human nature to drift off course. But we can choose our response. Like a musician rehearsing scales, we can see our missteps, flaws, and sins as opportunities for greater self-awareness, deeper and more honest love for others, and refinement through repentance. Elder McConkie teaches about the importance of learning about Jesus Christ and helping one another come unto Him. Elder Gong teaches that as we follow Gods plan for us, we will find eternal joy with our families. It is filled with people who desire with all their heart to keep the commandments, even if they havent mastered them yet. Elder Pino suggests four habits to help members of the Church stay on the covenant path. Jeffrey R. Holland. Title page of the Book of Mormon; see Mormon 8:17. There an elderly woman standing by Dieter's mother in a food line invited the Uchtdorf family to sacrament . But it is wrong to focus only on rules instead of focusing on the Savior. Matthew 14:27; John 16:33; Doctrine and Covenants 61:36; 68:6; 78:18. Conflict is inevitable, but contention is a choice, Elder Uchtdorf tweeted on Sept. 24. He met a nice couple who represented The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and asked, What do you require of your members?, We do not require anything, they replied. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 10. Because we have no paid local clergy in our worldwide congregations, our members perform the work of ministry themselves. Sooner or later, I believe that all of us experience times when the very fabric of our world tears at the seams, leaving us feeling alone, frustrated, and adrift. In a footnote attached to the subheading, Elder Uchtdorf shared: This was the question the multitude asked Jesus on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. For this I pray, and leave you my testimony and blessing, in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ, amen. Those who join this Church love the Savior Jesus Christ and they wish to follow Him. The Apostle Paul compared it to looking through a glass, darkly.9 Theres a lot of confusion in the world about what is right and wrong. Spending time with loved ones, going to school or preparing for an occupation, earning a living, caring for family, serving in the communitywhere does it all fit in? Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks at the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 2-3, 2021. You can find confidence, peace, safety, happiness, and belonging now and eternally, because you will find all of it in Jesus Christ, in His gospel, and in His Church. One look into His eyes and we would never be the same. It would be 28 years before it came down. And yet this seemingly inconsequential donation caught the Saviors attention. He has provided instructions that reveal the way back to Him. But you can love and serve God. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement, and despair. Have we not reason to be filled with gratitude, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves? shared five messages all of Gods children need to hear. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one of many things we do. It even takes falling down a time or two. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It means that if we want to find balance in life, and if we want the Savior to lift us heavenward, then our commitment to Him and His gospel cant be casual or occasional. In preparing for this message today, I have felt strong promptings to address the young women and young men. If you seek truth, meaning, and a way to transform faith into action; if you are looking for a place of belonging: Come, join with us! When his brothers tied him up on the shipwhich he had built to take them to the promised landhis ankles and wrists were so sore they had swollen exceedingly, and a violent storm threatened to swallow him up in the depths of the sea. Good or evil? The problem is that it diverts our focus from the true Source of our strength, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Some are facing the end of a cherished relationship, such as the death of a loved one or estrangement from a family member. After explaining that he has often wondered what Jesus would teach if He was among us today, Elder Uchtdorf listed a few timeless truths taught by the Savior including, "He teaches us to love one another and to be 'full of charity towards all men.'" Nothing could keep them from fulfilling their mission. May we allow our souls to expand in thankfulness toward our merciful Heavenly Father. He might say it with words, but it would also flow so stronglyjust from His presencethat it would be unmistakable, reaching deep into your heart, filling your whole soul! In fact, it impressed Him so deeply that he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.1. The Joyful Burden of Discipleship. Elder Olsen teaches that the answer to our challenges and questions is Jesus Christ. After the Resurrection, Jesus Christ fulfilled His promise to visit His other sheep.13. Yet Job responded by saying, Naked came I out of my mothers womb, and naked shall I return : the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.5. We all need them every day. 1 This morning we have had the privilege to hear the prophet of God speak to all the world. Instead of dwelling on them and feeling irredeemable or hopeless, we can learn from them and feel hopeful.8 The cleansing gift of repentance allows us to leave our sins behind and emerge a new creature.9. As we set aside pride and approach His throne with a broken heart and a contrite spirit,30 He will draw near to us.31. I've been watching conference since October 2013 and, in between conferences, I think I've listened to every conference from 2005 forward (as well as every talk I can find from Eyring, Holland, and Monson.) The problem is that we dont always see things as clearly as we would like to. If you have left the faith you once embraced: Come back again. Let us take this a step further. My mother and father shared little about this burden with us four children. We do not shame or attack others. And so he took a nine-foot-long (3-m) loaf of bread, cut it in half, and with a smile, served that to the customer. 33. He will lead you the right way. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer. Nevertheless, Nephi said, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions.4, We can choose to be like Job, who seemed to have everything but then lost it all. It doesnt make decisions for you. I have pondered what to say to them, and I have struggled to know how to comfort and support them in their trials. Real and relatable conversations centered around the Come, Follow Me weekly lessons using the official curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and as one who has seen firsthand the councils and workings of this Church, I bear solemn witness that no decision of significance affecting this Church or its members is ever made without earnestly seeking the inspiration, guidance, and approbation of our Eternal Father. What does this mean for us as disciples of Jesus Christ? Elder Bednar uses the parable of the royal marriage feast to teach that, through the righteous use of our moral agency, we can choose to be chosen of the Lord. Show more Show more He Will Place You on His. Callings Volunteer and Serve Temples Family History. Coreyb. Contents. Sister Yee teaches that we are blessed as we follow the Savior on the healing path of forgiveness. You know the kind of person you want to become.22. President Oaks teaches that God inspires many organizations and individuals to help those in need and that the Church is committed to work with others in that effort. And yet He taught them many of the same things He taught in the Holy Land. Confidence, peace, safety, happiness and belonging can be found in Jesus Christ, His gospel and His Church. I invite you to pray, he said, to identify the debris you should remove from your life so you can become more worthy (Welcome Message, Liahona, May 2021, 7). Please embrace it as your own and share it with your friends. President Nelson affirms the Lords teachings about abuse and testifies that God is the source of all truth. But you can manage when you know who you are, why you are here, and when you trust God. That is part of the plan of happiness gifted to us from our loving Heavenly Father. For the Strength of Youth focuses on the foundation for your choices. It is a starting question for us as we contemplate becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. And one day He wants you to inherit all He has.6. And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. My dear friends, let me repeat, if the Savior were standing here today, He would express His endless love for you, His complete confidence in you. Will we also go away? President Nelson teaches about the importance of temples and announces plans to build more temples. And I speak to all who love our young people and want them to succeed in life. He also introduces the new For the Strength of Youth guide. Amid the confusion in the world about what is right and wrong, those who earnestly seek truth eternal, unchanging truth can see much clearer. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday morning session ofOctober 2021 general conference. It inspires humility and fosters empathy toward our fellowmen and all of Gods creation. One example comes from our prophet, President RussellM. Nelson. The couple went on to explain about Church callings, home and visiting teaching, full-time missions, weekly family home evenings, temple work, welfare and humanitarian service, and assignments to teach. When they receive sacred priesthood ordinances and make covenants with God, they can feel His power in their lives.2 When they enter the holy temple, they sense they are in His presence. If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. President Lund describes the spiritual strength that comes from FSY conferences and teaches how youth can maintain that strength. Others feel they are facing the end of hopethe hope of being married or bearing children or overcoming an illness. Once there was a man who dreamed that he was in a great hall where all the religions of the world were gathered. Contention is a choice, elder Uchtdorf teaches that as we contemplate becoming disciples of Christ. A cherished relationship, such as the starting point in our time restore! Souls to the Lord the fear must have been times when members or leaders the..., liberty, uchtdorf conference talk heavenly messengers descended from halls of immortal glory circumstances in we... I Believe & quot ; Lord, I have pondered what to watch and read, where spend. 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