Antifa is showing what they are willing to do, watch their fellow komrad take a LEO beanbag round to the wang and keep marching. You can not name another firearms manufacture today that has done more than Ruger to support the NRA, the 2A and firearms owners. Keller dropped IFMAs opposition, providing cover for a couple of wavering Senators to vote for the bill. If signed into law, the bill his lobbyist declined to oppose will drive many dealers out of business with its onerous and expensive restrictions and requirements. Hinterland #: 50977; MFG #: MT1800X; In stock. Springfield Armorys Defend your legacy has a huge hypocritical meaning now. Sadly, some of the collar county Repubs arent so much. Probably go back to looking at CZ and Walther offerings. Taurus? Absolutely love them. Never give one inch or miles will be lost. If they pull funding from the group well have some decent evidence that they didnt and dont support this carve out and are catching crap for something which they had no part in creating. It happens ALL THE TIME, and with companies much larger than RRA. Now Springfield will learn the hard way. But I didnt detect a lot of love in his words. WebA similar thing happened with Yeti and the NRA, where Yeti ended their NRA-specific discount program but included them in a broader discount program. But do they double down on their error (Target) or put things into place that not only fix the error but make them new and better than ever. An XD and its in .40? Its sad but it happens. ! mantra. All evidence to the contrary? As for Winchester still keeping an eye out for someone selling Grandads old 94 thats beat to hell but still shoots straight so I can beat it up a bit more. The vocal retards who screamed about this conveniently ignored that last part. Had a Springfield 1911 that I sold late last year to fund another purchase and was thinking of replacing it with a TRP at some point guess this gives me all the excuses I needed to spend a few hundred more for a Dan Wesson or an STI. You wont be able to pull a fast one and expect to not get called out on it. Its enough of a turnaround that I forgive their earlier sins.. WebRock River Arms LAR-15 Lightweight Mountain Rifle | MT1800X 5.56 NATO (223 Rem), 16" Chrome-Moly Lightweight BBL, Semi-Automatic, 6-Position Black Stock, Black Finish, RRA Lightweight, 30+1 Rds. If you know youre going to lose 50% off sticker driving something new off the lot, odds are you keep looking. An M1A was at the top of my wish list that I saving for. The RBG-1S is available in .308 Win./7.62x51 and 6.5 Creedmoor, with a 20-, 22- or 24-inch barrel, and a black, green or tan stock. RRA should be punished too. After Bill Ruger died, Ruger also dramatically changed direction. I sent an email and their response was the parts were out of stock. So I got the mags from a third party seller and have refused to do business with them ever since. I buy and shoot a lot of guns, and this includes SA models, but I have put them on notice that I will never buy another unless they make this right. Maybe there is a Mrs. Reese or someone or something burning cash on the side (gambling, drugs, who knows) that is consuming profit faster than SA can generate it. Well, now. business or not your customers are your lively hood. If I was a competitor, Id print up ten thousand flyers announcing Springfields decision and carpet the show with them. Hindsight is always 20/20 and the Liberal Dems are always after our Firearms Freedoms. This wasnt the first time gun dealer licensing has come up in Illinois. No sane company would move in to Illinois unless it was to curry political favor in Chicago as Boeing moving their HQ (no production) did. Screw them. So how is screwing your loyal customer base and flipping them the bird to their faces sound business policy? Dont own a Springfield anything and now never will. As the market changes so does our pricing. The ATH V2 comes with an 18-inch, stainless steel, Posted: 1/27/2021 10:51:01 AM EST. Rock River's LAR-458 is the top pick for hunters because of its value, excellent trigger and superb accuracy. As for furniture, the BT 9 R9 Competition comes with a Hogue overmolded pistol grip and a four-position adjustable Rock River Arms buttstock. He didnt say, Hey, we screwed up. I.e., Target blamed climate change on revenue misses. Have been eyeballing the SA Saint the last couple weeks. I thought it was great that they were living in the same liberal hell hole that I was living in. RRA looks pretty darn guilty or pretty darn incompetent. With support like that, who needs Everytown? Springfields CEO on the other hand, either through stupidity, hamhandedness or outright lying has seriously damaged his company. Hes told several industry types that he had no contact with IFMA lobbyist Jay Keller and knew nothing of this carve-out. Ruger didnt compromise, they wrote the AWA and betrayed every American gun owner in a most serious way. Neither excuse is a proper justification. The response was to Mark about the others being vastly superior, not your comment. Like other gun-manufacturers Springfield can move its operations to a gun-friendly state. Not everyone reads TTAG or keeps up with this sort of in the weeds stuff. AR-10-style rifles, the Rock River Arms LAR-8 stands alone. SA, who knows, maybe they can retool to make manure spreaders. Ruger, S&W, Springfield, Rock River, Ive seen people complain about Glock and Colt, Hex Mag, and about a dozen more. People Of The Gun have long memories. If CTD notices panic buying, shuts down their site and reprices everything, thats their right. IRS records have also been found that shows Reese is on the board of IFMA. Rock River Arms has a reputation for making high quality AR-15s, but they also have a reputation for being expensive. Well after reading this and let me add no love for blue Illinois my days with SA are over. Illinois cant shut down a business that way No there is no way around it, RRA and Springfield decided their Illinois customers where not worth the trouble. Well, said. Both are were on their way to selling over a quarter million of Springfield product this year. Your opinion and yourre entitled to it and welcome to voice it here, though it seems you prefer that others not voice theirs if they disagree with you. I have family that works in the town. Its called doing business. it And if stooges like you thought this could be run under the table without anyone noticing, well, guess you should be mindful of your business in the next few quarters. Last trip to the range, ran a couple hundred rounds of all flavors through it without an FTE/FTF. I see only three plausible reasons: 1) Greed millions are never enough. once you jump in bed with the marketing types. They can spout their support of the 2A all day, just like Shannon Watts does, but its just words. As has been said by numerous others, that Springer I had thought about buying just got thrown under the bus. Somehow, I get the idea the House will be a cakewalk for any anti-gun bill compared to the Senate, which this one has already passed. They mustve been channeling Bill Ruger. All things considered, a Henry Big Boy in .44mag is more likely to see the inside of my safe than a M1A1. Chill out and stop trying to ruin a great company. Post interesting results everywhere. Audits of the players, including the lobbyist and relevant politicians, and FOIAs or something for pending investigations against all the same could prove enlightening. Its easy for consumers to march elsewhere, skilled Illinois tradespeople may not be so lucky. My inventory of six XD pistols two 1911 .45s and two M 1As will be up for sale tommorow. My time stinks apparently. CTD does our best to price our products at market value. If that hurts a company whos sold you out, good. they should have fought not laid over. Rock River Arms is an American manufacturer of firearms that was founded in 1996. Springfield for intention; RRA for negligence. The more concentrated the producers and sellers of firearms becomes the easier it will be to controlled and monitored. Companies move all the time. This isnt really about the law itself. If you apply more than 9 make-ups in a year, you are in cosmetology businesses. Glad I waited. Rock Rivers LAR-15 NSP CAR is a lightweight, reliable, well-made and accurate AR carbine that is ready for duty right out of Maybe the deal was the result ofa lobbyist gone rogue. I was going to buy the Saint, seemed like a.nice rifle, now.they can piss up a rope. So I went on a buying spree. Smith and Wessons deal with the Klinton regime also brought us the infamous and deplorable hillary hole internal lock. That will never happen now. Are you aware it was Bill Ruger who testified before Congress that nobody needs more than 10 rounds? This would appear to be financial suicide by Springfield. You have entered an incorrect email address! Ive spoken with a couple of bigger dealers in Illinois in the past 24 hours. Whats the feedback at the NRA show running like? The Springfield name is going to carry an odor, no matter how good a particular firearm might be. Why does anyone ever even try to work with them? That guy knows the M14 and M1a rifles. Its pretty much just SA and RRA (and maybe a few tiny shops, but those are pretty much the only two big gun makers in Illinois). As I said on Thursday, when it comes to RRA I was, and still am, unsure if they had any foreknowledge of what was about to occur. Fuck them for gouging desperate buyers. In short, this means rifle-makers need to adapt, and one company taking that step is Rock River Arms (RRA) with its LAR-15 Operator III in 5.56mm NATO. I just bought an EMP 3-inch. What would I do if I was RRA and SAI? Not a smart move in a buyers market, or any really. 2nd Amendment Supporters are up in "Arms" pun intended about the News broken by The Truth About Guns article concerning recent state licensing for all Illinois gun dealers that IFMA (Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association) a lobbying group back by Springfield Armory and Rock River My hard earned money is going to be spent at Ruger. This year, State Senator Don Harmon needed IFMA to end their opposition to his bill. There is too much crap that I dont have a choice on (can you believe EVERY RV tire is made in China? How many model airplanes can I buy, sell or trade in one year? I have an SA Profesional that I really like and was strongly considering a Custom Carry, but this turn of events gives me a real pause to that idea. I had some AR parts on order a few days before Sands Hook. Many companies make mistakes, sometimes huge. I posted a similar comment on another article about the same subject matter, but again, and for emphasis: SPRINGFIELD IS DEAD TO ME. My sprinters were not seeing much action lately. Your Price: $744.13. I agree. And now a sell out. If youre looking for a good, dependable AR at a reasonable price, I dont think you is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Dont need it, but I kinda like it. Last Updated. Springfield, on the other hand, has gone silent. IFMAs Keller testified in March at the Illinois Senate Judiciary committee of his willingness to consider dropping the lobbying groupsopposition to the bill if his clients were exempted. When Colorado banned high cap magazines magpul moved to Texas. CTD are dirtbags plain and simple. How is he still employed? That doesnt change whats actually been proven that was three years ago. You shouldve made that decision because it is a piece of garbage, not because of this hysterical article. Theyve come to the heart of flyover country because they know their anti-2A dogwont hunt back in Washington. Its like saying Saturn is really, really big, and huge, too! Rock River Arms built its reputation on quality semi-automatic AR-pattern rifles and 1911 handguns. After Ruger (finally) gets all of its new products launched they will have just about all the bases covered. you cant fix prices or youll get a shortage. Regardless of who did what,the after-effects of this deal and a legislative loss will be felt far beyond Illinois for some time to come. Springfield Armory had two, and their now-fired lobbyist held the fourth IFMA directorship. When the Maryland Leftistlature passed the odious Gun Safety Act of 2013, making it illegal to purchase many of the firearms made by the venerable Beretta concern, they responded by building their new facility in Tennessee, giving Maryland a stalwart raised middle finger and taking a considerable amount of tax revenue with them.. Ive not the least doubt that the rest of Beretta will eventually follow. We need the pistols to get to our rifles anyway. There are millions of people in the US who no longer think that its enough to fight and die for these rights. I want to see how they fix the mess they created with the people who liked their product. We want our dealers and our valued customers to know we wont ever do anything like this again., We fully support the Second Amendment and stand by it. I dont have anything from either of the turncoat manufacturers and based on their actions, I never will. Thankfully, we still have two more chances to stop this travesty of a bill. Might want to rethink Ruger as well. They keep voting for F#$%ing Democrats. Lobbying groups run on a lot of assumptions and they dont take a vote from membership every time a change is made to a bill that they think concerns their members. So many good options, why buy from jackasses. Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms Trade Opposition to Illinois FFL Licensing Scheme for Carve-Out. See below for more information. RRA IS THE ONLY COMPANY THAT CAN MAKE A RELIABLE AR-10. Along with lost new sales, this boneheaded move will kill resale values. You cannot exempt large businesses from onerous regulations that you impose on small businesses. When a big box store is competitive on price with the local gun shop, you know there is a problem. No more. Of course there will be others that benefit as well. In fact, I own a Springfield M1A Scout Squad that they gave me free of charge after I encountered a series of malfunctions with an old SAR8. Two? The S&W deal with Clinton was made on March 17, 2000 and the company was sold for $45 million ($15 million cash and $30 million in acquired debt) on May 11, 2001 Are you reading-impaired? I can promise that none, and I mean none of my not unsubstantial refund, is going to wind up in Springfields receivables account. How does a company respond to pernicious laws and an atmosphere which is detrimental to the People of the Gun? Imagine, a corrupt Illinois politician! You would answer your own question if you noticed my opening remark: Ruger was making superior quality products using totally American resources. There should be a hall of shame for betrayals (and later repentances) by gun companies. The RRA LAR-15 is a quality gun, in just about any configuration you can come up with. Especially ones outside Chiraq. Cant this fool see how much this is going to hes going to hurt his own pocketbook for this tiny edge? Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront. Springfield Armory is a dishonest operation from stem to stern. This is why I said should not will. Because of rumors of canceled orders. I dont expect everyone to feel that way. One of the few cases of sincere contrition. Dont know what will replace the EMP4 but I bet the TRP itch gets scratched by a Dan Wesson. If people werent buying at these prices than there would be no market. Make it a campaign issue NOW. My SA 1911 Loaded Target has been my favorite pistol since I bought it last year. WebProduct Description. Hence why, even with Democrats holding a super-majority in both our House and Senate, and a rabidly anti-gun Governor, we held the line even post-Newtown. The vast majority of companies can do what they want to, but have have to insist that firearms companies fight for the 2nd EVEN WHEN ITS NOT IN THEIR COMPLETE SELF INTEREST TO DO SO. What opinion? (This is in response to Mark). And theyre telling their friends. Theyre sole purpose is to protect their own interests. A corrupt Illinois politician. theyre NOT trapped in Illinois,they can relocate,same as other gun companies have done. Most places, its still over $1500. Wow, the article on Reese is incredible. If workers still want a job, its a reasonable commute. At the same time, Rock River Arms began to build AR-15 style rifles. Rock River Arms also produces M1911 pattern pistols, bolt-action rifles, and AR-15 style pistols in assorted calibers. [5] [6] I have LOUDLY mentioned their treachery on the dozens of FB groups I belong to. Damn This is turning into that mob with the torches looking for Frankenstein. Im sorry, I mean they would ask after putting you and your fliers in the dumpster. Thank God we have a Rural King now here local. Shame! Asit should. Beretta kicked Maryland to the curb for their ridiculous gun laws. Rock River booth at the NRA convention, owner Chuck Larson has professed innocence in the matter. Advertise their treachery. For folks like me, it is no longer enough to be willing to fight and die for these rights, but to be willing to kill for them as well. Good luck RRA. No they dont. So, youre not buying a bunch of Springfields new pistols? I asked one. Thats bad, dont get me wrong. Under no circumstances would they sell me any magazines. S&W was owned by a British company who were forced to sell their company for pennies on the dollar. Send a signal to IL Senators and the Governor that supporting the bill is politically a trainwreck. 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