hebrews 10:36 studylight

These things stand alone. He goes out, deliberately and knowingly, just at the time of life when a man is most sensitive to the value of a grand sphere of influence, as well as exercise of his powers, wherein, too, he could have ordinarily exerted all in favour of his people. Christ is doing nothing there to take away sin; nor when He comes again will He touch the question of sin, because it is a finished work. Here is a summons never to be less than our best; and always to remember that the end comes. They must draw near by conversion, and by taking hold of his covenant. Indeed, at no time will its order be more apparent than at present; for I think there can be little doubt to any unbiassed Christian who enters with intelligence into the Old Testament prophecies, that there is yet to be an earthly sanctuary, and, consequently, earthly priests and sacrifices for Israel in their own land; that the sons of Zadok, as Ezekiel lets us know, will perpetuate the line at the time when the Lord shall be owned to be there, in the person of the true David their King, blessing His people long distressed but now joyful on earth. In fact, they'd probably become a better Jew than they ever were. Showing that it did not bring that to them under the old covenant, however, the glorious thing is that in this new covenant through Jesus Christ, once being purged, we really should not have any more consciousness of sins. I give Him His portion to eat, the best part of it, being a gracious host, and I then partake of the rest and we eat together. For in a short time, a very short time, "He who is to come will come and he will not delay. Attention is drawn to the permanence of His position at the right hand of God. He presses them to perseverance, by telling them that this is their distinguishing character and will be their happiness; whereas apostasy is the reproach, and will be the ruin, of all who are guilty of it (Hebrews 10:38; Hebrews 10:39): Now the just shall live by faith, c. Remember how, after you had been enlightened, you had to go through a hard struggle of suffering, partly because you yourselves were held up to insult and involved in affliction and partly because you had become partners with people whose life was like that. They do not believe that God called all things into being. He sat down there as of His own right and title, but nevertheless making a part of His divine glory to be witnessed in, as indeed His person was necessary to make His blood efficacious to the purging of our sins. It became God that Christ should go down to the uttermost; it became us that He should be exalted to the highest. Consider each other to provoke each other to love, to good works, and then not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, in order that we might receive exhortation. He awaits the final subjugation of his enemies; in the end there must come a universe in which he is supreme. All the effort of Christendom is first to deny the one, and then to escape from the other. The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. General Search for 'Hebrews 9:4-:' within 'New American Standard Version' on StudyLight.org. He does not reason from the singular circumstance that there was no incense, any more than sacrifice. Amen.". Notice it is going to devour God's adversaries. This was in the ways of God the necessary moral consequence of his self-abnegation. He may be ashamed to be seen going to church. We must bear in mind that Melchisedec was a man like any other. The grace or principle of patience comes from God; the use and exercise of that grace is of yourselves. the book of Hebrews A W Tozer preached these messages as part of a 40 sermon series shortly before his death . Ease has ruined far more men than trouble ever did. In short, there is. If one member of the body suffers, all the rest suffer with it. It ( ) means "testament" as well as "covenant." No attention is paid here to the march through the wilderness, any more than to the establishment in the land, still less to the kingdom. So far from purifying a man, they remind him that he is not purified and that his sins still stand between him and God. (ii) We need fortitude. "Remember the things that you endured because of your faith in Jesus Christ.". But having done this, He points us to the place of Christ without the camp. He is one of the deepest theologians in the New Testament but all his theology is governed by the pastoral instinct. By a testament, to be sure, as every one knows. But the higher the privilege, the greater the danger of either despising or perverting it. The answer is, by sacrifice. Instead of having one person illustrating one thing, another person another, the Lord Jesus sums up the perfection of all trial in His own pathway, not as Saviour only, but in the point of view of bearing witness in His ways for God here below. In this phrase there is no allusion whatever to the church; nor indeed anywhere in the Hebrews is there any reference to its distinctive portion in union with its Head. as He will appear to the salvation of His own people. In Hebrews 6:1-20, we saw that the Spirit of God brings in a most solemn warning for those who turn their back on the power and presence of the Holy Ghost, as bearing witness of Christianity. . Nothing but stupid, obstinate, unbelieving prejudice, after the appearance of the Lord Jesus, could have suggested any other application of the Psalm. 10:32-39 Remember the former days. In the blood of the Lamb, sprinkled on the door-posts of Israel, we see the type of God's judgment of their sins; next, in the passage of the Red sea, the exhibition of His power, which, in the most conspicuous way, saved them, and destroyed for ever their enemies. First, He makes a scene where sin enters at once. It is called the Septuagint. Therefore is it that men so naturally slip into, or rest on, second causes. How can such a consciousness as this be the portion of the Christian? So I don't know how we can do any more than we are every night of the week around here and during the day, but anyhow . ( Hebrews 10:29 ). All his life showed God; but it was on the Cross that God's love really was revealed. One of the old divines wrote a kind of catechism. After the Babylonian captivity, the Hebrew language was almost dead. It is true that victims were sometimes slain in ratifying a covenant, and thus were the seal of that covenant; but, first, they were not essential; and, secondly and chiefly, , the covenanter or contracting party had in no case to die in order to make the contract valid. He uses in the most skilful manner the change of the priest, in order to bring along with it a change of the law, the whole Levitical system passing away "but [there is] the bringing in of a better hope." Nothing can be more admirable than this reserve of God. Its members must be loyal or nothing. Here's a letter to help them keep going. Now the apostle puts them upon observing what signs there were of the approach of such a terrible day, and upon being the more constant in meeting together and exhorting one another, that they might be the better prepared for such a day. brookstone therapeutic percussion massager with lcd screen; do nigel and jennifer whalley still own albury park It is very likely that the writer to the Hebrews did not know any Hebrew at all and therefore it is the Septuagint that he uses. If he thinks that the Church has faults, it is his duty to come in and help to mend them. The text explains wherein consists the perpetual efficacy of Christ's sacrifice, and the reason why it needs no repetition while the world lasts. In other words, they would have done it once in Moses' day and that would have been it. May you be blessed of the Lord and strengthened in every good work for the glory of Jesus Christ. There is nothing to divert the heart from Christ, the great High Priest in the heavens. He made nothing of himself, because he knew they were God's people. Every man carries with him his own secret shrine, but so many forget to enter it. They must draw near to God, and that in a right manner. If the one figured the imposed measure of man's responsibility, which can only but most justly condemn him, in the other we behold the mountain of God's grace after all was lost. "It's a fearful thing to fall in the hands of a living God.". Had they been taunted with having no altar, possessing nothing so holy and so glorious in its associations? Read xodo 40:5 bible commentary from Treasury of Scripture Knowledge by Samuel Bagster FREE on BiblePortal.com "A body you have prepared for me," really means, "You created me that in my body and with my body I should do your will." In short, the word in itself may mean either; but this is no proof that it may indifferently or without adequate reason be translated both ways. He is "minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not of man." Christendom prefers the middle course; it will have neither the conscious nearness, to God, nor the place of Christ's reproach among men. As for the first Adam and all his race, their portion was only death and judgment, because he was a sinner. A lot of them had their possessions taken away, but they didn't care. Accordingly he now turns to set forth the contrast between the weakness and the unavailingness of the Jewish sacrifices, which, in point of fact, only and always brought up sins again, instead of putting them away as does the sacrifice of Christ. From the description he gives of the sin of apostasy. For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very substance of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect ( Hebrews 10:1 ). Man never did nor could settle it without the word of God. This is the greatest truth of Christian faith. There is then the solemn admonition of the account they are to render by-and-by. It is no definition of what it is to believe, but a description of the qualities of faith. The latter is not referred to, because it represents the millennial glory; the former is, because it finds its proper fulfilment in that which is made good in the Christian scheme now. It only covered their sins. The sin here mentioned is a total and final falling away, when men, with a full and fixed will and resolution, despise and reject Christ, the only Saviour; despise and resist the Spirit, the only . It was only owing to the blindness of Israel. We cannot receive the grace of Christ unless we have an unhesitating conviction. What a surprise to the Hebrew believers to find such truths as these so strikingly shown out in type even in the Jewish system! For it is deeply, deeply ingrained.So the time of the writing of the Hebrews, those who had made a profession of Christ, some of them sort going back. The greater the knowledge, the greater the sin. Offering and burnt offerings and the offering for sin thou wouldst not, neither did you have pleasure therein; those things that were offered by the law. Again he insists upon the honour and purity of the marriage tie, and the abhorrence that God has for those that despise and corrupt it, and the sure judgment which will come upon them. The consequence is, that many have tried (and I remember making efforts of that kind myself, until convinced that it could not succeed) to give , in the English Bible rightly rendered "the testator," the force of the covenanting victim. 65:17, Isaiah 66:22, -2 Peter 3:1024 -Revelation 21:13, 1-7) to live with them (Hebrews 4:1-9, Hebrews 12:2 -24), in all eternity in peace, love, and joy. The veil in the tabernacle and temple signified the body of Christ; when he died, the veil of the temple was rent in sunder, and this was at the time of the evening sacrifice, and gave the people a surprising view into the holy of holies, which they never had before. For if he were on earth, he should not even be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law: who serve the representation and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was oracularly told when about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern that was shown to thee in the mountain. But would a Jew infer hence that it was only the city of David he was speaking of? So then I said: 'So then I come--in the roll of the book it is written of me--to do, O God, your will."' It is a way that will always be effectual. When Caesar was murdered he faced his assassins with almost disdainful courage. He could have written, "For you have need of regeneration." For one thing, the sacrifice of Jesus perfectly shows the love of God In that life of service and in that death of love, there stands fully displayed the heart of God. There we find these two facts. To have enduring faith in trials, remember how God worked in the past (10:32-34). They were dead. "The juxtaposition of Hebrews 10:26-35 suggests that it may have been the experience of suffering, abuse, and loss in the world that motivated the desertion of the community acknowledged in Hebrews 10:25 and a general tendency to avoid contact with outsiders observed elsewhere in Hebrews (see . Hence He crowns the noble army of witnesses with Christ Himself. For ye have need of patience: Every Christian needs patience to be able to endure physical, mental, or spiritual difficulties. "Ye are come unto mount Zion," which was the highest Old Testament point of grace on earth. Hebrews 10:36 Context Crossref Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. (Compare Acts 15:22.) It is by a living Saviour, who, though he was dead, is alive; and it is a way that gives life and lively hope to those who enter into it. Commentary on Hebrews 10:26-31. It is perfectly true that, if we think of Christ, He was here below absolutely without sin; but He who was without sin in His person, and all His life, had everything to do with sin on the cross, when God made Him to be sin for us. Had the energetic activity of faith been first noticed, it would have made more of man; but when the heart had been disciplined in quiet endurance, and lowly expectancy from God, then he could be clothed with the energy of the Spirit. Compare alsoEphesians 2:1-22; Ephesians 2:1-22. The "confession" here is our trust in God's promises, of what God eternallyaffords the believer. This is of the deepest importance. It is impossible that they could actually take away your sins. Sin is the failure to realize the sacredness of that sacrifice upon the Cross. It is by this way of "the will" that we have been purified through the once and for all offering of the body of Christ. 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. "Be mindful of those in bonds, as bound with them; and of those which suffer adversity." But the apostle takes all this difficulty by the horns, as good as telling them, that their having suffered all this was simply because it is the right road. It is the setting aside of God, and the setting up of man; it is the precursor of the apostasy that is coming, which again will issue in man taking the place of God, and becoming the object of worship, instead of the true Creator. 3. 4. One, by your coming to Jesus Christ, they can be totally and completely washed away. He said, "Don't you realize that if you have relationships with a harlot you become one with her? In short, Christians will never advance two paces without fainting, except they are sustained by patience. The best that they could do was to give him a distant and spasmodic contact with God. The reason appears to be, because he is going to tell us of the Old Testament saints. They do not belong to heaven like the angels; but God had an eternal purpose, which brought them by an extraordinary favour there. Our danger is that to become so involved in this world that we forget the other. Moffatt speaks of "the levitical drudges" who, day in day out, kept offering these sacrifices. And I know many, many Jews that would become Christians, but they are afraid they would no longer be a Jew. Of this destruction God gives some notorious sinners, while on earth, a fearful foreboding in their own consciences, a dreadful looking for it, with a despair of ever being able either to endure or escape it. He beholds them with great displeasure; they are an offence to him. InHebrews 1:1-14; Hebrews 1:1-14 it is written, that "having by himself made purification of our sins, he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high." where one competent to take up that word "for ever"? The door is open. Thus distinctly have we set before us the general doctrine of the chapter, that Christ has suffered but once, and has been offered but once; that the offering cannot be severed from the suffering. This baptism appears specific to John the Baptist. You can see that they foreshadow Him, but they were only the shadow. Hebrews 10:36 "For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Hebrews 10:36 Context Scripture: Hebrews 10:23-25. Must draw near by conversion, and afterward the hand of the account they are by! Divines wrote a kind of catechism only owing to the permanence of his own people, nothing... His theology is governed by the pastoral instinct, Christians will never advance paces... That grace is of yourselves all his race, their portion was only owing to the blindness of Israel they. The holies and of the qualities of faith a way that will always be effectual which Lord... Us of the witnesses shall be first against him to death, and afterward the hand the! Need of patience: every Christian needs patience to be less than our best ; and of the qualities faith. Be able to endure physical, mental, or rest on, second causes bound with them and. The Old Testament point of grace on earth a kind of catechism sermon shortly! 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