7. 4. She found her courage, and she destroyed her shackles only days before her Judgement. How does Scout know the verdict before it was read? He does not have the attention that Scout receives from Atticus or any of his other relatives. 2. She is confused by the fact that the trial seemed to be fair and in accordance with the letter of the law, but Mr. Underwood, the author of the newspaper editorial seems to be reacting as if it wasnt. 3. Harper Lee includes Dolphus Raymond as a way to teach Scout that a person cant judge someone else by just looking at them. 3. Dill lies mainly to defend himself. Change). He observed that his father acted calm, but still Jem felt he needed to remove his father from the situation, as it would be the best way to protect him. Dont have an account? Dolphus Raymond was created because Harper Lee wanted to show someone else in the town that didnt care about race. What role does Calpurnia play in the family and in the novel? Atticus attempts to talk up the family name. First off, Calpurnia makes a big deal about making both Scout and Jem look nice for their trip to church. Like Dolphus Raymond, who had always believed that racism is cruel and should not make a person judge another person by what they look like. Where else in the chapter does this symbol appear? Also, Scout was curious as to why a donation was held for Tom Robinson and his family. The new childrens train at the park is called the Sutton Sidewinder. There's no real reason why Atticus's behavior should reflect on anyone but himself and perhaps the parents who raised him, but Aunt Alexandra seems to think it's her business, too. People from far and wide came to town to watch the trail as Miss Maudie exclaimed, Look at all those folks. ] (119) Another member of the church, Zeebo, was mighty glad to have [Them. Why does Atticus feel the length of time the jury deliberated was significant? Physical appearance; body hair and height. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. One specific member of First Purchase, Lula, went far enough as to try and deny Scout and Jem entrance to the church. Its not falling anywhere short of what you want. They came face to face with the truth behind how some black people felt about white people. Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church was probably an unforgettable experience for the children. In fact, Mr. Raymond even had children with them, which was almost scandalous back then. With a little luck, he manages to set them off and is able to breath once more. It may be difficult, but only someone with real courage could go through with it and prove others wrong. Aunt Alexandra has a feeling something will go wrong Dill was just a friend for the summer and a companion for when times got rough. Its not turning youre back on someone, even when the world is persecuting you for it. Atticus means that even though the crowd was bitter because of the ongoing events, they were still human. Scout has difficulties understand fine people,. What's the irony in the teaching method Miss Caroline is using. Who says this? Reverend of the African church that Tom Robinson was a member of. I think that Dill lies only to the Finches and their neghborhood because they may be the only good friends that he has and he does not want to ruin their relationship by telling the truth to them. She hoped to broaden the childrens perspective on the black community before the trial to keep the children from prejudicing Tom Robinson prior to the trial. Harper Lees deffinition of courage is doing what is right not what is easy. Scout asked Like your daddys? he aint got a beard, he- Dill stopped as if trying to remember. Scout is talking about her schoolmate, Walter, who only ever attends the first day of school. are-is This story is highly unlikely but it demonstrates Dills imaginative nature and his need for attention. ] (119) The main difference was the use of hymn books, and how hymns are sang. He is the only one who can accomplish the job correctly. Dolphis just happened to be more accepted by the Negro community than the whites. plus, she knew that by the way atticus raised them they were blind to skin color so it didnt matter what church they were at. Metal ripped on metal and I fell to the ground and rolled as far as I could, floundering to escape. While Scout rambled on, the men were staring at her in awe, and left the scene as she finished. Atticus didnt become nervous or scared or flustered. What news arrives during Alexandra's afternoon tea? Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Scouts cousin tells her that Auntie says that Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs. Aunt Alexandra thinks that children need to be raised with more order and strict manner, but Scout just sees that if people are kind hearted then they are just fine. I think that after his fiance commited suicide, it had an effect on him. 5. Atticus and Alexandra disagree about how to deal with the children. The Scout is voiced by Nathan Vetterlein . The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. How did you use the result to determine who walked fastest and slowest? "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. It's always wrong to cajole a previously announced theme out of an unwilling text. The early chapters of the novel show a childish excitement and fear about the mysterious Boo Radley. I think that as time goes by he will grow from his lying phase, only to replace it with another undesirable habit soon after. Aunt Alexandra prefers to think that a family is finer the longer they live on the same property while Scout believes simply that fine folks were people that tried their best and did the best they could with what they had. I think Scout showed Mr. Cunningham and the other men that Atticus shows everybody nothing but kindness and he tries to help everybody out. Would you agree that he drank out of a sack and made people believe that he was a drunk because he liked Blacks more than Whites? He just gets passed around from relative to relative (82) so Dill needed an excuse to show that he had a contrlled life. He is brave for his children and extremely courageous for taking on such a controversial case. Her voice rose: "It tears him to pieces. You dont have to be in a war or win the biggest upset of a case youve ever had; you simply must fight through your pain and suffering and reach the end of the line, or die trying. As Scout and the reader will go on to learn, Aunt Alexandra is conservative and racist, suggesting that she probably doesnt view Calpurnia as an appropriate feminine influence for Scout, simply because of the color of her skin. Also, the fact that there wasnt any hymn books played a role in the astonishment that the kids expressed. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. To Kill a Mockingbird. Yes, I agree. When Zeebo approached the front of the church to sing [it] was too much for [Scout.] She eventually finds out that he was appointed to defend Tom and that even though the townspeople knew he had to defend him, they still treated him badly. I am not sure if he believes all people to have some good in them for sure, but I do know he is a very thoughtful character. I think by including this character Harper Lee was showing that even in a town like Maycomb there are people besides the Finchs who are blind to color. He was afraid that the group of men were a gang that was going to hurt Atticus because he was defending Tom Robinson in the trial. What is CAGR of Nerve Repair And Regeneration Devices Market. To Kill a Mockingbird. Jem, unfamiliar with the motive of why a crowd of men [were] standing around Atticus. (145), responded in the way any twelve-year-old would. She arranges family by blood, while Atticus considers affection and loyalty. A sleepy old shark. To be a fine person according to Aunt Alexandra, you were born that way. that she means money, as well as social standing as an indicator of Atticus, on the other hand, seemed to not be the least bit alarmed by this. They unfolded it and held it out flat, but instead of bringing it over to the flagpole, they marched over right next to the large square fireplace. (24.76). For example, Dolphus Raymond was said to be a town drunk but when he offers Dill a sip of what is in his plastic bag Scout warns Dill to be careful and Dill released the straw and grinned. Aunt Alexandra focuses on the monetary and social while Scout The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. ", "I wish Bob Ewell wouldn't chew tobacco. I think Harper Lee created Dolphus Raymond to show that whites do not have to be racist, and that it is not wrong to be with black people if you are white. Dill needs to lie because he is not comfortable with his life. Aunt Alexandra isn't so sure that they're in the clear, but Jem and Scout feel better. He faced it with pure bravery and pride instead of shame and remorse. He tried to protect his father. He lies to add some adventure to a motonous story. This is needless to say that the acts of Atticus Finch were courageous and very astounding. This blog does not store any files on its server. The judge overseeing the trial of Tom Robinson. Scout is reflecting on her aunts view that the quality of a person has to do with the quality and longevity of their family tree. This is an understandably hard thing for the children to understand, but Atticuss willingness to go there anyway speaks to his faith in their ability to eventually figure it out. They learned a lot about the Negroes in their town. I think that Mr. Cunningham and all the other men left the jail after speaking with Scout for many reasons. This realization proves that a gang of wild animals can be stopped simply because they are still human (157). Dolphus showed the diversity of the people who attended the trial that day. As any scout bonfire would start, we all stood while the flag was brought in to the sound of a bugel. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Also, most of the men in the posse have children of their own, and would not want their offspring to see something like that. This something that Scout has never seen and she enjoys it. For all Aunt Alexandra says about family in the abstract, she does really care about her actual family members. I hope all of you enjoy this very special book about children growing up in an imperfect world. Atticus raised Scout to be a respectable young girl, reflecting himself. Even though Dill makes up these stories to hide his past, I still think he is a confident person. Because he felt hopeless after his conviction. "I think there's just one kind of folks. Scout believes fine people means the people who do well and succeed with what they are given and Aunt Alexandras meaning of fine people is the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer they was (130). It is common courtesy to protect the children and the topic of their discussion may not be appropriate for Jem and Scout to hear or the men just dont want them to hear it. For example Atticus took the Tom Robison case which is the biggest most controversal case in his life. Mr. Cunningham and all the other members most likely left after Scout arrived in order to spare her from seeing anything bad and simply because theyre human (157). How does Scout help Atticus defure the anger of the mob? Scout respected these people and that is the reason why she calls them Fine Folks.. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. I wonder why Harper Lee created the character of Dolphus Raymond? What 4-way golf bags have full-length dividers fastened along all 4 edges, not just top and bottom? Instead he met the men with his usual calm and quiet demeanor. She couldnt live like Mr. Dolphus Raymond, who preferred the company of Negroes, because she didnt own a riverbank and she wasnt from a fine old family. 7. to make a search; hunt. Even though he was sort of an outcast from whites, it is admirable that his fortitude is visible in the book. Here Scout realizes that a double standard applies to white people who want to associate with black people. Talk about upsetting the social order: Atticus seems much less concerned with judging his children (as opposed to, say, Bob Ewell) than with how they might judge him. 6. Underline all words, letters, numerals, and symbols that should appear in italics in the following sentences. Aunt Alexandra's idea of family is exclusive (kick out those who aren't worthy of being counted in), while Atticus's is inclusive. This shows that at this point, shes still a child, and after what she learned during the trial she understands that theres not much that innately divides groups of people. Scout's impression of Fine Folks were they did the best they could with the sense they had. What does Mrs. Dubose teach Scout and Jem? He becomes more responsible towards himself and others. 1. 3. If he were her double first cousin once removed he would still not be received in this house unless he comes to see Atticus on business. Atticus responded in an entirely different way than Jem. What three incidents concerning Bob Ewell occur? I wonder why Harper Lee created the character of Dolphus Raymond? One evening, Atticus encourages Jem to think of how Mr. Ewell feels. He tries to look for the good side in everyone. Scout, Jem, and Dill learned that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. (157). Would he behave differently if they didn't exist? Aunt Alexandra's idea of "fine folks" is very different than Scout's idea of it. What does Sheriff Tate mean "let the dead bury the dead" this time Mr. Finch? 6) I believe that the character of Dolphus Raymond was created by Harper Lee because she wanted to outline the fact that some people who had the opportunity to be something much more choose to be something much less. The plot and characters are loosely based on . 7. Given Aunt Alexandras character, its unlikely that shed ever be this forgiving toward someone from any other family in town. 6.Harper Lee created Dolphis to show that sometimes not everyone has a prejudice. It also was a great learning experience also. Richard when you say Atticus thinks like a lawyer yet tries to find the good in people, do those claims not contradict themselves. However, Scout was not fully satisfied with the churchs procedures. Mr. Cunningham was thrown off by Scouts cordial interferance and he had no way to retaliate because they share a polite nature. He is the sort of person that is calm in most situations and tries not to preoccupy himself. Folks.". Calpurnia justifies her trip to the church with the children as education. Why does Dolphus Raymond hide Coca-Cola in a brown paper bag? What does Atticus hope to establish through Bob Ewell's testimony? Since Dill is such a great friend to the Finch children, he constantly makes up lies about his outside life particularly because he wants to keep the friendship between them strong. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Scout struggles, because being Atticuss daughter, she has reason can examine and comprehend certian things to give her an idea of what a fine person is like. He wanted to amaze them with his unique stories and make them think how incredible his life is. 5. To impress Scout after running away from his adoptive father he weaves a long and exciting tale about how he escaped from his adoptive fathers basement where Dill was held captive and got on the train. His speed also makes him ideal for capturing intelligence briefcases. What metaphor does the author use to describe Bob Ewell as he approaches the witness stand? $\hspace{37pt}$E3: Yo habra comprado la carne en otra carniceria. After my bout with Cecil Jacobs when I committed myself to a policy of cowardice, word got around that Scout Finch wouldn't fight any more, her daddy wouldn't let her. How does Maycomb react to Tom Robinsons death? Jem and Scouts confusion (as well as their ability to poke holes in Aunt Alexandras questionable logic) suggests that children have an innate ability to identify prejudice and hypocrisy like this. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. 4. Literacy isn't a bad approachliteracy means education, which means having a certain class and wealth status. More books than SparkNotes. The men realized the lack of compassion and respect they were showing to Atticus. Scout is speaking to her teacher on the first day of school. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Jem and Scout understand that theres more to being a good person than owning land, which speaks to their growing sense of morality and compassion. subject in each of the following sentences. Matt, I disagree with you. "When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow". He was very calm in the face of danger and had in fact been expecting the visit sooner or later. Jem them grew anxious and yelled, Atticus, the telephones ringing(146)! All of the horrors of the trial and its aftermath ultimately trace back to Mayellas decision to seek romantic comfort with a black man. What lesson does he hope Jem will learn from spending time with Mrs. Dubose. Scout has the perspective of a young innocent mind who can see things how they really are without being biased. Not physically, but mentally. From his drinking out of a sack (160) to his mixed child[ren], (160) Dolphus teaches the reader of the gap between a southern white man and a southern black man, and what happens when the two combine. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. During the service, instead of using hymn books, a single man stepped into the aisle and read the hymn a few lines at a time, then allowing the rest of the congregation to sing what he had just read. Donald W. McCullough What indication do we have at the end of chapter 24 that Scout is growing up? Dolphus, as one person, summed up everyones beliefs and thoughts about Atticus trial and how blacks and white felt about each other. Part Two Chapter 13. Describe the conflict between Miss Caroline and Scout. Why is this significant? Scout is a Tomboy (acts like a boy), and Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to act like a lady. Courage would be described as believing in something that you want and not basing your opinions on somebody elses judgment. Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want She has obviously been raised with this understanding, presumably from Atticus, as. Scout believed that Fine Folks were,people who did the best they could with the sense they had(130). Scout and Jems father, Atticus, is helping Tom Robinson, who was a follower at First Purchase and probably Lulas friend. This line serves a dual purpose. What are the advantages of craft scissors? She was puzzled by the customs of the church. Dolphus was a good example of Fine Folk. You can tell because they leave the house without permission to protect her father. Aunt Alexandra has too much regret from not raising her own boy up to standards, and too much pride to back down from her initial teachings to Jem and Scout. She talks about inviting Walter home for lunch. Because she had the courage to do so, she saved her father and family from a lot of trouble. What is Aunt Alexandra's definition of "Fine Folks"? He did not give up a case just because every other white human in Maycomb county was telling him that what he was doing was wrong. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Instant PDF downloads. A color and icon to each theme in be stopped simply because they leave the house permission... The scene as she finished is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme.! Day of school is n't a bad approachliteracy means education, which means a... Danger and had in fact, Mr. Raymond even had children with them, was... Jem, and symbols that should appear in italics in the teaching method Miss Caroline is using a motonous.... Far as i could, floundering to escape other men that Atticus shows everybody nothing but kindness he. Dead '' this time Mr. Finch when cookies are disabled Atticus thinks like a lawyer yet to. 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