15 years inshell of myself, goals unmet, dreams deferred, hopes dashed, weight gain, depression, addictions!! One day Ill have enough courage to do so too. Explain to him that he has the right to take time for himself if he needs to. Some aspie behavior is eerily similar to those seen in narcissistic personality disorder and most of us are very inclined to blind ourselves to his and think its ASD. You are absolutely correct that the way for NTs to deal with a distressed Aspie is to stay neutral and not confront, until they are calm enough to talk. He cant just put his wife away on hold while gaming takes priority all the time! I don't understand how marriages last a long time. You thought about it, rationalized, and gave them the benefit of the doubt. He did something wrong and I came down on him hard. You could relate, and the past injustices against your new love caused you such . His eyes show no soul inside. The best times are when we travel together. I guess that is what this is???? Hes not a malicious or mean or cruel person. Now let's move onto more genuine and solvable reasons. I supported him throughout. You tried to ask questions, tried to understand, but everything you said was wrong. I have supported him throughout his successful medical career and his obsessive hobbies. That helped. This is in jeopardy now. The more I went towards him, the worse it got, the more I couldnt do anything right, the more I became the enemy. This is a tough life. Love. But then she doesnt really talks to me anyways. Can he learn to see my point of view at least intellectually? Everyone was shocked. I am so sorry that you were abused and traumatized. And when he gets confronted about it: he will make excuses that Ill pretend to believe so he wont lash out and neglect me again. When hes out he falls back into as I call it living in his own world. Dont give up on either of you, but never put up with the abuse. I dont know what to say to help him re engage or why he cannot simply give me a yes or no answer? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You are not alone Ashley. He has kind of ghosted me. I did us both a favor by ending the suffering. In what ways could you relate? Isolation or minimal interaction in social situations. He hasnt spoke, touched or prayed w me . I am so sorry you are going through this, I too went/go through those episodes with my boyfriend. I called his parents and his sister to tell them how much I loved him and that I respected his need for space and that my thoughts and prayers were with them all especially my boyfriend. At home, they werent trying as hard anymore. Im an unpaid volunteer. Our adult daughter 25 is undiagnosed aspie. I just wanted to share with you, so you dont feel so alone. I felt alone all the time, even though he was phisically there. They had no judgement about what most would consider to be broken or weird. Even when hes hurt you. I find out a few days later he was still talking to his best friend. I said to him Ill do it Ill serve her with a protective order but to be honest I dont feel stable with him or Her. I believe that is what turned my relationship and for the better. It invariably comes as a result of some action on the other person's part, usually a violation of trust or dependability. I am so sorry Peter. Nevertheless it feels like abuse doesnt it? He needs to be evaluated by someone experienced and it seems like you are offering only education and therapy appointments. Common symptoms of Asperger's that may impact social interaction or communication include: Problems making or maintaining friendships. I camouflage extremely well and I can hide the Aspergers for the most part. Please give me some advise. I find following my own silent pursuits, yoga and meditation, help me recenter. They need very specialized therapists. I decided to ask for a break of the relationship because I was on the verge of a mental breakdown as to how I felt invisible and not cared for. I am disappointed at you because you hurt me and I refuse to discuss the concerns becuase I struggle with me putting others first. 'Sa tonight', the same thing happened to me with my AS friend. You are not responsible for them! I have interests that I share with few people and like my time alone. Another option is to acknowledge that there might have been some miscommunication and quickly clarify where I standis this a good approach, or should I just stick to the quick message and save that stuff for in person, if it gets there? I fell in love and thought we were soulmates. I feel that the foundation of everything is super solid, but she's very overwhelmed by what to me seem sometimes like the simplest misunderstandings. Ive made it very evident to him that I love him and want to be with him. I'm sorry you had this experience with your boyfriend. If you can do that you may have a relationship that gives you some sense of love. To try and understand him better. Who Manages Your Time? He gets these ideas that aren't really founded in rational thought and then just runs with them to far away places and there is no convincing him that his initial premise is mis-guided. We are equally puzzled by the NT world. When I was young, I knew when my mother didn't like a child that I brought round home. Its about understanding. I have PTSD from childhood abuse and they severely triggered me in so many ways. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". That day I told him how I was still resentful for how cold he was during this period, even though I tried to reach out to him and expected to be more caring (i left him the house because I had a place to go and he didnt and because I couldnt afford that rent and didnt want him to pay it for me while we were separated). The grand romantic gestures faded into small rituals. To even begin to resolve these issues, youre going to have to understand each other. What is hard to understand is we have good times. We dated again for over a year, made plans to build a future together and then he went cold with no explanation. It's so sad and hard to give up this wonderful person. In the beginning things were amazing. That's what I'm going to try and do, but I know how difficult it is to wait sometimes, but if you show him you care enough to give him space, he might be more willing to talk and go back to how things were. Tbh at this point I already suspected he may be ASD or on the spectrum. Ive been feeling like Im going mad with frustration. They DO come backbecause its happened to menumerous timesjust when you climb out of the darkness But he will never speak to me again. When I read what people have written about their needs I automatically glaze over and skip to the next bit of story. Just keep on showing you love him, and that you're willing to give him space and not talk about it right away, but make sure he knows you want to talk about it, and hopefully he'll come and talk to you about everything. hes checked into a hotel and has told me its for peacof mind and to think of only him self for a change. Basically there is a lot of stress in an aspie when dealing with social stuff, included relationships im sure (i. He discarded me 2 weeks ago. I need some advice. Thats his routine. Its so so hard being at my place, What ever i do seems to make things worse. The silent treatment is devastating. This time his shutdown was prompted by an argument. The NT side of the relationship will often take this "quietness" to indicate grudging acceptance and may exacerbate the situation by repeating it (for instance, moving more furniture). But I feel he is confused, Hi Ashley I am going through similar situation. I never said a word or even complained. He is cold, vacant and empty. The silent treatment is painful, but it helps to remember that its not my fault. Note Im a very social person. I was even shocked to learn that hes casually dating a very normal and good catch girl. Source: www.anewmode.com I really do. But she cant use his issues to separate us and he cant use me to gain what he wants if that makes sense. Nevertheless, I'll try to point out some possibilities. In other cases, aspies who grew up in those circumstances do a complete a. We have hidden this from his family and I make him look like an awesome husband and dad in front of his parents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Which I said to him once and he blew it all out of proportion. Well see. But since he got a new job and everything start messy up. My husband also has many of these traits. Addiction and ASD do not mix well. She tries to remind me of any nice times that we have had recently but its as if I have deleted them. The aspie partner may miss the fact his partner is actually seething. Marriage and children will bring out more of the issues. Most people with Aspergers, like most people want social relationships. We were pretty much back to how it was before in terms of time spent together (minus overnights). I confessed my feelings to her,even telling her how my heart felt. YOUR HEART. Usually we listen on the radio (NPR) and I had thought (wrongly, it turned out) that he knew one function of the radio was to prevent distracting conversation. I can't even get as far as to get into a relationship. No call no text .. nothing. I was completely caught if guard and told him he wasnt making any sense. But the pain they inflict is devastating. Since then I have been trying to talk to him again and again. She closed off all communication about six months ago, but I'm still in an absolute turmoil of guilt, regret, loss and self hatred. I was struggling to deal with his alcoholism and depression. 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Yet that somehow that is my fault it seems because I am ND. Is there any hope he might decide we should be together again. Im no innocent party I apologized to him for my cruelty, told him I loved him, and that I was truly sorry. He completely went cold and whenever I tried to reach out, email, text, etc..he'd act like I was bothering him and he was so busy (even though he had no other friends and was closest to me). We do not live together. I feel awful saying this but I have resentment. With a personality difficulty, its entitlement. Time management is a critical skill, particularly after your child had left school and is expected to take charge of their own day. We spent the night together and next morning he was different. They suggested that sociopaths were so common that most workplaces (small business) had at least one or two. I didnt figure it out until year 18 so the damage was beyond repair. So Im now 2 weeks in to this and decided to wait for her a bit longer, but trying to move on for now. I was outside of their social group but it seemed they were pretending to know stuff that only people in my group might know, if that makes sense. It is the only way he has communicated for the past three days. I wish desperately he would wake up and smell the madness, and do something about it. Ive been slowly setting boundaries but this last one of no more name calling has set him into a silent shutdown for a week so far. Now he says I abandoned him and Im an abuser. I told her I was struggling with the new friendship and that I was becoming sensitive and I miss our jovial times. My girlfriend says that she can tell when I'm going to go cold. I agree and I thought the same thing when I read that post. He wants to be alone and no pressure to have to explain or defend his state of mind. If all aspies were completely alike and predictible, they'd be a stereotype but they're not. If you are to aspire to Radiant Empathy status, you must be a warrior. First, for the couple, please take my recorded online course. Answer (1 of 9): As a 27 year old Autistic man, I can confidently say that I've only felt "true love" once, and it was quite recently. Then, friends. Being able to express your emotions and be emotionally supportive of each other is the lifeblood of a healthy relationship. They create a mask for the rest of us, but anyone will tire eventually if they have to pretend constantly. I am so sorry that you are going through this Sarah. I feel the ball is in his hands now. I'm sorry to say so, but its all such waffle to me. I decided that HE was the one losing out because I had so much love to give. I was a nervous mess. ) My aspie husband took a very harsh decision to divorce me within couple of months of marriage without assigning any reason. He said it would be a disaster and that he doesnt want a scene. It took a week, but we finally ran into each other. I am probably the only person who can help Bianca and Howard find relief from their paranoia because I know them very well and I know the dynamic of autism infused paranoia. Or if you can fly to a neighboring country with a good clinic. When you have an empathy dysfunction as our Aspies do, they have no idea that you also have anxiety and depression. I love him dearly. Then, out of the blue, I received a text message: "Darling, I don't want to hurt you, really I don't, but I cannot be in a relationship now, with you or anyone. If I cried out of frustration he would shut down and tell me I was exaggerating, to cut my drama, telling me to leave him alone, leaving the room being completely indifferent. Oh my God. He is a logical thinker, not emotional as i can see you obviously are. I chose to stop talking to my ex spouse/ASD once I decided to get a divorce. I suspect it will go on longer. Dear Renee. Its torture. Believe it or not, this is quite common for Aspies. They fail to take into consideration the person into their reasoning. In fact it was the one of my anxiety attacks that upset our plans that triggered this latest shutdown. Why can't you focus on reliable information, like facts?" Girl: "You're weird. He asked me a month before, how are you feeling about me and my behavior. When my partner abuses me, I clearly state that I do not take responsibility for his behaviour. You are walking a tightrope. Only when he has some sort of an emotional meltdown his goes silent. You might want to be careful with this. In order to reduce anxiety Aspies often go silent or check out for days. So what am I meant to do other than not talk to her? If youd like to talk with someone whos experiencing similar stress, Im here. Since then he pulled away and been mia for a week. He has just the past month tried therapy and got a prescription for medication which I know is more than most ND would. Actually even a tentative diagnosis might be a good first step for us because although I brought up this issue to him months ago, he keeps being in denial. Im able to tone them down as a favor to my NT partners. Has an amazing job and extremely successful. Many couples have learned how to cope with these situations by creating their own personal rules for engagement. Ive never been so happy to come across this page. But this, this was different. I did approach him with what I had researched but he was totally insulted. Many writers like Kathy Marshack and Maxine Aston write from the perspective of neurotypical supremacy, pathologizing, peddling paltry stereotypes, directly misrepresenting or ignoring research, and claiming [with painful irony] that aspies have zero degrees of empathy and simply cant understand well, much of anything. Im a high functioning Aspie and broke up with my NT ex by giving her the silent treatment aka ghosting. (Part 1) Another thing to consider is that many of us are far better at sex than romance or love. I got hurt. You are a free human being who can decide for herself if she wants time apart or if she wants to be in this relationship. Ive presented him with two examples of responses as I read that this can be helpful to someone with ASD to not feel so overwhelmed by over analysing their response. It benefits nobody. I go between empathy and feeling like a victim of narcissistic abuse. Still I have been hurt, confused and in doubt a lot of the time. I was ok w taking space cuz we still texted a cpl times a day. He ghosted me out of the blue after one fight / tantrum he created, and stopped answering my messages, and never even broke up with me. He told me upfront when we started dating that he was an Aspie. I've been dating an undiagnosed AS for a couple of months. The beginning was so beautiful and happy, like a dream actually. I so understand Dotty.. Ive had the extraordinary experience of starting a fledgling romance with an aspie recently. I went. Not understanding what he was really feeling, I took it as a rejection. Determined to do everything right, you did what you do and dove in head first. Im sorry but its just evil to do that. Myths About Asperger's Syndrome. I said I wanted to work things out with him. This is such a difficult situation and my heart goes out, I did not know my wife was an aspie until after we were married which sadly then fell apart. It was just the totality of feeling taken for granted and unappreciated. I dont know what to do. 28 plus years of marriage and I will never have a spouse who will make me the priority unless he needs something from me.. He is a silent spouse who only talks when spoken to and then its 50 questions to get more information. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". 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