Overhead Squat: Mix reps each workout. The Hviii is kind of a personal mantra, right. Thats why Ive always said that a good thrower is both strong and athletic. We will feature discussions over training methodologies, program templates, and general weightlifting topics. Go home. Pleasant, SC 29464 (803)884-9993 Now lets talk training. I may even like to see the squats come second, alternating Overhead Squat with Back Squat. Dont go nuts. Im very, very rarely, if ever going to take anything to a max single. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My plan is to put 3 implements (14 pound stone, 16 pound hammer, and 42 weight for distance)in the Hyudai and throw at lunch. My body is going to, I think, quit before Im willing to quit. Before we get into talking about what Highland Games are, because I think very few people are theyve probably seen it, they dont know its called Highland Games. Unfortunately, a popular item is TRT, which is on virtually every commercial break or radio sponsor that you hear. Brett McKay: Theres a fine line, you said that if you just focus on getting big and strong, youre going to fat, but that could be a detriment to . Where can we find out more about you and your work out there? So many of us appreciate your work and expertise. I cant guarantee you will win, but you will be prepared and you will have a good time. All things being equal, the stronger thrower wins. That gives a lot of direction, too. I think its really important as an athlete that you knowing how to manipulate your own body weight is kind of key, how to adjust yourself in space and move quickly. Or, Im going to take a big, giant burlap bag and hoist it over with a pitchfork, whats going on there? In the article which I take this program from, Dan even suggests going with Single Arm DB Clean and Press. Matt Vincent: No, thats correct. A Day in the Like of a Strongman - and we thought we had it bad. That wraps up another edition to the Art of Manliness podcast. Whats your advice for someone who wants to start throwing cabers and hammers around? Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. 16# Hammer: 1577.25 (World Record) When I first started, I was so addicted and excited about throwing that I practiced five to seven days a week for 18 months straight; rain, snow, cold it didnt matter. From left to right: Richard Sorin, Bert Sorin, Dan McKim, Bret Contreras (hint: being closest to the camera gives the illusion that yourethe most jacked!). Ill throw well, and throw a PR and then lose by 15 feet. DM: Haha! The Quick and Dirty of Heavy/Light Lifting: Choose your program options from the pull down menu above. While I got a lot of volume in, I wound up inured as my body never fully recovered for either throwing or lifting, as I was still lifting five days a week. Im going to get up and do what I can to make myself better. On throwing days we work to perfect technique. Are you in your 30s, Im guessing? We discussspecific events in the Highland Games, how to get started if youre interested, his workout program called the HVIII (The Hate), and much more. Strong biceps also prevent elbow injuries in throwers. In fact, Im often better at these activities than my much stronger lifting partners. I think the mountain from Game of Thrones does this sort of stuff as well, youve competed against him. Dr. Clinton Lee helps you deal with hip pain that's holding your strength back. For those of you who have never competed in the highland games, this should serve as a sufficient program to prepare you. Now lets talk eating. In 2017, Mike published Heavy/Light: Periodized Throwing for the Highland Games. Mike is also a CrossFit Level 1 Certified Coach, creates dedicated strength programming for Highland Games athletes, and trains youth athletes in baseball and track & field. Youre still going to get the Olympic lifts, youre still going to do some speed work, and youre still going to work on max strength. You are an athletic guy, Bret, which translates well, I believe, into those movements which are more athletic than a static box squat or deadlift. Or up to 20 KB throws overhead if you have one. Abs are cool and all, but I wouldnt skip some delicious dinners with my wife to have abs. Im guessing, but most likely its 3 4-week meso-cycles with a dropback/contrast week in week 5 10. These came from Scotland. Man, thats all of the fringe strength sports Ive found. 56# Weight for Height: 18 The hammer throwing event features a hammer made from a metal ball weighing around 22 lb for men or 16 lb for women, attached to a wooden pole or handle. If you were born with a dumbell in your teeth, look elsewhere! DM: Ive never used steroids and have held a strong stance against PEDs my entire career. Thats the gist of it. Ive since added the rounded back extension (love it) and hip thrusts more readily in my programming. Where core work will mostly consist of abdominal and low back muscles, stability work will include all the small muscles of the torso. Welcome to Training Tuesdays, the weekly r/weightroom training thread. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Its pretty simple. He is a Highland Games champion and competitor, and you can find more information about his work at MattVincent.net. Was it just like, Hey, you want to go do this? Its such a weird thing to get into, I think. Matt, this has been a great conversation, and a lot of insights about a sport that I knew little about. I couldnt ignore the results of athletes training in methods beyond classic block periodization. Matt Vincent: You need that speed to apply that force, instead of just, you know, a 600 pound bench press, right. If youll notice, these exercises do a lot for stabilization of the body. I do speed work as well as the Olympic lifts. Nothing is over 56lbs. Matt Vincent: Yeah, hes done a little bit of stuff, right. for most. The cards are going to fall where they fall. Team Juggernaut: Matt Vincent Wins World Highland Games Championship! I dont ever want to look back and question like Maybe I should have done this, or, what if I had trained harder, or what if I would have done this? I know Im doing everything I can to give it a go. It was always something we looked at athletes, right. My body hurts. Brett McKay: Is there an event that you specialize in, particularly? Ive been very fortunate to be part of a sport that allows me to travel around the world and do some pretty awesome stuff. Martin Jancsics is an exceptional athlete and stone lifting instructor from Scotland. Chad has lost over 50 pounds since October, learn how he's done it. What keeps you going, right? He is now a Highland Games Athlete, and won the 2016 U.S. Highland Games Lightweight National Championship, and in 2019 he won a Masters World Championship. Probably wouldnt hurt to add in some core work. English (North America) English (Europe) English (Oceania) etina Deutsch Espaol (Espaa) Espaol (Latinoamrica) Franais Magyar Italiano Polski Portugus (Brasil) Romn Trke English (Philippines) English (Singapore) Indonesian Ting Vit Youve got to do all of it to make the good days good. Clearly you have deep hip sockets and cant squat deep due to your anatomy. In conjunction with Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky joins this week's JuggLife, To celebrate the JTS youtube channel reaching 250k subscribers, we're giving away a brand new eBook full of all our best content. I feel like singles and heavy singles are more of a test than they are an actual strength building exercise. Friday Hang snatch, front squat, anterior/quad. What are the strength feats that youre most proud of in the gym? Not missing lifts, for me, is the accumulation of work thats going to make you stronger. It was extremely helpful to get those emails when my gym opened back up. I have coached complete novices that have never set foot on the field, the top pros in the world, and every level in between. My wife and I have five young boys, ages 7, 6, 3, 3, 15 months. What that allows me to do is like I said, never miss a rep during training. Matt Vincent: Its trying to be the best I can be. Youve written a lot of books. Im a meathead. Matt Vincent: No clue what thats like, anyway, all of that happens in the kitchen anyway, it has nothing to do with your gym time. Go see if you actually like it first or if you like the environment. Good idea. Am I right that its usually the two of you battling it out for first and second spot? Brett McKay: Were the same age, then. Its the North American source for discussion, training, technique work, schedules, ranks, equipment sources and more. Theres eight traditional events and in the States, we do nine. Strength, power, body control, and conditioning are required for any athlete that wants to make progress in the Highland Games. This is tricky and if youre not prepared, you will end up on your face. Podcast #172: Scottish Highland Games & Training for Performance You may have seen the Highland Games online or on television: guys in kilts throwing giant logs, tossing hammers over their heads, etc. Try out these movements before your next Snatch session for better mobility and technique. Matt Vincent: Yeah, for me, I really like, throwing the stones. Brett McKay: Right. Just a few years ago putting testosterone in your body was considered a PED or even steroid use; without question. All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) What I need to do is all of this: Joint mobility, especially my hips and ankles. That just kind of comes with the territory, and look, father time is undefeated. Does not get any better than this.Bret and the Scottish Games two of my favorite thingsThanks for the info Dan McKim. There are a couple of real basics, that we can start with. Chad Wesley Smith Training with the JuggernautBJJ App, Top 5 BJJ Strength & Conditioning Mistakes, Strength Training for Jiu Jitsu World Championships, Strength Training for Jiu Jitsu Competition, Powerbuilding Upper Body Pump w/ Marisa Inda, The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning, 10 Week JuggernautAI Powerbuilding Transformation Challenge, The JuggLife | Dr. Spencer Nadolsky | Tackling Obesity, The JuggLife | Dr. Mike Israetel: Training and Nutrition for Beginners, 5 Min Mile & 500 Pound Deadlift Challenge | Pre-Test, The JuggLife-Jacob Tsypkin: Reflections on Regionals, 4 Common Mistakes in Energy System Training, Powerbuilding Deadlift & Squat Session w/ Marisa Inda, The Basics of BJJ Strength & Conditioning, Scientific Principles of Strength Training. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); and receive myFREE Lower BodyProgressions eBook! Matt Vincent: Youve got to. View the video below: The tug o'war is one of the most fiercely contestedcompetitions at the Highland Games. American Dan Williams broke the record in 2014 with a throw of 6.17m (20ft 3in). You have two stones that you throw exactly like the shot put. I cant see myself becoming a guy thats finishing tenth in the world and still grinding at that. BC: Dan, first things first, who do you think would win in a fight you or me? DM: In the past four seasons, Ive won two World Championships and Matt has won the other two. You throw it with one arm and they weight 28 pounds for the light one, and 56 pounds for the heavy. BC: Yep, preaching to the choir! So, in short, Im realizing that the glutes are very important to my sport, and my time with you and on the Force Plate helped reiterate that to me. (LogOut/ Having someone structure my lifting program that knows the demands of highland games and how to support throwing with the lifting really takes away the guesswork and allows you to focus on getting better instead of what to do next. Those are really your best places. Im really glad I got on board with Heavy/Light lifting. Sorinex sells a glute ham roller, a new piece, that I love doing leg curls and glute ham bridges with. Marisa Inda turns her focus to physique training, In the gym with Chad using the JuggernautBJJ App, Quit making these mistakes in your training, In the gym with 3x Jiu Jitsu World Champion. Should the biceps get more respect? Man, life gets in the way. You have an entertaining Instagram feed, but also some of your work in other places online. Whenever Im not willing to do what it takes to train for it. Pleasetell us a bit about yourself, and be sure to include your height, weight, and age. I like being able to move. Even the UFC, now, disallows TRT as an acceptable medical treatment. Dan and I are different athletes, and Ive beat him some and hes beat me some. Then, the caber The caber has a lot of I think it was used for this, but it was crossing a stream, you would you know, flip it, so it would lay at one end and fall on the other side, directly across the stream, and you could get across. Do you know how many calories you typically throw down per day? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Look, Im 280 pounds. Matt Vincent:Best place to find me would be mattvincent.net, or the hviii.com. Thursday Incline, strict overhead press, shoulders For the longest time, because, you have a brand, right, thats called the Hate. (LogOut/ In the day and age of information overload it is nice to have a way to simplify my efforts and put my energy into lifting and throwing instead of planning what to do next. We throw two weights for distance. Great interview, Bret. So this is why we work the overhead squats and unilateral movements. How do you split it up, and how many exercises, sets, and reps do you typically perform? What Ive found that works the best for me, and, you know, not just works the best for me, but is conducive to the life I live. Look man, if I was really happy, I would just lay on the couch and play video games, just be content, and that would be great. Ive been following you on Instagram. I dont have anybody in my gym telling me, giving me white lights, and I dont have the ego anymore to say, Well, Ive got to bury all of these squats. What I want to do is perform better and I perform my best when Im not hurt. This is a program for beginning throwers by Dan John: "For an example, I offer you the world's simplest program: 1. Dr. Clinton Lee helps you improve your shoulder health. You know, Im tired, or, I need to rest, or, I deserve this or this and that, and the truth is, you dont. I think youd be crazy not to have it in your program. One of them is a heavy stone, and one of them is a light stone. MILO articles on Highland Games heavy events technique for weight for height, caber toss, weight for distance, putting the stone, hammer throw, seasonal weight training and more, from Jim McGoldrick and others. He will share some of the secrets to the ancient art of stone lifting. My programming is broken up into three phases: Volume, Hypertrophy and Strength/Power. Bailey became involved in the Highland Games in 1988. Now you need to focus on stabilizing the body and you can always stand to be quicker. With the help of Joe and Adrianne Wilson, he competed in his first and second ever, Highland Games competitions. How do you balance athleticism with getting big and strong, because Im sure getting big and strong, because Im sure getting big and strong helps in throwing more weight. For me, they fit in nicely with my upper back work, which is important for events such as the caber and hammer. Your email address will not be published. Thats one of Jims big principles. It looks like the telephone pole. Marisa shows you one of her favorite recipes. Programs like Training Lab, Strength Lab, and other block periodization programs give Highland Games athletes a solid plan and foundation for the weight room throughout a season. Brett McKay: Boredom probably was the impetus. Matt Vincent: The Highland Games is really all about application of force and power. You look at someone who, say, has a 700 pound squat. As far as how long do I see myself doing this, I mean, Ive seen guys be competitive on the world scale at almost 40. The Art of Manliness participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links. Youve written some books on strength training, youve got content online about strength training. And yes, for those keeping score at home, we have a set of twins in there! Its fantastic. Given the movements I do in my sport, I was very posterior dominant. When we were lifting together, you informed me that you cant squat deep, and I saw that you have a nasty case of buttwink when you try to squat rock bottom. Sports Science Topics & Research Guest Articles, Peer-Reviewed Articles (Journal Publications), Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Topics, Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Guest Articles, (Brets note: I randomly found a video of Dan performing hex bar jump squats so I embedded it below), (Brets note: below is my friend Jim Kielbaso showing off the glute ham roller), Dan McKim eBook: Behemoth: Power Training for Strength Athletes, How to Isolate the Quads and Hams in a Garage Gym. I need to be quick and I need to be flexible, and I need to be strong. As I prep for this off-season, Im excited to move my depth from letting my buttwink hinder and hurt my squat development. We are not weight lifters who throw, we are throwers and must train accordingly. The Highland Games, like Powerlifting, Strongman, and Weightlifting, are a niche strength sport. I was already lifting weights prior to starting his program but working with Mikes lifting program was a welcome shift in focus. The camaraderie is great, because theres probably only 20 of us that are at the top end in the world. Through high school, I ended up playing football and doing track, and having more success, actually, as a shot putter. You know, accumulating some implements, and starting to think about training for it. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. We will feature discussions over training methodologies, program templates, and general weightlifting topics. 1.) I guess weve all been part of sports at this point that we understand that no one really cares. Matt Vincent: Yeah, man, stoked to be here. Stuff like that. Youve probably seen on TV or on the Internet, the Highland Games. A max weight is going to be a higher risk of injury for an athlete than a lower weight, right. You know it exists and its ones of those things, like how do you ever do that. Thankfully, its still considered a PED in mainstream sports, but my sport has been soft on it. Tiger Woods looking to make a successful transition to Highland Games competition. So today on the show I talk with Highland Games champMatt Vincentto get the lowdown. Top end athletes, to the lowly Johnny . Brett McKay: You talk about you wear kilts when you do this. His name is Matt Vincent. Throwing is one of the most overlooked sports of Strength Sports. 2. Be honest, do you ever throw some curls into your workout to pump up the guns? But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds." If youre moderately fit and youre working out and youre athletic, yeah, just go give it a shot and see if its any fun before you start investing a bunch of time and energy. I dont necessarily count them, though, as its a struggle for me to maintain a high body weight. Everyone is just trying to go out and do their best and enjoy the fact that we get paid to travel and theres prize money and all of this for this sport that not that many people know about. Work is Join Chad for some fun with the boys from Massenomics, Matt Sharafinski has added over 300 pounds to his total with JuggernautAI, Huge numbers for elite powerlifter Carlos Moran. Dan McKim Twitter Matt Vincent: Yeah, it was great, man, I had a great time. Just kidding buddy, trust me, I wouldnt ever mess with you after seeing your hang power snatch prowess. Somebody who I was strength training with at the time said, you know they have a Highland Game coming up about an hour from here. I was like, Oh, no kidding, we should look into going to do that. Some days arent going to be great and some days are. You know, completely below parallel. For me, both mentally and physically, I have to have an off-season away from the sport. Its a really interesting strength sport out there. Podcast #876: Why You Like the Music You Do, Podcast #875: Authority Is More Important Than Social Skills, Podcast #874: Throw a 2-Hour Cocktail Party That Can Change Your Life, A Mans Guide to Black Tie: How To Wear A Tuxedo, A Mans Guide to Fragrance: How to Choose and Wear Cologne, How to Pick the Perfect Mens Wedding Ring, Your No-Nonsense Guide to Choosing the Right Beard Style, How to Grow a Beard: The One and True Guide, Beard Oil FAQs: Answering All Your Pressing Beardly Questions, Beard Grooming 101: The Lowdown on Products and Routine, Skill of the Week: Tie the Half-Windsor Necktie Knot, Skill of the Week: Throw a Dynamite Straight Punch, Squeeze More Into Your Workouts With Supersets, Podcast #866: Move the Body, Heal the Mind, Podcast #862: Heal the Body With Extended Fasting, Podcast #761: How Testosterone Makes Men, Men, How Saunas Can Help Save Your Body, Mind, and Spirit, The Insanely Difficult Standards of Historys Hardest P.E. That doesnt make any sense. Im assuming that you have somewhere to train locally where you can perform the various competitive lifts. Kettlebell training for Highland Games: 12.4: Caber tossing 101: 14.1: Hammer throwing : 14.3: Standing weight-over-bar: 17.4 . . Low back pain can make your lifting (and life) miserable, learn how to fix it! Like, why did they come up with Im going to throw a giant pole. Im not interested on being a 280 pound 45-year-old. Its Vanity plays itself into my head plenty, and I dont want to be totally gross, but at the same time, I know that I compete my best when Im between 270 and 280 pounds. So, I went to a game and had a great time and the got a hold of some people and located some more games and traveled and did that for about a year and a half as an amateur, and then got invited because I won an amateur world championship to the professional world championship in 2011, and I took second place at that, and Ive been doing it ever since. Ill find something else to do to you know, care more about diet, and try to figure out that when I dont have to worry about being strong. 2 X rounds if a beginner. Doing that is going to allow you to be a little bit smarter in training and think which one actually makes more progress. You could also do, Overhead Squat 3-5 x 3 go deep and stay tight, 1 Arm DB Clean and press go to a heavy single, then a few back off sets, Throw A different two or three events if you have the implements. Matt Vincent: Its very, very similar to when I was a collegiate athlete. If that thing you care about is training, get in and do the work. Id say that, along with the volume of work I do each week. all have in place. Join us in the first-ever JuggernautAI Powerbuilding contest! Whats the benefit of doing it? I need to be able to accelerate that object in as short amount of time as possible, so I need horsepower. 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