sam vimes knurd

He first appeared in the novel Guards! Sam Vimes is the central character in Guards! Vetinari stood beside him and looked down. IT GOES, 'MOOOOO!'") In every book in the series, the fee for his assassination has risen until he has been removed from the Guild register, meaning that contracts on his life are no longer accepted (this was initially literal, as no assassin wanted to take the contract). Marital Status: Single. Samuel Vimes from Discworld is more relatable since I quit drinking . Background/History:Sam Vimes was born in Ankh-Morpork in Cockbill Street, a neighborhood so poor that all they could afford was their pride. Human with strong character. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. In two CBR-exclusive promos for the upcoming series, which takes inspiration from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, Captain Samuel Vimes and Lady Sybil Ramkin hit the ground running. When asked who guards him, he replies, 'I do that too.'. Guards! As Commander and top officer of the Watch, Vimes' job is to oversee its operations and has to deal with a lot of paperwork, a job which he hates but accomplishes adequately. However he still keeps a bottle of 'Bearhugger's Whisky' in his bottom desk drawer as a 'permanent test'. it is revealed that some of her family's possessions are still stored in the attic of the building in this instance they retrieved a copy of Methodia Rascal's Koom Valley painting, made by Sybil as a child, after the original is stolen. Only a decade late on this, master of . On one side, there is Vimes, however rough and pessimistic he may seem, defender of law and order, and the other side is a Vimes who would kill for revenge and make his own law. He started off as the captain of the Night Watch in the first book that features him and eventually progressed to Commander of the Watch. Since becoming the Commander of the Watch and as such a popular target with the clients of the Assassins' Guild, Vimes also started the exercise of personally engineering pitfalls and death traps around his house and outside of his office at the police headquarters. From Terry Pratchett's Men At Arms: The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. He does not tolerate the "Mister" from outsiders. This thought leads to the general realization that one of the reasons rich people remain rich is because they don't actually have to spend as much money as poor people; in many situations, they buy high-quality items (such as clothing, housing, and other necessities) which are made to last. Lady Sybil Vimes (full title: Her Grace, The Duchess of Ankh, Lady Sybil Deidre Olgivanna Vimes (ne Ramkin)), is Vimes's wife, whom he married at the end of Men at Arms. The Watch showed their worth by stopping a dragon from taking over the city. Though he sometimes has to call in a plasterer when Vimes is particularly angry, Vetinari doesn't worry about ita sign that he intentionally angers Vimes so as to goad him into a desired action. Samuel Vimes has always been my favorite character in the series. Sybil Ramkin (Wife)Sam Vimes (Son) He also has a soft spot for the poor, the working class, or the young. Guards!. Sam Vimes - Character Character Vimes is a very conflicted character: An incorruptible idealist with deep beliefs in justice and an abiding love of his city, he is also a committed cynic whose knowledge of human nature constantly reminds him how far off those ideals are. Vimes often has to go to report to Lord Vetinari, although most of the time he keeps a poker-face and answers very simply to avoid Vetinari's probing questions. He now finds himself in the awkward position ("practically zen" according to his boss) of continuing to despise the ruling classes of the city while actually being a member of them. She died about twenty years after the events of Night Watch, or about ten years prior to the "present-day" events in that novel (before Vimes' first appearance in Guards! It is also mentioned in Night Watch, that at the time of the "Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May", both Sam Vimes and Havelock Vetinari were 16 years old, meaning that they are both the same age. Sybil maintains a number of close (female) social contacts from her schooldays, who, thanks to the kind of school she went to (The Quirm College for Young Ladies), are now all strategically placed in the highest levels of power across the Sto Plains and often more powerful than Ankh-Morpork Guild leaders. Discworld Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. It is clear that Vimes loves his wife dearly; indeed, when he was trapped in the past during the events of Night Watch, alone in a world he no longer recognised, the History Monks gave him a silver cigar case his wife had bought him to inspire him to continue with his mission. His "Blackboard Monitor" epithet is used like a title in Snuff, implying it may actually have been accorded some official weight by the Low King of the dwarfs. Base Of Operations: Pseudopolis Yard, Ankh-Morpork. His rise from drunk policeman to respected member of the aristocracy, and the simultaneous growth and development of the Watch under his command, have together been one of the major threads of the Discworld series. The bust has roughly 110 mm in height, but of course you can scale it to your own preferences. Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, Night Watch, Thud! Guards!, he is the Captain of the (useless) Night Watch. Affiliation Physical description . This was the Captain Samuel Vimes' 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness. There are some unfortunate individuals (for example, Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch) whose body does not make enough natural alcohol, and is consequently slightly knurd all the time until he has had a drink. In The Art of Discworld, Pratchett explains that Vimes protects himself from the Beast with the symbol of his own badge, which prevents him from becoming the criminal he despises, at least in his own mind. In Jingo, Vimes finds himself in a difficult and tense situation where he is holding the Klatchian Prince Cadram at bowpoint, and is prepared to kill him because (tenuous) evidence links him to a conspiracy to kill Prince Khufurah, but there is no court which would try the case. When Vimes is angry, doors of some of the houses (the more angry he is, the more doors) will open. Recently, Vimes has seen involvement with: Terry Pratchett has commented that Vimes has made setting a story in Ankh-Morpork very difficult as it is almost impossible to create a story involving any sort of crime or politics without it rapidly becoming a Watch book. "I decided in my head that he's three. To many others he is, somehow, the person to look up to. Vimes was transported back in time in the company of a criminal named Carcer, whom he was trying to apprehend. (Angua's brother Wolfgang denies that the werewolves died, as they can only truly be killed by silver; they would just have "nasty headaches later on.") [14] In The Fifth Elephant, Vimes managed to evade, fight off, and 'kill' part of a pack of werewolves in "the game", a werewolf tradition of chasing a human back to civilization that humans did not often win. with such ferocity and madness that their personal guard come to the conclusion that "they had sworn to fight to the death, but not to this death," and run away. Due to his authority in Men at Arms, when he finds himself in possession of the Gonne, he struggles between his sense of justice and the Gonne's twisted desire to use him to kill in the name of justice. This horrifying state of mind would cause Vimes to try to balance it out, but . As other noblemen might ride horses, wear laces, ruffles, and plumes, Sam Vimes walks the city on endless patrols and wears his old battered Watch armor and leather shirt and jerkin, with the standard sword and truncheon. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is the Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. [4] He was part of that section of the Watch which played a large role in the rebellion against Homicidal Lord Winder. Born into poverty, he is now a highly reluctant member of the nobility, having been made both a knight and a duke. The character is based off the character of the same name in Terry Pratchett's hit Discworld novels. Whatever happened to him exactly, she raised the young Sam on her own. Personally, he prefers simple, greasy food with burnt crunchy bits, and so he is happier when he eats things that Lady Sybil has personally cooked by a dragon's fire. Assassin must be their main job title. He fears he may be a bad person because he knows what he thinks rather than just what he says and does. Sam Vimes is the central character in Guards! Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a policeman from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Powers & Abilities While possessing no powers, Vimes has learnt to fight in the watch and on the streets. His birth was difficult, and Vimes paid Doctor "Mossy" Lawn a large sum of money in gratitude for saving Sybil's and the baby's lives. He hates dishonest policemen. This phrase has led to the use of the phrase "Vimes' Boots," or the description of a set of circumstances as a "Vimes' Boots situation." Some of which he's had a hand in perpetrating in the past," she said. A running gag in the series is his thwarting of several attempts on his life by the Assassins' Guild, due to his knowledge of their rigid code of conduct. Real Name: Samuel Vimes. A notable exception is his explicit dislike of vampires. Terry Pratchett noted the following about Vimes on the Usenet: "Vimes is fundamentally a person. He also sacks, and may even prosecute, officers who abuse prisoners or participate in crimes. Sam Vimes is by nature an extremely cynical person. In Feet of Clay, Corporal Nobby Nobbs refuses the position of King of Ankh-Morpork, primarily due to the fear of incurring Vimes's general wrath and hatred of royalty. This is mainly out of a sense of duty and tradition than actual need or skill. As well as being an amateur soprano, she is a leading expert in swamp dragons and has a dragon pen outside her house where she breeds and cares for swamp dragons, though aside from her hobby most of her house is vaguely under-tended due to apparent lack of interest. His role as Duke of Ankh largely involves diplomacy (his visit to berwald in The Fifth Elephant for example), and his rough and ready upbringing has given him an obliquely effective approach to this field. He looks, briefly, towards the river, which means that he's distracted when it happens. In addition, Vimes' office at Pseudopolis Yard has "everything that his ingenuity could devise", including sharp ornamental railings, "which are pretty, and make the house look nice, but are, above all, spiky. He is married to Lady Sybil Ramkin, the wealthiest woman in the city, and they have a son Samuel "Young Sam" Vimes II. Thus he saw reality as it really was ("first sight"); stripped of all the mental illusions that most people construct in their minds to get to sleep at night ("second sight"). In Thud!, after an attempted assassination of his family, Vimes becomes very angry at the 'deep-down dwarves,' a problem only made worse by the presence of a dark entity of pure vengeance within his mind. Sam married Lady Sybil Ramkin at the end of Men at Arms; however, the pattern of his married life was set the moment he turned away from his wedding to chase an assassin that had just made an attempt on the Patrician's life. Both of those factors, and a near-Death experience that forced him to miss his 6:00pm story-time with his son, culminate in him snapping and temporarily losing over to "the Beast", going insane/berserk and single-handedly storming the deep-downers responsible, all the while roaring out the lines to Where's My Cow? He accepts that a publican may offer a free pint or a meal to an officer just because having an officer on the premises at rush hour makes things go more smoothly is just a way of doing business, but draws the line at an officer taking money to look the other way. and busting a goblin slavery network in Snuff. Besides watch armour, Vimes has some gentleman's suits, a dress uniform of the Watch Commander, and a dress uniform of the Duke. He hates many kinds of people and many things, and he has quite good reasons to. He hates zombies, werewolves and vampires; for unashamedly discriminative reasons, among them being that they cannot be killed if police duty necessitates that Vimes should fight them, and he believes that vampires naturally or reflexively prey upon people, as well as often being rich and snobby. However, the Watch declined in importance during this time, particularly after Lord Vetinari legalised the Thieves Guild. He never completely loses control, and always manages to restrain himself (or have someone around to restrain him) in the end. This may be because he is somehow vital to the running of the city, as Lord Vetinari is, or it may be because no sensible Assassin will volunteer for the task anyway. Other titles used occasionally are Ambassador for Ankh-Morpork as well as Blackboard Monitor Vimes (mostly by dwarfs, due to their near worship of words and therefore dislike of blackboards and their being monitored). So he tries to act like a good person, often in situations where the map is unclear. His full name and title is His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. He is promoted to being the Commander of a reunified City Watch at the end of its sequel Men at Arms, and presides over the Watch's transformation into a modern police force. In Feet of Clay, he still has the habit to reach in stress situations for the bottom desk drawer, where his bottle used to be. His body does not produce any "natural . Later in the series, the expensive, good quality boots his wife persists in buying for him restrict this ability. He chokes off those little reactions and impulses, but he knows what they are. v105 235/40r18 235/40r18 18 enkei nt03 rr 8.50-18 yokohama v105 . He describes this as The Samuel Vimes 'Boots' Theory Of Socio-Economic Injustice. The phrase has widespread applicability. While no detailed description of his physical appearance shows up in any of the Discworld novels, Pratchett says in the companion work, The Art of Discworld, that he has always imagined Vimes as a younger, slightly bulkier version of late British actor Pete Postlethwaite. Guards! As a consequence, the Vimes family was stripped of its nobility. Though he finds being affectionate in public embarrassing and is divided on disliking Sybil's status as a noble, it is clear that Vimes loves his wife dearly; indeed when he was trapped in the past alone in a world he no longer recognised, the History Monks gave him a silver cigar case his wife had bought him to inspire him to continue with his mission. As of his latest promotion, his full name and title is stated as being "His Grace, His Excellency, The 1st Duke of Ankh; Commander Sir Samuel Vimes". This meant that when he hadn't been drinking, he was beyond sober - he was knurd. Sometimes this darker side comes out when Vimes loses control of his anger and he effectively 'goes spare'. When serving as Ambassador for Ankh-Morpork, he is also referred to simply as "His Excellency", and is also nicknamed "Blackboard Monitor Vimes",[1] "Vimes the Butcher/Butcher Vimes"[2] and "Vetinari's Terrier" (or his hammer, depending upon the occasion). In attempting to carry out justice, Vimes has arrested sons of Ankh-Morpork nobles as well as city dignitaries, all the way up to Lord Vetinari. ), and Vimes' own sense of justice being so strong that, in Thud!, it was even able to fend off an attack by a 'quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance'. After marrying Lady Sybil Ramkin, he quit drinking and smoked cigars instead. Vimes has personally designed and installed many traps and deadfalls all around the Ramkin family home and the Watch headquarters at Pseudopolis Yard. Vimes and the City Watch go on to save the city and multiple lives, including a plot by golems and a vampire in Feet of Clay and a threat of war with Klatch in Jingo. to his son, Young Sam. The irony of the situation, coupled with the character's own distaste for the wealthy and general cynicism, make the phrase a particularly effective and vivid evocation of the concept for those familiar with the Discworld novels, hence its becoming part of the vernacular in that subculture. Vimes used to attempt to cure this by drinking heavily; unfortunately he often over-dosed himself, and became an alcoholic. Vimes stumbles. He is the central character of the Watch Series, in which his rises from being a poor and often-drunk policeman to being the leader of a modern police force. Vimes is the Commander of the City Watch, the burgeoning police force of the Discworld's largest city, Ankh-Morpork. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. Carcer robbed and killed the real John Keel, and Vimes had to replace him in order for his role in history to be fulfilled. Vimes is a firm believer in the institution of law. When Vimes was temporarily relieved of command in Men at Arms, the fact that Vimes didn't pound the wall led Vetinari to realize that he 'may have gone too far'. When he witnesses a crime occurring, he abandons everything and chases the miscreant. When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door. Although widely differing characters, Vimes and Vetinari can be called similar in that they both have very cynical worldviews, but fairly idealistic aims. Sam is somewhat baffled by the overtures, but as he is already used to an imperfect lifestyle, he is generally appreciative of the sentiment. He's a gutter drunk when the story starts, and he turns himself around, thanks in large part to the large love of a large woman. Vimes became more street-smart, particularly after learning to fight with any means necessary by Gussie Two-Grins. However, he never totally loses control. Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Vimes once conjectured that if they so conspired, they could run the world, if they don't already do so. Vimes's immediate reaction is 'Me'. Known Relatives: None. In some ways he found it a relief when, in Night Watch, he was transported back to the Ankh-Morpork of his youth, and became a sergeant-at-arms in the inefficient, paperwork-free albeit moderately corrupt Watch of that time.[18]. He explained to Lady Margolotta in The Fifth Elephant, this is because, teetotal or not, 'a vampire will always seek to dominate a human being'. His Grace, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. She donated a property, Pseudopolis Yard, (bought by her father), to the Watch after their original headquarters was burnt by a dragon. In some ways he found it a relief when, in Night Watch, he was transported back to the Ankh-Morpork of his youth, and became a sergeant-at-arms in the inefficient, paperwork-free and moderately corrupt Watch of that time. [12] Although in Guards! Terry Pratchett commented that the Vimes character made setting a story in Ankh-Morpork very difficult as it is almost impossible to create a story involving any sort of crime or politics without it rapidly becoming a Watch book. The book features a City Watch commander named Capt. Sam Vimes is the main character in a number of Discworld books by Terry Pratchett, most notably those featuring the Watch. [4] He privately reckons later that his father was a drunk: "Vimes had never known his father. His son Samuel "Young Sam" Vimes II was born at the end of Night Watch. BBC America's The Watch is gearing up for action.. Vimes was educated at a dame school, where he was once blackboard monitor for a whole term. Thud! It is later revealed that the force preventing the Summoning Dark from making any progress in possessing Vimes is Vimes's own 'inner guardsman'. In Thud!, after years of nighttime patrols, Vimes's mindscape is described as the city of Ankh-Morpork, streets and all, in the dead of night, with the rains bucketing down over your head. Despite her high-class upbringing, she has displayed a resourcefulness ("in an outdoorsy kind of way") that first attracted Vimes's attention. At one point Death notes that if Vimes is having a 'near-Death' experience, Death is also forced to have a 'near Vimes' experience (as of Thud! To economists and urban sociologists this phenomenon is known as the "ghetto tax". It's snowing. Example. All that changed when Carrot Ironfoundersson came to the city. March 28, 2012 He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. He is a secondary character in The Truth, Monstrous Regiment, and Raising Steam, and has cameos in The Last Hero, Going Postal, Making Money, He has also appeared in the City Watch Diary and the picture book Where's My Cow?. As with the Discworld Wiki, the text of Wikipedia:Wikipedia is available under the Wikipedia:GNU Free Documentation License. She is a deeply gracious lady, able to like almost anyone (even Nobby Nobbs). So he tries to act like a good person, often in situations where the map is unclear. This has become such a point of pride that he now has nightmares about not being home by 6 p.m. Colon puts it, Vimes could get drunk in better style, Vimes could be baffled about a case with better vocabulary, and Vimes could deal with the paperwork. than in previous books. The captain is set to marry one of the richest women in the world, and he often opines about the differences between low-status and high-status spending habits. He regards being the Duke of Ankh as a job title and always prefers "Commander" or "sir" to any of his other titles, which include "His Grace," "His Excellency" and "his blackboard-monitorship" (The Fifth Elephant and Thud!). Vimes is a very conflicted character. Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,701 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: Jul 8, 2021 - Vetinari, Sam Vimes, Death, Susan Sto Helit - Complete. To put it very simply, he tries to look after those who have nobody else looking after them. Captain Carrot quotes Vimes's ideas about social justice, and tries to make them a reality. Sometimes this darker side comes out when Vimes loses control of his anger and he effectively 'goes spare'. In the original timeline, Vimes was mentored by Sergeant John Keel. [4] Having married into the upper classes, he still possesses an innate dislike of inherited wealth and an instinctive revulsion towards social inequality. His current full title is His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh; Commander Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Submit your writing [5], The Vimes family is mentioned as historically being closely linked with the City Watch, with many members serving in it through its history. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. A few days ago Sam Vimes was a copper - an important copper, true - chief of police - but still, at his core, a policeman. The Watch. Despite having competent subordinates, including Captain Carrot and Sergeants Angua and Detritus, Vimes finds it difficult to delegate, and is frustrated by the fact that the growth of the Watch has left him with less and less time for actual policing. Vimes is the Commander of the City Watch, the burgeoning police force of the Discworld's largest city, Ankh-Morpork. In episode 3.4 "Coda" of the TV series Endeavour, Inspector Fred Thursday states that his old mentor was "Sergeant Vimes, Cable Street". He hates the upper class because they look down on the rest of the society while exploiting it (e.g. According to his wife, Sybil, Vimes is recognised by many as Lord Vetinari's right-hand man. The Watch was rapidly revived and became increasingly important in the city. Vimes often has to go to report to Lord Vetinari, although most of the time he keeps a poker-face and answers very simply to avoid Vetinari's probing questions. Weight: 11 st 6 lb (160 lb) Associations Ankh Morpork City Watch He is saved by the arrival of Vetinari, who defuses the situation. During heightened states of mind, such as when confronting his darker side and/or when near death, he is able to see Death, (this happened in The Fifth Elephant and Thud!, although he was unable to do this in Night Watch). The Watch was given a new headquarters, Pseudopolis Yard (an allusion to the name of the headquarters of London's Metropolitan Police: Scotland Yard), by Lady Sybil Ramkin (Vimes's soon-to-be wife) after the dragon destroyed their original base at Treacle Mine Road. Guards! In his later life Sam is often compared to his ancestor, in both his personality and his appearance. was adapted for BBC Radio 5 in 1992 and starred John Wood as Vimes. CONCACAF Gold Cup. [4] he could tell exactly where he was anywhere within the city limits of Ankh-Morpork just by the feel of the cobbles beneath his feet, due to the thinness of his boots at the time, having walked the streets of the city for thirty years and a knowledge of the difference of the cobbles therein. This ability, Sybil, sam vimes knurd was transported back in time in the city socioeconomic unfairness for him this... Around the Ramkin family home and the Watch showed their worth by stopping dragon! 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