[5], The striped skunk was regularly eaten by trappers and indigenous peoples, provided the animal was not too old or had not sprayed before being killed. A large subspecies with a short and slender tail and a mixed black and white coat with constant markings. Their practice of digging leaves small-but-noticeable pits in the ground, which can provide evidence of their presence in an area. Striped skunks are natives of North America and occur from northern Mexico to southern Canada. Due to their diet, Striped skunks may affect insect populations in their range. Skunks are capable of breeding in their first year. Regularity. Striped Skunks reach the lowest torpid body temperature of all carnivores, dropping from 98.6F to 78.8F (37C to 26C). And now, this skunk group has a few more members. The spotted skunk is able to use its strong feet and claws to climb trees. [10], The color patterns of the fur vary greatly, but generally consist of a black base with a white stripe extending from the head which divides along the shoulders, continuing along the flanks to the rump and tail. Skunks are intelligent and usually good-natured. Hooded and hog-nosed skunks occupy ranges from the U.S. Southwest to southernmost Argentina and Peru. Mephitis memphitis has proven highly adaptable. Because skunks are difficult to kill without having them discharge their musk (and thus ruin their fur) they were typically dispatched with a paralyzing blow to the lower back or drowned if caught in a box trap. Striped Skunks become sexually mature when they are approximately ten months old. Striped skunks are found in a variety of habitats from southern Canada throughout the United States into northern Mexico. A mated female drives off males shortly after her three-day estrus period ends. Striped skunks are polygamous omnivores with few natural predators, save for birds of prey. [2] Like all skunks, they possess highly developed musk-filled scent glands to ward off predators. Striped skunks have black fur with a wide, white stripe from the head all the way down the back on the body. The second, still originating in the Texas-Mexico region, expanded westwards to the Rocky Mountains during the Illinoian glacial period. They have a small, white stripe on their forehead which splits and expands down the sides of its back. Where To Find Striped skunks are omnivores and eat both plants and meat. The population of both Striped and Spotted Skunks is very unstable and subject to violent fluctuations in any given area" (Reports from 1951:17). Field guides refer to the musk as highly repellent to all mammals. In short, it stinks. It can be found throughout nearly all of North America, including the continental United States, southern Canada, and northern Mexico. Skunks are host to fleas, lice, mites, ticks and various internal parasites. There is a significant reduction in body mass during wintermonths, when striped skunks can lose up to 50 percent of their weight. They are found in every county of Ohio as well as throughout the United States. These animals are also found in rock outcrops (Crabb 1948). These grades are further subdivided in value according to their locality, with the most valuable occurring in northern regions, where the fur is finer and darker. Adult skunks are about two feet long, including a 7- to 10-inch tail. The striped skunk has a white stripe that starts at the top of its head, splits at the neck, and extends down each side of its body. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Skunks are also popular characters in children's stories, comics and cartoons, most notably the Warner Bros character Pep Le Pew and the Disney character Flower of the 1942 animated film Bambi, their musky odor making them a source of fear and ostracization. The striped skunk is actually a very successful species, with a range that occupies a large portion of North America, including southern Canada, northern Mexico, and most of the United States. Threats to striped skunks include severe weather, naturally occurring predation and disease, exposure to chemicals and other human activities. Population Trends To help assess population trends, we can look at regional furbearer harvest data, methods . Litters of 2-16 (usually 4-6) young are born in May or June. Best places to see in Tennessee: Edges, corners, and fencerows of fields. Along with the woodchuck, raccoon, Canada goose, mourning dove, several species of blackbirds and other wildlife, the skunk prospers wherever humans clear land for farming and remove or drive out larger predators. Wade-Smith, J. [10], When a male locates a female, he will approach her from the rear and lick her genitals, then bite her on the nape before copulating. Most skunks do not survive their first year because of infectious diseases and severe weather conditions. A female will sometimes breed for a second time in May, later in the spring, if she has lost her first litter, or she experienced a pseudopregnancy. Skunks are nocturnal solitary animals and forage and hunt in the evening. [10][11] The Cree and Ojibwe word shee-gawk is the root word for Chicago, which means 'skunk-land'. The chemical makeup of skunk musk varies by species, but each version contains compounds called thiols that are responsible for the foul smell. However, recent surveys now . Adults grow to be about 47 to 82 cm (about 18 to 32 inches) long and may weigh up to 6.3 kg (13 pounds). Status in Tennessee: Striped Skunks may be abundant in certain areas, so there are no conservation concerns. In some states, like Florida, skunks may be killed only during a season, but harvests year-round are allowed in most states. [7][2], The earliest fossil finds attributable to Mephitis were found in the Broadwater site in Nebraska, dating back to the early Pleistocene less than 1.8million years ago. Striped Skunk males can breed at about 10 months of age, females at about 11 months. While the mammals have adapted to a wide range of environments, they prefer habitat with a variety of woodlands and open fields, which means they can also be found in both rural and suburban settings. A thin white stripe also occurs down the center of the face from the forehead to the base of the snout. This association likely resulted in the striped skunk's subsequent unfavorable reputation as a poultry thief, despite it being a much less destructive animal than the true polecat. Likewise for a homeowner or nuisance wildlife control agent who finds a skunk in the box trap set in the backyard. The Roanoke Ridge region of New Hanover is by far the best Striped Skunk hunting grounds in RDR2. A medium-sized subspecies, with a longer tail than that of. While family ties are usually broken in August or September, some mothers over-winter with their offspring. [4] Despite being easy to breed and manage, skunk farming was not overly profitable, as the relatively low price of the pelts did not compensate for the costs in maintaining them. Striped skunks live throughout North America from southern Canada into northern Mexico. Maryland Biodiversity Project. They often live in the abandoned dens of other mammals during the day, or take up residence in hollowed logs, brush piles or underneath buildings. [11], The striped skunk is easily tamed and was often kept in barns to kill rats and mice during the 19th century. Color: Black with two white stripes on its back and tail. Gestation is for around 59 to 77 days, starting with delayed implantation that can be as long as 19 days. These glands have nozzle-like ducts, which protrude through the anus. Skunks have small heads, with small eyes and ears and a pointed nose. Duluth, MN 55811, NRRI Coleraine[emailprotected] Skunks are the primary hosts in the north- and south-central United States as well as in Canada. The most common skunks in North America, striped skunks are terrestrial animals that can survive in a variety of habitats and land types. Other predators include birds of prey such as great horned owls and bald eagles. Its active ingredient is a sulphide called mercaptan. Stripes vary in length and width among individuals. After three weeks, their scent glands become functional; at four weeks, their eyes open; and at about two months the young are weaned and ready to leave the den for nighttime hunting forays. [2] During this period, the striped skunk saves its energy by lowering its body temperature from 38C to 32C. Confident. What they eat depends on where they live and what is available. As many outdoors enthusiasts or dog owners can attest, the striped skunks spray is a truly memorable experience. The specific pattern of the stripes on the head, body and tail can vary among individuals, and is accompanied by a thin, white stripe running from the snout to forehead. They typically inhabit areas with a mixture of dense vegetation and open areas. After spraying, the striped skunk will take the opportunity to run away from the intruder, which will be more interested in dealing with the spray than with the skunk. The long and sharp claws of a skunks forefeet are well-adapted to digging. Life Expectancy Approximately 2-4 years Preferred Habitat Skunks use a variety of habitat types, preferring woodlands, semi-open farmland, and old abandoned fields. Females give birth in May, often in woodchuck burrows, to an average litter of six. Its fur is intrinsically valuable, being durable and having rich luster, though this trait decreases with wear and exposure to sunlight. Worldwide,Mephitis mephitisis restricted to North America. Males in particular are likely to be active aboveground periodically. [13] It can be sprayed at a distance of several meters. Special Requests to Use State Game Lands Information, Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP), HUNTING:July. Damaged building foundations and spaces underneath porches serve this purpose well. It can spray in any direction by twisting its rump toward the target. Found up to about 2000 feet on the west side of the state. But the omnivorous striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis)New England's only native Length: 14.0 - 22.0 inches Tail: 4.5 - 9.0 inches Ears: 1.0 - 1.1 inches Weight: 0.75 - 2.75 pounds Similar Species: Striped Skunk does not have vertical stripes or spots near rump, and lacks white spots on forehead and in front of ears. A surfeit is the word for a group of skunks. They have an average overall length of between 21 and 27 inches. Probably the largest subspecies, similar to. Captive breeding of skunks proved relatively simple when compared to mink and marten farming, as skunks are easier to tame and have less specialized dietary needs. Found north of Mexico, it is one of the best-known mammals in Canada and the United States. By the late Pleistocene (70,00014,500 years ago), the striped skunk was widely distributed throughout the southern United States, and it expanded northwards and westwards by the Holocene (10,0004,500 years ago) following the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier. Skunks dig out bumblebee nests and scratch at the entrances of beehives, catching and eating any honeybees that fly out. The most frequently consumed insects include grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, caterpillars, other insect larvae and bees. However, that could change. It is marked with a narrow white stripe on the nose, a white crown and white stripes that extend down the back. This striped skunk caught a vole. Striped skunks are polygynous, which means that one male mates with multiple females. It has broad stripes that cover its body length, although the coloration may vary. Ears: 0.8 - 1.0 inches Spraying typically takes place after a warning display, where the skunk stomps its feet and arches its back, at the same time raising its tail. Habitat: Occurs around rocky, dense habitat, including fencerows, shrubby field borders, and farmland. Frequently they leave evidence of their feeding: small, cone-shaped holes in the soil, pine needles, leaf duff or suburban lawns mark where they have dug for grubs. [12] The forefeet are armed with five long, curved claws adapted for digging, while those on the hind feet are shorter and straighter. Males fight with each other, although they rarely discharge musk during these conflicts. The resultant "dog training lesson" can offend a whole neighborhood. Picture a skunk. [4] Emphasis was placed on selectively breeding the tamest and darkest colored skunks. They are quite at home in a variety of landscapes, from wooded areas to grasslands and agriculture fields, and even in urban areas, among humans. Striped skunks are found throughout Florida, except the Keys, and can be found in both natural and residential areas. Surprisingly, a skunk seldom sprays when caught in a foothold or box trap. A very large subspecies with a heavily furred, medium-sized tail. The animal's body is from 8 to 19 inches long with a tail that can be as long as 15 inches. [10], The striped skunk is polygamous, and normally breeds once a year, though yearling females who have failed to mate may enter a second estrous cycle a month after the first. Other mortality factors are diseases such as pneumonia, distemper, pulmonary aspergillosis, tularemia, brucellosis and rabies; highway kills, starvation and trapping. At birth, striped skunks weigh less than an ounce. 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy They also prey on woodchucks and other young animals in burrows. As an opportunistic feeder, it will fill its diet with a variety of insects, small mammals, eggs, and occasional plants. Their body temperature remains near normal. Skunks make a variety of sounds, including hisses, growls, squeals, soft coos and churrings. Some populations, particularly in northwestern Illinois, prefer cultivated areas over uncultivated ones.[. Alternatively, while the striped skunk is not likely to try to climb a tree, it can climb mesh fences fairly easily. Regionally, skunk harvest plummeted from peaks in the 1970s and 1980s. Skunks are prey for raptors and larger mammal carnivores. Young, called kits or kittens, are born helpless, with eyes opening at about 3 weeks and weaning occurring at 6 to 7 weeks. Eastern Canada; Nova Scotia, Quebec, and northern Ontario. Corn and nightshade fruits round out the diet of striped skunks, although vegetation such as this comprises only ten to 20 percent of their diet. During the breeding season, males may travel as far as 8 km (4.9 mi) at night. Some female yearlings will stay with their mothers into the coming winter. Fruits, nuts, carrion, garbage, invertebrates, eggs, small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles can all be taken, but insects usually represent the majority of their diet. They have been observed living in wooded areas, deserts and plains, and have even adapted to urban and suburban environments. [8], Phylogenetic analyses of the species' cytochrome b gene and microsatellite data in 2012 indicated that there are four phylogroups of striped skunk. Regional records for the eastern spotted skunk suggest that this species extended its range northward into Minnesota in the early 1900s. However, roadside and lawn mowing, or any maintenance practice which prevents the development of a forest canopy, favors the continued existence of skunks. Density estimates for striped skunk populations ranged from 0.7 to 18.5/km 2 but most were 1.8 to 4.8/km 2 . Their top speed is about 10 miles per hour. Litters generally consist of 212 kits, with the average being five or six,[15] though a litter of 18 is known from Pennsylvania. Although it will forage for short periods in winter, it primarily depends on its fat reserves in cold weather, and can lose as much as 50% of its body weight. Striped skunks are opportunistic omnivores, with a diet that varies with what is available. Skunks readily adapt to urban, suburban, and agricultural land use. Skunk pelts are divided into four grades, with the most prized being the ones with a greater amount of black. Striped skunks weigh up to 8 pounds. [8], Thirteen subspecies of the striped skunk are generally recognized:[3], The English word skunk has two root words of Algonquian and Iroquoian origin, specifically seganku (Abenaki) and scangaresse (Huron). Their senses of sight, smell and hearing have been judged poor to fair compared with those of other wild mammals. Reduce, reuse and recycle in that order! Keystone State. Striped skunks are typically docile mammals that tolerate humans in close proximity without showing aggression. [17] Other invertebrates may include worms, crayfish and other non-insect arthropods. Additionally, most states permit skunk harvesting year-round. They typically use underground dens which can be in grassy banks, rocky crevices, or along fencerows, although sometimes they use aboveground dens including barns, woodpiles, haystacks, or rock or brush piles. Although skunks in New York retreat to winter dens and remain inactive for extended periods, they do not hibernate. Docile in nature, they are famous for their defense system of a bad-smelling spray that comes from two glands near the base of their tail. They move at a deliberate walk, slow trot or clumsy gallop. A beginning fox and raccoon trapper may be dismayed upon finding a skunk in a trap set in a pasture or meadow. Striped skunks usually prefer areas that have large dead trees. Go to Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Protect local waterways by using fewer pesticides when caring for your garden or lawn. Skunk anal glands are responsible for the sulfur compounds that, when sprayed, form the pungent scent that is a skunks primary defense. Striped skunks will dig these dens if necessary, but also may occupy one vacated by a groundhog or other animal. Eastern spotted skunk on the Appalachian Trail. Length: 20.0 - 30.0 inches It is not unusual to see a female skunk with a line of little black and white copies following her across a damp pasture or lawn on an early July morning. One wildlife host that purportedly plays a role in the transmission of Chagas disease within the southern United States is the striped skunk . Striped skunks at the Smithsonian's National Zoo consume a diet consisting primarily of leafy greens, vegetables and insects. [10], The gestation period lasts around 5977 days, with kits being born at about mid-May to early June. Litters number 2 to 10 kits. These polka-dotted relatives are smaller, about the size of a fat squirrel, and do impressive handstands to warn predators before they launch their stinky spray. High corn plants also protect young skunks from airborne and land predators without impeding their movements. Younger females may bear fewer young and give birth later in the year than older females. Similar Species: Eastern Spotted Skunk has vertical stripes or spots near rump and has white spots on forehead and in front of ears. The most common skunks in North America, striped skunks are terrestrial animals that can survive in a variety of habitats and land types. Striped skunks are classified as unprotected species in Minnesota. When available, natural cavities are preferred over dug dens; dens are usually on slopes with good drainage. [11] At this point, the kits may accompany their mother outside the den, becoming independent after 2 months. The spotted skunk is found mostly in the east, while the striped skunk is found throughout the state. Striped skunk is ideally suited for this purpose because the white hairs of the pelt become a uniform, glossy black when dyed. Skunks are vulnerable to a variety of internal and external parasites. The the striped skunk in Tennessee is the most commone and it occurs state-wide. In some cases, a secondary breeding period will occur in May in the event that the first litter was lost, or pseudopregnacny occurs. Skunk in a foothold or box trap set in the box trap, southern Canada throughout the States. May bear fewer young and give birth in may, striped skunk population by state in woodchuck burrows, to an litter. Diet with a mixture of dense vegetation and open areas for striped skunk saves its by. Occur from northern Mexico with delayed implantation that can be found throughout,... There is a significant reduction in body mass during wintermonths, when sprayed, form the scent... 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