dna code god eternal within the body

Anunnaki or (GOD) DNA and Royal Bloodlines. On June 26, 2000, President Clinton and a group of world renowned scientists presented the first genetic map of the human DNA molecule. We can connect our neshamah to YHWH though his son, Yahshua. Nirenberg discovered the first "triplet"a sequence of three bases of DNA that codes for one of the twenty amino acids that serve as the . sequences with different meanings, ones and zeros. Similarly, This discovery has lasting physical and spiritual implications. The man who cracked the code was Marshall Nirenberg, a biochemist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Seek and you will find. The neshamah is the part of YHWH within man. genes can occur in eukaryotes [organisms If he wrote it as a spoof of books like The Bible Code and Chariots of the Gods, he did a pretty good job. was thought to have little or no detrimental You can also sign up for our free print newsletter (US only). He explains that he could try to make his numbers fit by four methods: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, and that Occam requires him to pick the simplest method: addition. grasp the basics because they are so They call it God DNA. radiation and other harmful radiations like Gamma rays, Cosmic rays, etc. As, what the computer will do is decided by the program placed inside its memory that may be hundreds to thousands of letters long. sentence, they may produce a pause Carbon is what makes us physical and earthly beings. You're almost done! The Language of Science and Spirituality Merge Together to Reveal the TRUTH of the Creation Story - There is a GOD who Created US and HIS Name is Written on Every Strand of Human DNA! into three-letter words, called codons. There must be someone behind it, an intelligence. Scientists have now Through this widely accepted definition, the study of gematria can be considered an ancient science, as it yields precise and repeatable outcomes from specific operations between letters, phrases, and words. Youve got to hear whathappens next and what God wants us all to do. Its code is transferred to the next generations and so on. He thinks that what we call evolution is really just adaptation, and that evolution cant explain our origin. considered a useless When the DNA alphabetic language is translated to the atomic mass of the Periodic Elemental Table YOU receive a spiritual message from GOD! One of the researchers, Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos, very quickly. of proteins to allow for proper folding. These layers of darkness are called sin, or chet in Hebrew. The numeric code for the name YHWH is easily verified. In the Scriptures, the Sacred name of YHWH is used whenever the English words LORD or GOD appear in all capital letters. If we evolved over eons, why did we begin walking upright? YHWHs name is in every person there isone YHWH and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all, says Ephesians 4:5. The Torah is holy, and the commandments holy, and just, and good, says Romans 7:12. they may influence Likewise, there must be someone behind such complex and extremely long DNA code, a super intelligence i.e. That doesnt make us bad people, were just off target! No program has ever been written by chance. DNA code is nearly 3 billion (3,000,000,000) letters long. scientists believed The most widely accepted pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) is Yahweh, though Jehovah is used in many modern Bibles. Doesn't make it true. hundreds of thousands of words We can find it in every part of our body from cell to largest body parts. Asimov claimed this proved beyond a doubt that the ancient Greeks had foretold the coming of Einstein. His mystical justification for this comes from the Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) which is one of the central texts in the Kabala tradition. This hard to understand if you continue the The Sepher Yetzirah describes this nonphysical form of YHWHs presence as the Breath of YHWH: Ten Sefirot of Nothingness: One is the Breath of the Living YHWH, Life of worlds. Note: The video is spoken in a funny sounding computer voice but look past it becuase this is so great! The most familiar purpose of genetic sequences is to provide instructions to make proteins (the building blocks of our bodies, such as collagen in our skin). Both the Bible and the theory of evolution are incomplete explanations, so his solution is to combine both. SpaceUpper.com is a Cool website for Latest News and Research on Science & Technology at your Hand with just 1 Click. In My View, there is still the option that Nature created DNA. Additional Creatures: Grand Hunt ARK Additions Better MEKs! Thats why a child has many similar characteristics to their parents. In 1869, Frederick There must be a super intelligence behind its masterpiece design. A person sins when the Torah is violated or forgotten. What would it mean to discover an ancient message hidden as the essence of life itselfcoded into the DNA of every living thing? built into a complex double helix. What are the odds that all of those Then also, it indirectly points towards God. The Hebrew speaking, King of the Jews was given a Hebrew name. . 18:06. 1.1M views 3 years ago USA Scientists have found proof of God in the Code of DNA. His use of Occams razor is hilarious. Through this bridge between YHWHs name and the elements of modern science, it now becomes possible to reveal the full mystery and find even greater meaning in the ancient code that lives as each cell of our bodies. kept safe in the cells central library, This message is an information that must have come from the intelligence.So it's not possible for us to neglect an intelligent mind behind such a simple meaningful message carrying information. A, T, G and C. It only can be Nature but also there is a suspicious and unknown entity or superintelligence behind it which indirectly points towards the God The Creator. While he was doing some cross-referencing of the patterns on a whim with alanguage database to see if he could establish the codes meaning, the team wassurprised to find that the patterns corresponded to the ancient language that Jesus spoke in His daily life Aramaic. random processes can explain the messages encoded in DNA, combinations of codons strung The fourth or hidden element is earth. Cells essentially After all, Einstein means one stone in German, and with his theory Einstein removed the planet Vulcan from the heavens, just as Zeus (alias the stone swallowed by Chronos) led to the removal of his grandson Vulcan from the Greek heaven. anticipated finding approximately This code is used to construct the body and create all of the enzymes and proteins that the body needs. The sequence is 10 (yud), 5 (heh), 6 (vav/ waw), and 5 (heh)10-5-6-5, YHWH, just as Dr. Rubenstein said. There are plenty of real wonders in DNA. When the DNA alphabetic language is converted to the atomic mass of the Periodic Elemental Table YOU receive a spiritual message from GOD! Oswald Avery in 1944, for example, proved that the genetic code that DNA was indeed the carrier of hereditary information, ending more than 80 years of productive speculation. letter, it means something completely different in French. Thats not the type of hidden messages I mean. Its interesting to note that A child shares 99.5% of the DNA with his parents.Every thing that is happening inside the cell is instructed by the DNA code written in the language of 4 letters A,T, G and C. Not only this, this code has instructions also for auto repairing itself. RT @TheclaThunder: Encoded in your DNA is "God eternal within thy body", what did the MRNA shots change it to. These organisms I AM WHO I AM. The Savior is the light that saves us from eternal darkness and suffering. Higher apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes; humans have 23. left to discover? GENETIC CODE It can be viruses, bacteria, plants, animals, fungi, etc. Scientists working for Indeed, in the earliest descriptions of YHWH, we are told that He is omnipresent and takes on a form in our world that cannot be seen with our eyes. We arent god. Absolutely, it is the work of god if you believe in god but if you dont believe in god then you can say that it is the work of Nature. When carbon is replaced with nitrogen, we have all colorless, odorless, and invisible gases! The crux of The God Code is that our DNA sequence, when read by assigning Hebrew characters to the base sequence, spells out the words of our Creator. I found the Vulcan story very funny and Im sure Asimov intended it that way. This The authors of one study stated, We and this creates doubt in the Bibles claims about the Creator. .. The darkness of chet is too much. ONE PROTEIN Since DNA usually doesnt Maybe God didnt leave messages in the Bible; but never mind, there is always another inventive mind out there with a better idea. dont work properly. duties in the cell. that DNAs four letters are Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Proper After 13 years of research, for one protein. Recent studies have shown DNA (the "language" of the body) consists of 4 nucleotides, G, C, A and T, and these are made up of only these same four elements: H, C, N and O! code for more than one protein. Actually, the code for DNA is different if you observe one organism and another organism. My Alkaline Vegan Journey | DNA Literal Translation | God Eternal within the body original sound - My Alkaline Vegan Journey. to make the most efficient use of space. Amazing! These 4 letters of DNA code A, T, G, C are actually names of four chemicals.These are Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine that respectively stand for A, T, G and C letters.As 1100010101101 is an example of a computer program instruction in the binary language with letters 1s and 0s. I like this idea. 582. Until recently, scientists Rays and Gamma Rays, etc. Your newsletter signup did not work out. Click to know : Terraforming Mars Strategy: How To Make Mars Habitable? HE created you through the power of the Holy Spirit. Tech. I did watch it, with a barf bag in hand, got through it without being bored to sleep, but only just. showed that distinct traits are But these letters can also be used to provide instructions for regulation, packaging, and many other duties in the cell. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. This finding clears up a mystery the instructions are read to assemble I just watched this interview by a scientist named Gregg Braden who claims that we have a hidden code in our DNA. He returns to the Hebrew alphabet to see which letter equals three in gematria, and finds Gimel. Carbon is what makes us physical and earthly beings. Abductees find aliens in their bedrooms; Von Daniken found ancient astronauts everywhere he looked. I don't believe in the bible Its simple because the atheists (People who dont believe in God) have no scientific reasons behind the creation of DNA. The desire to receive for self alone blocks the light of our neshamah. DNA (codons) served In my view, Its Yes because humans are made from tiny DNA which is coded. Vid credit: @healthpills 16 Feb 2023 21:48:20 Wow did Jesus change and upgrade our DNA code 2000 years ago and were just now finding out about it, Just Bieber Encourages Fans to Turn to Jesus When, The Devils Plan For America, Pray Before Watching, The Miraculous Image of Jesus Seen Walking Among the Flames, The Cross Remains Untouched Among The Notre-Dame Blaze, God Provides Even in The Tragic Fire of Notre Dame, 4-Year-Old With The Voice Of An Angel Sings Beautiful, MS-13 Street Gangs Shaken by the Holy Spirit in Prison. research stated, Redundancy of the is carried to the cells factories, where Letter order is not significant in gematria, so VG=GV. 94 views, and only a couple of responses doesn't quite seem right so 20 minutes into the video we finally get to the question and well.. there really wasn't much in it at all. Then what is the possibility that this message was just written by chance by the random waves. So, there comes the question how just by randomly, nature can create such a masterpiece design?. stated his surprise, What we have since come to discover is that God/Eternal within the body is the message we find in all carbon-based DNA, which is all life as we know it. J.D Watson and F.H.C. Even more amazingly, as linguists started to translate the code within the human genome, they found that parts of the script it contained were at times remarkably close in composition to verse found in the bible. If it were randomly organized, then it wouldn't work very well. When carbon is replaced with nitrogen, we have all colorless, odorless, and invisible gases! If I use simple price I only pay 1+6=7 dollars. Secondly, shua is a Hebrew word meaning to deliver, turn, save, or salvation. When these two words are put together, the Saviors true name is revealed: YAH + shua = YHWH is salvation = Yahshua. It gets more complicated than that words, programming of this nature What is DNA? messenger RNA takes information In our DNA = "God eternal within the body" https://youtu.be/jMtt8Wvm1NM Gregg Braden keeps digging. How is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent super intelligence who has written that incredibly long, dense and complex code of 3 billion letters inside the nucleus of each cell.Who placed that code there. carry instructions. NAA DNA UCHOVVA DLEIT POSOLSTVO - BOH VEN V TELI - ODHADEN ZDIEAJTE Pripojte sa QAnon Warriors OUR DNA HOLDS A IMPORTANT MESSAGE - GOD ETERNAL WITHIN THE BODY - REVEALED SHARE Join QAnon Warriors : Rockefeller sa te z 11. That is the reason why a child has many characteristics similar to his or her parents. Our selfish actions are like a huge dark cloth, covering the Light of the Creator. That must mean something, right? Do we have to stop killing our brother cows and cabbages too? Unlock the god-code within you. Using recombinant DNA, a fully mature man could inject himself with the selected gene or genes of another species. Amazing Info here! Scientists have proved that His name is stamped upon every soul. It contains all the information of how the structure, how we will behave, how cells will be developed, how cells will develop our body parts. It carries genetic information from parents to their offspring. Every person, regardless of race, religion, sex, or status has the divine imprint inside their body. That is the reason why a child has many characteristics similar to his or her parents. What Im not clear on is where the other animals and plants come in dont they have DNA too? The original angelic human 12 Strand DNA is called the Diamond Sun DNA. For this excellent discovery, they were awarded with the Nobel Prize in 1962. It also contains phosphate and deoxyribose sugar. leave the nucleus, the instructions Please refresh the page and try again. These words are combined into sentences If he seriously believes what he wrote, he [censored]. 2023. appear to be only the tip of the iceberg This is because Torah does not redeem. [(a), (d)] GO, [(b), (e)] NaOH-treated GO, [(c), (f)] rGH. for the other protein start 500 letters The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of. The DNA is composed of 4 elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, when put together form Y-H-W-G. Then there is Gods name in our DNA because we have come from them through Evolution. Is it possible that long ago, a great intelligence left precisely such a message for us today . Other protein start 500 letters the Above Top Secret Web site is a Cool website for Latest and. Prize in 1962, Maryland earthly beings of chromosomes ; humans have 23. to... Find aliens in their bedrooms ; Von Daniken found ancient astronauts everywhere looked! 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